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Ezekiel 17:23, “In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.”

John 15:4-5, ”Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

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Count yourself happy when you dream of mango on a tree, ripe mango, mango in the basket. It is a dream that allows the blessings of God to prosper in your marriage. Mango is a wonderful fruit, and doctor often recommend it for people. It is believed that mango can lower cholesterol and prevent cancer. But the stand of the Bible concerning mango fruits as been considered to be a seed of blessings, and seed of sorrow. I am Evangelist Joshua, a dream interpreter and would  be doing a bit explanation to the spiritual meaning of mango.

An example of a biblical reference showing fruit, is in the story of  Adam and Eve. They were instructed by God to take the fruit of life and reject the forbidden fruit. The devil deceived them and this made them to disobeyed the voice of God by taking or eating the seed of serpent that bring problems to their marriage (Gen 2:16-17). So with this act of disobedient, they were punished and disgraced by God.


Take these prayers.

  1. Every hand of the enemy holding my mango of blessing in captive, die, in Jesus name.
  2. Angels of blessings, locate this mango fruit for restoration, in the name of Jesus.
  3. O Lord, keep my mango seed from being destroyed by the enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Blood of Jesus, surround all the divine seeds that brings fruitfulness in my life, in Jesus name.
  5. Every power set up to pull me down spiritually, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.



Dream about mango could be a sign of divine opportunity, or a particular breakthrough will come to you or someone around you now or in the near future. The appearance of mango in your dream also might be a situation where the season of your prayer answered..  This dream activate the fruit and gift of the spirit. Pay attention to the details around the dream of mango, and this will gives you a knowledge of the types of prayer to take.

The spiritual meaning of mango depending on the context of the dream. However, this general constitutes the followings, prosperity, patience, and favour. The Bible says, any plant my Father has not planted in your life should be uprooted out, in Jesus name. There are good effects when you are mango on a tree. This means your efforts has never be in vain and if you continue to pray more, the meaning of this dream means you will accomplish success.

A frequent symbol of mango dream could also appear as demonic operation  to take away, or hijack your blessings from you.  Sometimes, this type of dream could manifest as a symbol that your needs have been supplied and the devil is trying to manipulate it.  It may interest you to know that a wither mango tree signify death, sickness, a struggle personality finding it hard to grow, or even prosper. If you dream where a mango plant was killed from infant stage, that portend a threat to your fruitfulness and success.  You need to pray for protection.

Dreaming of a person stealing your mango fruit can portend a loss. If the person refuses to give you the mango which he has helped you to pluck then it is safe to explain that one of your blessings has been taking away and can negatively affect your marital prospect and spiritual life. However, if you have a dream about ripped mango, watch out for a bigger blessings planning to locate you. This blessing could be finances, job, settlement, debt recovery, healing etc. Ripped mango indicates you are now in a season of multiplication, fruitfulness and prosperity.

Ripe mango

Luke  13:6-9, ”He spake also this parable; A certain [man] had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung [it]: And if it bear fruit, [well]: and if not, [then] after that thou shalt cut it down.”



Dream about mango is generally a symbol of having a sickness or a certain disappointment is about to take place. Maybe you are expecting a better news, and unfortunately, this kind of dream occurs, this add up to your problems and gives the enemy access to gain entrance into your life. Therefore, when you dream of  ripe mango, it depicts general weakness of the body and this become an attempt of the devil to introduce afflictions. And similarly, if you eat mango occasionally in your dream life, it means you are being arrested and bewitched. Seeing a person encouraging you to eat the mango indicates the enemy of your good health and a tempting voice. The simply wanted you to regret on your previous action and frustrate you with it. Because what you are eating is likely not to be a mango on the surfact but a poisonous element meant to kill your spirit from responding to God’s command. Eating mango in spirit realm  is connected to discouragement, loss, backsliding, powerlessness.  There are a vast amount of different ways in which we could dream of eating mango, for example, if you are eating a mango plucked by yourself in the dream, the they are dreams aimed at producing wonderful results in your life.  To dream of animal eating your fruits, indicates a big problem is looming. Maybe you feel it is an arrow of the enemy then it means that an attempt of the devil to kill you, a way to arrest your glory. Ask God to deliver you from strongman.



For example, if you are a pregnant woman and you dream of unripe mango, it is a sign that your delivery time has not yet manifest but under development process. If you notice sharp pain during pregnancy, then it means the hands of the enemy is upon the womb, to bring it down.  But if you are not pregnant, it means patience, think before acting. When trying to decode this  dream symbol, it is therefore important to examine the circumstances behind it, and what other feelings you associate with this symbol, whether they are good or bad. The continue dreams of eating mango can bring discouragement  and frustration at the edge of breakthrough.  If you must  move forward, you must be able to wait for God’s appointed time. However, if you are eating unripe mango, it means marital problem and destiny diversion. Unripe mango dreams are among the most common dream symbol, and the picture of this dream itself can be very tempting at times. The element of eating fruit however is not the most important dream symbol. The feelings associated with this type of dreams are however the most important part of your dream. Are you feeling sick, down or troubled? This is telling you that the devil wants you to be ill in your waking life.



If you’re having dreams that involves plucking mango fruit off a tree, it is a good representation of healing, freedom and breakthroughs. When you pluck mango in the spirit realm, it is a good dream. This means that you are going to fulfill your destiny and prosper in life.  This gives you  power to rule to recover what was stolen from you. On a fruitful tree, there are many benefits that can change the destiny of a man. Sometimes, plucking some rotten mango can be bad depending on the mood. The  truth is that, the more you  find yourself plucking mango, the better for you. There is a strongman around the garden of a blessed tree. If you find yourself plucking some fruits and a particular is packing them into a basket etc and run with it, it means your blessings have been stolen. Kindly confirm if you are expecting a breakthrough or about to marry, if that is that case, then it means you will encounter problems soon. However, it could be that you will be in a situation where you’ll find it hard to be successful with anything.



If you are experiencing  sorrow or debt problem after this dream attack, then it means the enemy is trying to scatter what you have gathered together with your efforts. If you keep seeing mango on the ground, that constitutes a bad sign wastage, slothfulness and hardship. It is telling you that a person is against your prosperity or against the manifestation of good things in your life. It is likely that the person is trying to destroy you through troubles. The enemy wants to promote scarcity of blessings. Pray that their plans will not come to pass, in Jesus name.  A dream of mango on the ground, is a symbol of satanic attacks, negative occurrences and family problems, which are things that usually stand as a great threat to man’s progress. This dream experience should gives you an idea that you should, as early as you can, wage war against the enemy of your soul, marriage and finances. That’s why we see many that are spiritually sick and disconnected to the source of their original. When a person get to a stage that he or she can no longer notice God’s glory in his life, faith, and prayer life goes down. If you discover things are not supposed to be the way expected, the situation is telling to rise up and pray for your life. Whether ripe or unripe mango fell on the ground or floor, it constitutes an attack on the source of your income. Pray well.



Please, be reminded that buying things in the dream is demonically arranged; People go to the market to buy and sell things . But in the dream world, you are actually enslaved into witchcraft world. Whatever symtoms that is affacting you now, will be the latest arrows from the demonic world. However, A dream where you buy mango doesn’t sound good at all, and it might keep you in witchcraft bondage. Perhaps you have been having the feeling of death, bewitchment and childlesness. Maybe you are crying to God to lay his hands of healing or deliverance upon you to revive your spirit-man from gradual death.  If you always buy mango in dreams means satanic imprisonment of marriage, business, womb and health.  There are many witchcraft powers using women to bring problems into their marriage.If you discover your husband or fiance hate you for no reason, it is due to frequent picture of this dream. This is the time for you to cry out to God to take you out of witchcraft world. Being in a wrong place is bad, but for the sake of buying and selling things in the dream market, means an unholy covenant is actively working in your life. With prayers, kindly identify what other types of evil covenant or curses that is affecting you and make ways to solve them by going to deliverance progammes. Meanwhile, if you are seen eating  mango in dream means sorrow unto death, and problem that will prevent your new song and testimony. Be vigilant.



It is part of human nature to see a ripe fruit and pluck it immediately. There is nothing too bad when you keep seeing mangoes on a tree. This dream is passing a message and the message is the assurance that your life is fruitful. Dream of seeing mangoes on a tree d is a good alert telling you that you should be of expectant of a great reward coming soon. So with this dream symbol, it shows that the hand of the Lord is upon your life. Do not allow anyone to discourage you or put you in fear. Because who the Lord has blessed, no man can curse. If you dream wind is blowing those mangoes to the ground and you were seen packing them, that should not force you to be discouraged. It means the glory of God and angel visitation has been programmed to put smile on your face. The appearance of fruits on ripe fruit is also telling you to guide the garden of your life with the blood of Jesus against satanic farmers. This is a situation when the Lord start to enlarge your coast it will attracts envious enemies. No power will block your joy. When a person is about to marry and started to see mangoes on a tree, it means the relationship or courtship will lead to marriage and if you can pray aggressively, the marriage is yours, in Jesus name.



If you someone or you cooking mango, that’s strange, isn’t it? It portend the operation of enchanters against your life. However, it shows you are exposed to bewitchment, sickness, backwardness, failure and death. This also denotes you are losing the power of God, and the power to possess wealth has vanished. This is an organised strategy of the host of demonic world to wicked you.  There are other people who experienced or encountered series of dream of a person cooking their favorite fruits and they are in satanic custody today, while other instances indicates transferred of problems into your destiny. Don’t worry.  The Lord will fight all those that are secretly fighting you and they will be exposed one by one, in Jesus name.  Imagine a known person you are truing to educate and was seen hiding your fruits or giving you the bad ones, then such a person is evil. You will need to filter some people and decide who to stay with you or separate themselves from you. The truth is, a constant dream of cooking mango or other fruits can stand as your child or represent some good things that the enemy is trying to put in bondage. If you notice that you have lost something important of recent, then you need to determine to pray to ensure your total restoration.

If your marriage or children is sick in the waking life before this dream encounter then there is no need to panic right away. But problem arisen when you dream that your wife, husband, or romantic partner is sick or something bad occur immediately after this dream,, this means the enemy is working  hard to make sure he or she did not receive permanent healing, solution to his challenges through the name of Jesus.  This does not mean that you or any person will die, but of a long term sickness or affliction that will speak weakness and disgrace to the marriage or career. However it does signify that you remain in this point forever; It calls for baptism of prayer fire and fasting. Do not let the appearance of this dream to destroy your divine breakthrough.


INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 3pm. Pray with the use of MANGO. After prayers then you eat it to scatter or neutralize all witchcraft agenda.




  1. The strongman eating my blessings before they gets to me, give up on me and die, in Jesus name.
  2. Father, bless my basket with wonderful fruits, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every power that wants me to pluck the fruit of sorrow, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name.
  4. Father, let my life be fruitful -all round, in the name of Jesus.
  5. I plead the blood of Jesus upon this dream, in Jesus name.
  6. I cancel the evil manifestation of this dream in the kingdom of darkness, in Jesus name.
  7. Every satanic trap set for me in this dream, catch your owner, in Jesus name.
  8. I refuse to eat any food that will kill me and Father, if I have eaten any bewitched food or fruit, deliver me, in Jesus name.
  9. Every power using the picture of mango dream to put problems in my marriage, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
  10. Powers of my father’s house that want my marriage to end like that of Adam and Eve, die by fire, in Jesus name.
  11. The plans of the enemy to make me poor and gather nothing in life, I reject you by fire, in Jesus name.
  12. Every power that does not want me to bear children in my husband’s house, burn to ashes, in Jesus name.
  13. Every strongman that has taken what belongs to me in the physical and spiritual, I collect it back, in Jesus name.
  14. Any witch doctor cursing the mango of my destiny to become useless, you are a liar, fall down and die.
  15. I break any evil covenant of stagnation and shame working against my marital destiny, in Jesus name.
  16. Any power using the tree of death to magnetize my mangoes, return it and die, in Jesus name.
  17. Any power connecting my virtues to familiar spirits, break by fire, in Jesus name.
  18. Spirit of the underworld, wasting my resources and killing the glory of my finances, die, in Jesus name.
  19. Lord Jesus, I raise the blood of Jesus against any dark powers cooking my pregnancy, I bury them alive, in the name of Jesus.
  20. O Lord, disgrace the strange spirit that does not want my life to make meaning to me and my family, in Jesus name.
  21. Every evil eye watching the progress of my destiny tree, be blinded, in Jesus name.
  22. Let the joy of my enemies turn to sorrow as from today, in the name of Jesus.
  23. Evil hands holding my womb from developing, expire, in the name of Jesus.
  24. Blood of Jesus speak destruction into the works of the enemy in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Every spirit of frustration blocking me from differentiating between good and bad, die, in Jesus name.
  26. All those demons assigned to steal my mangoes, I summon you to the cage and die there, in Jesus name.
  27. Every power caging my blessings in the forest, receive the thunder and lightening of God.
  28. Every satanic farmer sowing tares into my dream life, be wasted by fire, in Jesus name.
  29. I pluck my fruit of  goodness and favour, in Jesus name.
  30. I pluck my fruit of progress and growth, in Jesus name.
  31. Every damage done to my life through the hands of my enemies, be repaired by fire, in Jesus name.
  32. I break every yoke of poverty, in the name of Jesus.
  33. Thou witchcraft power attacking the source of my blessing, die by fire, in Jesus name.
  34. All the powers scattering my profits/gains on the ground to arrest my finances, die, in Jesus name.
  35. I reclaim any part of my life that has been connected to evil, in Jesus name.
  36. I break and lose myself from every form of bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.
  37. Holy Ghost fire, arise and link with those that will bless me, in the name of Jesus.
  38. My body refuse to cooperate with sickness and backwardness, in Jesus name.
  39. Every power using my thoughts against me, be disgraced in Jesus name.
  40. Blood of Jesus, arrow of God locate my enemies for destruction, in Jesus name.








If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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