Friend, you are about to receive deeper revelations that will change your entire life for the best in Jesus name. What I am about sharing with you is a global phenomenon. I am talking about demonic possession that is rocking humanity and the Church of Christ today. Beloved, do you know that about 90% of Christians you see around you are highly possessed with demons in varying degrees and dimensions? That is why they cannot understand the truth and embrace it without argument. The Bible says if you know these things happy are you… John 13:17. In short, the rate at which demons are possessing people today, including Christians, is very alarming and it calls for sober reflection! Satan is fighting every tooth and nail to carry millions of people into hell through demonic possessions. He knows that the moment one is possessed with demons, the dream of going to heaven will be a mirage! Now, why is Satan and his cohort succeeding in this dastardly act against humanity, especially in the Church of Christ?
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1. YOUR FOUNDATION – The number one secret of demonic possession is your FOUNDATION! The Bible says if the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do? Ps 11:3. One’s foundation is a major contributor to demonic possession that is on going in the Church of Christ and worldwide today. Sometimes you hear how some pastors and Bishops are sleeping with their members. It is not ordinary. For Instance, if you are from an idolatrous family background, where your father is worshipping dangerous idols, making demonic sacrifices on your behalf, mentioning your name to it, pouring libation on the grand with demonic invocation and incantation, while you are here in the Church and In the Town, singing and dancing, you are in trouble. You need serious prayers and fasting In short, many people became possessed right from their foundation because of the acts of their Ancestors. They followed the evil pattern of their ancestors. Whatever they do is purely against the will of God. When your foundation is porous, you will attract constant attacks. when your foundation is bad, it will make you be an enemy of righteousness. When your foundation is bad, it becomes so difficult to function well in the sight of God. When there are instant bloodshed in your family, you can never see the truth and embrace it. Because the satanic voice in your foundation will keep deceiving you. This is a serious matter. This is a powerful secret. One thing you must address is the issue of the foundation in your family. You might not be there when the foundation of your house was laid. Such a foundation can affect your future of your destiny. You need to check certain things in your foundation and deal with them.
2. BREAKING GOD’S COMMANDMENTS! This one is very clear. The moment you start breaking God’s commandments, the demons will now have access to your life. After Jesus had healed a man, He warned him not to commit sin again so that the worst condition would not come upon him. That is, sin is a door way for demonic possession. Stop sinning and demons will not have access to your life! When you break God’s instruction, you will be punished by God. You must heaken diligently to the voice of God and observe and do all his commandments which He has instructed or laid down. If you obey and respect the will of God, you will go far in life. When you break God’s law and order, God will not be with you and help you through your prayers. When you break God’s commandments, you will suffer progress and power (Deut 28:1). Just as obedient is a blessing, breaking God’s law is a curse. Take a good look of yourself. Ask if you have disobey God in anyway. When you break God’s law, you will struggle to survive. That is why many people are too far from God. They keep wasting their time. And some, God may have forgotten them long time ago.When God asked you to do something and you say, you cant do it, you have broken God’s commandment. When God asked you to love a particular person or group of people and you stop loving them, you will be an enemy of God. When God asked you to walk in the house of God by joining any department in the church, your pride becomes too big to serve God. if you are the person, God cannot share His glory with you. If God asked you not to marry another woman, you tell God I am a man, I have the money to take care of them, you are breaking God’s standard. When God asked you dont put on the dress, you tell God, dress doesnt matter but the heart, if you are such person, you are finished and God might deal with you through curse. When God asked you dont abort the pregnancy, you tell God, I cant leave it, I want to cover this shame from people and parents, God wis bringing a great calamity before you in the future. Do you know God curse a man?
3. INDECENT DRESSING! Nothing attracts demons to possess humanity, especially women, than indecent, shabby, seductive and immoral dressing. This is a major problem In many churches and ministries today. And demons are highly attracted to people, especially women in this condition. If you want to be free from demonic possession dress well as people of God and Not like the people of the world. Deut 22:5, 1Tim 2:9,10, 1Pet 3:3-6. Frankly speaking, many ladies are heavily possessed today because of indecent dressing. Indecent dressing can cage someone in the spirit realm. In decent dressing is the outlook expression of the marine. Indecent dressing has a voice of sexual immorality. Tell this people, this dress is very bad, they will see you as a big time enemy. Such people have devised the truth. If you see the rate at which indecent dressing has brought many people into hell is alarming. When you dress indecently, you become a friend of spirit spouse. When you dress indecently, you indirectly tell God I am not interested in your ”holy holy” standard. I want to be sexy and good to men.” If you are such person, you are caging your marital life. Do you know what the Bible says? He says, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. What other beauty do you want? When you take time to dress indecently, you are signing a long contract with fornication and all manners of sin. Those who wear indecent dress cannot enter heaven talkless of seeing the gate of heaven. Their destruction will brutal and serious. God is seriously warning you. Please repent today!
4. THE USE OF DEMONIC ITEMS! This is another secret of strong demonic possession today. These demonic items include, Jewelries such as earrings, nose ring, bangles, wrist rubber band, chains, wedding ring, ordination ring etc. Others include perfume, demonic powder, demonic hairdos such as attachments, weave on, burning of hair, shampoo, eye lashes, paints, and makeups of any kind! Once you are using or patronizing any of these things, you can never be free from satanic possession. Most of these things are produced in the Sea, under the Ocean by Queen of the coast and brought out to the physical world for sale. As long as you are using these items you are not only defiled, you are heavily possessed with demons. Today, many people especially women are going from pillar to pole, from Church to Church in search of deliverance not knowing that the secret of this stubborn demonic possession and the problem they are having is traceable to what they are using! Boldly and courageously throw away these demonic items and you will be free from mammy water’s hands, you will be free from spirit husband and spirit Wife! In short, Satan and his agents are using these things to cage and possess human beings, especially Church members on a large scale. Note, these things will not allow you to enter heaven. Why because Nothing that defiles shall enter there! Rev 21:27. How can a woman go to deliverance church with this demonic item on their body? Do you think God will deliver you. I was in a deliverance programme at MFM Prayer City. They told a woman that she cannot attend the deliverance because of her hair and dress. What happens? She come to the church with her hair plaited. She comes to the deliverance ground with trousers. Worsetill, she said, this is not what is practiced in her church. You cannot put on indecent dressing and expect God to deliver you. You cannot put on indecent dresing and you think God loves your outlook. Do you think God loves with the dress? The Bible says, should we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. Know this fact. Indecent dress is an enemy of God. It robs you of God’s blessings and deliverance. Repent today!
5. SEXUAL INTERCOURSE OUTSIDE MARRIAGE! While God hates immorality, Satan seriously encourages it among people so that demons can have access to their lives. The Bible says any other sin you commit it is outside your body but one who commits fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesibienism sins against his or her own body! 1Cor 6:15-18. We are to flee immorality. There is a strong spirit behind fornication and adultery. This is the spirit Satan is using to possess millions of people today especially youths of this generation. Even many workers in the Church including some pastors and Ministers are highly possessed with the spirit of immorality and that is why they are cheating on their wives or husbands! You need Deliverance. If you understand this message as the Holy Spirit has revealed, just type REVELATION, AMEN!!!