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How Satan Takes Over Many Churches Today


This is a very crucial teaching for every Christian who loves his soul and wants to make it to heaven! This revelation message is meant for every Christian, especially Church founders who, knowingly or unknowingly, have handed over their churches to demonic powers! This is a serious revelation I received through research and study with what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. You are highly favored reading this article. I am talking about how Satan and his demons take over the Church of Christ, especially in this end time and start operating it, gathering souls for hell and not for heaven! Isa 5:13, “My people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge…” There are some of these churches the Leaders know what they are doing. They deliberately handed over the Church to Satan because they need money, fame and power! The question now is, how does Satan with his demons come and take over the Church and the souls that are gathered there?

1. THROUGH DEMONIC BURIALS IN THE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! Beloved, do you know there are some of these churches that the Leaders have buried some objects in the foundation? Some evil Church Leaders have buried things like life goat, life cows, pregnant woman, baby, fetish items in the foundation of the Church simply because they want power, wealth and popularity! This has made that particular Church to be built on an evil foundation. This evil deed has made it possible for the devil and his cohort to have free access to that Church to rule the Church, manipulate and dominate the members because the Church belongs to them! This is a deep secret that ordinary member cannot know! Thus, Satan is in charge of the Church and all the souls worshipping there ignorantly belong to him! This is a pathetic situation.

2. THROUGH EVIL COVENANT WITH LEADERSHIP! Leadership in many churches have secretly entered into covenant with evil powers in the bid to get money, become popular and have strange power to demonstrate in the Church! Many things are happening in this end time. Many souls have been lost through the leadership of these men of God. And God is watching and closely monitoring all these things from His holy hill. He says where can you hide yourself to do anything that He cannot see you? Ps 139:1-12. The most painful thing of all this is that, the innocent members that are worshipping here ignorantly have been captured and manipulated. Even when you tell them the truth in the Word of God, they will tell you my pastor has not preached about it. Note, ignorance is not an excuse with God. You have to pray to God to open your eyes to know the Church you belong to!

3. THROUGH THE LEGALIZATION OF WORLDLINESS! There are some churches today that what the Bible condemns as Worldliness is approved and legalized for their members. They see it as a fashion and a sign of civilization and modernism! And any Church that has legalized worldliness for its members has become the Church of Satan, no matter the beautiful name it carries. God is seriously against worldliness in the Church. 2Kings 9:30, Isa 3:16-23, Rom 8:5-8, 1Tim 2:9,10. Any Church that worldliness has entered, where you see women wearing trousers, perming or burning their hair, painting their lips and fingers, wearing short skirts and slimy dresses, using Jewelries to decorate themselves and the Pastor or the Bishop is only emphasising on grace, faith, miracles and breakthroughs, the Church is gone! All the people worshipping there are in great trouble and very soon they will know the root of their ignorance. The god of this world is in charge of that Assembly. If you love your soul and you want to make it to heaven, you better run away for your dear life without any consultation! If you don’t run away very fast, you will perish with the Church in eternal hell fire! Any Church that is operating in worldliness is not of God but of Satan! Don’t say nobody told you of this.

4. THROUGH THE IGNORANCE OF LEADERSHIP OF THE CHURCH! There are some churches that the Leaders are living in ignorance. They are not prayerful and watchful. The Bible says we should watch and pray to avoid falling into the hands of the enemies! Mt 26:41. So they don’t know the time Satan crept in and took over the Church. The Leaders are not spiritual or knowledgeable in the Scriptures. They don’t know the Truth. John 8:32, Prov 23:23. In this type of a Church the demons are the ones in control but the Leaders don’t know because they are spiritually discerned and devoid of basic revelations of what is happening in the spiritual realm. This is a pathetic situation.

5. THROUGH YOUTH AGITATION FOR DEMONIC FREEDOM! If you are a careful observer and watch things carefully globally, you will discover that the youths of this generation are not ready to obey God’s word meticulously anymore, as it is written in the Bible. They want to be free to live a worldly and carnal life and live as they please and not according to the word of God. That is why the Preacher in Ecclesiastes warns the youths and says they should keep on misbehaving as they are doing now and that one day they will give accounts of their lives to their Creator. Ecc 11:9,10, 12:1. The youths of this generation are not ready to obey God’s word today. That is why you hardly see a youth that is genuinely born again, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost these days. The born again we are seeing among the youths now is singing and dancing in the Church and beating of bands! These days you hardly can pin point a young Christian brother or Sister that you can say this one is burning for Christ, living in holiness and righteousness as we experienced in the 1980s! The situation is worrisome and lamentable especially in this end time. This is how Satan takes over many churches because of youth restiveness and AGITATION to live the way they like. I draw the curtain here. If you understood this message of revelation and accepted it, just type O Lord have mercy on our generation! Glory Hallelujah!

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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