These prayers can be taken at any midnight for spiritual revival and transformation.
TIME: 12:00 Midnight to 1:00 am
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Acts 1:8
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Psalm 85:6
Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?
Luke 6:12
And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Lamentations 2:19
Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.
1 Kings 18:37-38
Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again. Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
There was a man who doesn’t value the importance of midnight prayers. He believes the right prayers should be carried out more in the day than at night. On one night, the Holy Spirit told him ”my son, I will want you to embark on midnight prayers today. Something evil is about to locate you. One attack will be visible. Others will not be visible to you right away, but just about a week later, you will start seeing the attack on your life and destiny”. On hearing this strange voice, the young man was very convince that this was the Holy Spirit speaking to him. He obeyed the voice accordingly and took the midnight prayers as instructed. First, as he was praying at that midnight hour with lots of strength and determination, armed robbers invaded his compound, they attacked all his neighbours without breaking into the house of this man.
Secondly, as he continued taking his midnight prayers, he had a very strange revelation of a man who has tied him down from progressing. This is the man he loves, trust and have good compassion for, but when the Lord revealed this mystery to him. At first, he was shocked; Immediately, he had to change the gear of his prayers to this: ‘‘Every known power that is tying me down, release me and die.” Just about a month later or so, this evil man came to his house to confess of the evil he had done against him due to jealousy and envy. That was how the God of Elijah deliver, and inspire him to pray at midnight hours and he got the much needed results. I decree upon your life today, as you determine to activate your midnight prayer life, you will see much impacts in your life, in Jesus name.
Questions about midnight prayers
I want to ask you some questions:
- What’s that thing that is preventing you from praying at midnight?
- Do you think since the day you got married to that man or woman your midnight prayers life has reduced to zero?
- Can you say your weakness in your midnight prayer is as a result of the nature of your job, laziness or something that has to do with spiritual?
- Do you normally see midnight prayers as less important?
- How was your prayer life like before you get into your new apartment or before your marriage?
- Can you remember the last time you pray aggressively at midnight?
- What would you do if you receive mysterious attack at midnight, sleep over?
- Do you consider your sleep first more important than midnight prayers?
- Have you ever felt sad about your prayerlessness spirit?
- Do you harbour fear when praying at midnight?
- What do you need to adjust in order to activate your midnight prayer life?
- How would you describe the current state of your prayer life?
- Has dissatisfaction ever been a factor for you not to consider praying at midnight?
- How would you handle it if the Lord tells you to go on 21 days of midnight prayers?
- How much influence does your friends, or partner have on your prayer life?
- What are the three things you appreciate or not appreciate about midnight prayers?
- Why do you think it is the enemy that does not want you to pray at midnight?
In 1 Kings:18:17-46, Elijah was a man who did much praying, and we know that God answered his prayers. If his prayers were not answered right away he continued praying until they were answered. Elijah was displeased with King Ahab because he and his followers were worshiping idols instead of worshiping God. So Elijah told the king that there would be no dew or rain in the land for a long time. He, no doubt, wanted the wicked people to be punished for their sin, and wanted to prove to them that God in Heaven was the true God
The hallmark of a Christian is prayers. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us. And with your effectual prayers, everything become possible (Mark 10:27, James 5:16). Jesus Christ said, pray without ceasing. This is a command placed on us as Christians to take our prayer life very serious. It is a greatest mistake when you only pray when you are surrounded with problems or by enemies. Prayer, especially prayers done at midnight is important for our victory. When you pray at midnight, the Lord takes you more serious. When you pray at midnight, you deprogramme all witchcraft activities assigned against your destiny, day or week. When you pray at midnight, you command the heavens to work out your deliverance, success, and restoration. This is one of the most important spiritual exercise as Christians. The Bible says, Arise and shine. But many people are not waking up at midnight to pray. Midnight prayers may not create much impact when your spirit, soul and body are not fully charged with the fire of the Holy Ghost. A person who is not baptize with the fire of the Holy Ghost, he will only be praying, speaking in tongues, shaking his head but there will be no result. Lack of spiritual fire has given birth to continued delay and sorrow. Some people hire and bribe some people with money to be praying for them at midnight. Jabez prayed his way into victory by the help of the Lord who protected him. (1 Chro 4:9-10). I, Evangelist Joshua trained myself to be praying atleast every midnight before I sleep. This is not for any other thing, but to encourage you. Have you lost your interest for praying at midnight? I pray that the passion is coming back in Jesus name. Another good thing about reviving your midnight prayer life, is that it will give you power to recover your goods from enemies.
Luke 6:12
And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God
- Midnight prayer is the best way for breaking satanic bondages.
- The midnight prayer is the best medium to battle – fight.
- Midnight is the time when God begin to do supernatural things.
- Midnight prayer gives you the platform to cry out to the heavens.
- Your midnight prayer collide with the activity of forces of witchcraft.
- Constant midnight prayer boost your spiritual life to atleast 30%.
- Midnight prayer knocks at the heavenly throne for working on your requests.
- Midnight prayer can be demotivated at times, but its results are wonderfully awesome.
- Father, thank you for granting me the privilege of knowing You more and more in Jesus name (1 Thess 5:18).
- O Lord, please have mercy on me in any way I have sinned which has hindered my midnight prayer life, in Jesus name (Proverbs 14:34).
- Power to pray at midnight prayers until something tangible happens, fall upon my life (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
- Lord, empower me to pray more at midnight hour, in Jesus name (Acts 1:8,10:38).
- Every oppression of the devil in my life, and embargo placed on my prayer altar, I cast you out! (James 4:7).
- Holy Ghost, baptize my prayer life with fresh fire and new unction to pray more at midnight, in Jesus name (Isaiah 11:1-5).
- Fire of God, reactivate back my dead midnight prayer life, in the name of Jesus (Acts 1:, 2:).
- You powers causing me to sleep and slumber during midnight prayers, be dismantled, in Jesus name.
- O God arise and restore my lost fire in praying at midnight hour, in the name of Jesus (Joel 2:25).
- Holy Ghost, anoint me afresh today for greater exploit in life in Jesus name.
- Every agenda of the enemy to kill my midnight prayer life, be destroyed now by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- By the help of the Holy Spirit, I receive grace to wake up and pray at midnight, in Jesus name.
- Let the hand of the Lord turn against the powers that are penetrating into my life at night, in Jesus name.
- As the Lord lives, I shall not fail to take midnight prayers as my part of my daily routine, in Jesus name.
- Angels of God, hear my supplications, I am ready to take my midnight prayers serious, in Jesus name.
- Father, let all anti-midnight prayers forces around me, receive the arrow of confusion, in Jesus name.
- Whatever is keeping away from praying at midnight, come out, tiredness come out, in Jesus name.
- Environmental powers working against my efforts to pray at midnight hour, receive arrow of confusion, in the name of Jesus.
- Father Lord, let my life be released from the arrow of prayerlessness targeted against me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, release upon my life the “Prayer Anointing, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, give me the grace to pray without ceasing and until my joy is full, in Jesus name.
- Father, let the demons in my house environment speaking evil pronouncement against my midnight prayers, be arrested by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, please, revive my midnight prayer life and fill me with the spirit of supplication, in Jesus name.
- Father, from now on, help me to see midnight prayer, as a sure solution to all my problems, instead of seeing it as a burden, in Jesus name.
- Father, let every charm and evil power fashioned against me and my family, be rendered impotent, null and void, and of no consequence, in Jesus name.
- I take authority over every power of the night, in the name of Jesus.