My Helper Must Locate Me
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh fro. The Lord, which made heaven and earth.” – Ps. 121:1-2
Everybody in life needs an helper at one point or the other in the journey of life. There are people that has been positioned by heaven to make the journey of your life smooth. If you miss these sets of people, your life becomes difficult. It is God that helps; He is the source of all help, however, He makes use of men as machinery for the delivery of these help on earth. Indeed, God has a deep pity for those who have no helpers (Job 29:12). God has good interest for those who diligently seek Him in truth and in spirit. The
challenges and burdens of life are too heavy for you to bear alone (Ps 55:22). Your helper shall be connected to you this month. Stop crying or blaming God for being too slow to work out that person for your favour.
Every helper has a season of manifestation. The season of your friends might certainly be different from yours. There is always a good reward in your waiting season. There are helpers that will show up at the time of giving up. There are some helpers that are meant to encourage, love, motivate and bless you financially. Your destiny helper might not be limited to monetary terms but valuable terms. Just as we have a divine helper, we also have a demonic helper. This set of helpers appears to be the helper of your destiny. They are also there to love, care and help you financially, but as they are lavishing you with strange move or feelings, they are after to get rid of your destiny. There are some people within the family cycle. cycle. They only show their help whenever any person dies in their family. They spend money just to bury The dead. There are helper of destiny within relationships. It is either you see the man has a helper to the woman and the woman a good helper to the man. Most times these category of people finds it very difficult to help their in-laws or siblings as the case maybe when married. It is a serious problem.
If someone had promised to help you, but given you condition upon condition, such a person is not your
destiny helper. If someone had promised to help you,
but along the line, the person forgot to render assistance or help to you, it means you are under a curse and the voice of witchcraft has infected the mind of your helpers. Never worry when your helpers seem to forget you. Not every helper is for a life time. Your destiny helper might be anybody no matter the person’s status. Some helpers are sent to come and go. Others are sent to come and stay! No matter what is happening, you will never lack help.
He says, “Fear not, I am with thee. I am thy God. I will strengthen thee. I will help thee (Isa 41:10).
It is not reasonable to listen to that evil voice telling you that your helper of destiny cannot locate you again. At your toughest moment, don’t give up. You should always have the strong feelings that your hope is not lost and your helper has not forgotten you. Very soon, your helper of destiny will locate you. Never condemn yourself. The God that show up for Daniel in the lion den will show up for you too.
CONFESSION: Psalm 121; “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh help. My help cometh from the LORD which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber; Behold, he that keepeth Isreal shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for ever more.”
Takes these prayer bullets during the day and MIDNIGHT
1. Every veil of darkness, covering my destiny helper from locating me , be unveiled in Jesus name.
2. Every visible and invisible force assigned to hinder my connection with my destiny helpers, be arrested in Jesus name.
3. Father by fire, break every wall of pardition between me and everyone assigned to lift up my head in Jesus name.
4. By the fire of God, I break every covenant of promise and fail operating in my life in Jesus name.
5. Every spirit of antagonism on assignment to deny me of due help, be destroyed in Jesus name.
6.. Almighty God, by the force of favor, speedily connect me with my destiny helpers in Jesus name.
7. Father, stir up the spirit of every destiny helper positioned for my life on earth to locate me in Jesus name.
8. Every of my destiny helper that has been held down in the prison of life, be released speedily by the fire of the Holy Ghost, locate me speedily in Jesus name.
9. Heavenly father, by divine set up, arrange a meeting between me and my destiny helper that will lead to my change of story this season in Jesus name.
10. Oh Lord in the order of Mordecai, arrange my rememberance in
the heart of everyone that has been heavenly ordained to help me in Jesus name.
11. From today O Lord, position me never to miss my helper of destiny in Jesus name.
12. O Lord, empower my divine helpers in Jesus’ name.
13. O Lord, connect me to my divine helper in Jesus’ name.
14. . My divine helper shall not be attacked in Jesus’ name.
15. Every wind of disappointment blowing against me, and my helpers, be reversed in Jesus’ name.
16. Any form of manipulation between me and my divine helpers be cancelled in Jesus’ name.
17. Like you helped Peter when he was almost giving up, O Lord, help me in Jesus’ name.
18. I command the dew of help to rest on me, my work and family in the name of Jesus
19. Every labour of the enemy upon my destiny and my helper be aborted in the name of Jesus.
20. Every anti-testimony altar erected against me and my helpers be scattered by thunder in the name of Jesus.
21. Let goodness and mercy locate my divine helpers in name of Jesus.
22. My divine helpers will not suddenly hate me in the name of Jesus
23. The expectation of my divine helpers shall not be cut off suddenly in Jesus’ name.
24. Every spirit of mortuary hanging on my head and my helpers, I bind you in Jesus name.
25. Sudden darkness will not cover me and my divine helpers in the name of Jesus.
26. I cancel any dream manipulation programmed against me and my divine helpers in Jesus’ name.
27. God my Lord, don’t allow my helper (mention his/her name) to
tire or weary until he/she help me, in the name of Jesus.
28. My helpers (mention his/her name) where are you, it is time for you to locate me and help me, in the name of Jesus.
29. Anything that hinder or stop my helpers (mention his/her
name) to help me, I command them to destroy today in Jesus name.
30. Every anti destiny helpers force scaring my destiny helpers (mention his or her name), be consumed, in the name of Jesus.
31. Oil of God’s favour operate in my life, make me likable, attractable and acceptable to my helpers for help, in the name of Jesus.
32. Every witchcraft gathering assigned against my good news scatter in Jesus name.
33. Pray other prayer points on the names of your helpers listed.
34. Pray for Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, his ministry and partners
all over the world.
35. Every mark of hatred placed upon my life, be wiped off permanently in the name of Jesus.
36. Authorities of Heaven, release supernatural favour upon my life in the name of Jesus.
37. I decree and declare, the time of my favour is now in the name of Jesus.
38. I decree and declare, my appointed time is now and my set time is now in the name of Jesus.
39. My Father my Father, help me to be preferred above the rest in the name of Jesus.
40. Lack of favour in my life, expire today in the name of Jesus.
41. Every arrow of rejection fired against my destiny, return to your sender in the name of Jesus.
42. Doors of unlimited success, come upon my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.
43. Anywhere I have been rejected in the past, accept me now by fire in the name of Jesus.
44. Supernatural favour from God, transfer me from prison to palace in the name of Jesus.
45. My Father my Father, beautify my life with your oil of favour in the name of Jesus.
46. I command doors of supernatural favour to open unto me in this year 2016 in the name of Jesus.
47. Let the supernatural favour of God terminate all my struggles in the name of Jesus.
48. O God arise and connect my life and destiny to the socket of supernatural favour in the name of Jesus.
49. Anointing for extra-ordinary, uncommon and supernatural favour, rest upon my life in the name of Jesus.
50. My Father my Father, create in my life, opportunities to be favoured in the name of Jesus.
51. Let the favour of God upon my life, attract the right destiny helpers into my life in the name of Jesus.
52. Every ugly situation that is facing my life, receive multiple solutions in the name of Jesus.
53. My Father my Father, let your favour make me to stand out among my friends in the name of Jesus.
54. I command good people to begin to show interest in everything that I do in the name of Jesus.
Evangelist Joshua Orekhie
Call for prayers (+2348099828623)
If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Evangelist Joshua TV