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Meaning of Eating In The Dream While Fasting



Isaiah 58:6 – Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Matthew 4:4 – But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

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Embarking on fasting and prayer is powerful, but dreaming about eating during fasting is bad. This indicates that the enemy is feeding your spirit man with food. Often times the dream is a way of polluting your spirit. It can cause a person to lose his passion for the things of God. Many people who have eaten in their dreams have become a subject of ridicule and embarrassment. Many people  have failed to experience the power of God due to this kinds of dreams. Most people wake up during or before embarking on their fasting and later changes their mind. They believe that since they have already eating food in the dream then there is no need to take or continue the fasting.

What does eating in the dream actually mean?

Dreaming that you are eating in the dream while fasting is a common satanic attack especially for people whom the Lord has commanded them to fast. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 night where He was tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11). The state of your spirit will determine the extent of this dream. As long as you keep eating during your fast, you will be disconnected from the divine socket of the Holy Ghost. There may be ability to pray, but no ability to overcome or defeat the devil. This dream can also reveals that the enemy is against your prayer life and blessings. Are you truly planning to embark on prayers and fasting in your waking life? Then you have to pray hard to cancel all witchcraft activities against you.

In addition, the devil programmed food in the spirit in order to disorganize and kill your spirit. This dream may not necessarily be linked to eating food during fast in your waking life. It could be a warning about the plans of the wicked against you. Such a dream might not always be direct, examine yourself if you are the type that fast oftentimes. If someone close to you was seen eating your food prepared for the breaking of your fast, you could have this dream.

Please remember, this could be a satanic agenda to discourage you completely from taking such an important fasting exercise. The enemy knows when a particular fast is about to liberate the destiny of a person. The truth is, if you are not a fasting Christian, there is no way you would not break your fast in the process. Let’s say, you have a plan of breaking the fast by 6pm, but you simply gave up by breaking it by 2pm. This kind of fast cannot bring much impact or result.

Real Fact Behind Dream About Eating Food While Fasting

The Bible says, Matthew 5:6, Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Hunger can administer spiritual transformation. If you don’t hunger after the truth and righteousness, you will fall away. Hunger and fasting are closely related in meaning. Perhaps as you are reading this, you have lose the truth in your mouth. Maybe you have backslid-den because of frustration and disappointments.

When it comes to prayers and fasting, self-discipline is very important to facilitate your relationship with God. When a person is not monitoring all his dreams, he or she will not be able to go far in life.  Some people cannot do without having the experiences of dreams about eating foods. There are people who cannot pray or rebuke any bad dreams because they cannot allow anything to deny them of their sleep. Some people will always eat when they should be fasting just because they cannot deny themselves of food. Anyone who wants to experience and encounter the power of God must be ready to deny his flesh and strengthens his spirit through fasting.



For example, when you eat in the dream while fasting, you would experience frustration, lack of zeal to pray and temptation.  Fasting is a spiritual exercise ordained by God. One of the important things of embarking on fasting programme is because it strengthens our spirit and weakens the flesh. It gives us the ability to pray more, to study the Bible and exercise our spiritual gifts. Fasting and eating food doesn’t go together. A person who is fasting and not praying, he is just going on a hunger strike. When fasting, you are not allowed to eat food.

You cannot be fasting and yet you are faraway from your Bible. You cannot go on a furious fasting and yet you found it difficult to stay away from sin. Sin is an enemy of fast. To dream of eating indicates that you may face certain obstacles and adversity. However you would soon recover yourself if you pray your way out. If, for example, you were caught lying during your fast, then there is a high chance you may see yourself eating during your fasting. Eating food is good, but it can robs you of your blessings while fasting. Eating in the dream is all about inviting the arrow of sickness, poverty and lack. When you eat in your dream, you cannot defeat your enemy.

There are several cases of  people eating in the dream. While others reports the situation of eating a plate of food in the dream. A good number of people are eating cakes, meat, rice, beans, eba in their dreams. Food is an essential part of everyone’s lives. It gives us the energy and nutrients to grow and develop, be healthy and active, to move, work, play, think and learn. Sometimes, eating during your fasting in dream could represent loss and disgrace. So therefore, if you are planning a trip abroad or about to do something spectacular, a dream about eating must be considered a forewarning . It might signify that you are operating under an ancestral curse and covenant.

When you eat in your dream, it might be an indication of the enemy to steal your virtues. A virtue is something that constitutes ones greatness and success in life. It is a thing of tragedy if you discover a person giving or sharing food to you in your revelation.  To eat in the dream escalates depression and hopelessness. People feel more disappointed when they do not have control over the enemies of their destiny. Dreams of eating in the dream while fasting has been known to cause prayers blockage and paralysis by witchcraft. When the enemy wants to destroy your destiny, and such enemies have tried unsuccessfully, they will simply wait until you start to fast.

In Matthew 26:41, Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. If you are a Christian who doesn’t like to take fast to the end, then there is also a possibility that you might have dream of eating foods, fruits in your dream during fasting. Such a dream is sent to destabilize you. If you are a pastor and you often see yourself eating food in the dream especially before or during your fasting, it is an indication loss of power to excel in ministry.

This dream has a negative connotation and it can bring problems to the life of the dreamer. However, the food that you were eating in the dream are not just ordinary but to kill your passion. It can also includes things like: disappointments, obstacles, and dissatisfaction, particularly when it comes to prayers. You may have recently had an experience where you ate or drank water during your fast based on your ignorance. Moreover, if this dream comes at a time you were planning  for a programme, then it signifies hindrances to your prayer answered.

In some cases, these dreams may indicates the agenda of the enemy to introduce the spirit of poverty and fear. If you see in your dream that the food is causing stomach rumbling, this dream signifies witchcraft powers quenching your inner fire. Do you feel weak in taking prayers or in studying your Bible? Are you in a situation where you feel you are not in control of your life? As a born again Christian, having an encounter with food in your dream is a big problem to your spiritual life. Failure to address this attack on time, it may cause backslide, powerlessness, and would make you to suffer.

The spiritual food is highly poisonous, so dreaming involving yourself eating could be a sign that you have been arrested. Or a sign of monitoring spirit against you. The danger this type of dream poses to you may be extremely serious. You are unable to pursue your goals with full focus and determination because of this barrier in your dreams. Having a dream about seeing people eating food in a is a symbol of bewitchment and pollution of the spirit. A dream involving eating food is a cause and effect of poverty. The problem with this spiritual attack is that it enforces a yoke of stagnancy, profitless hard labour and loss of wonderful opportunities.

Dream About Refusing To Eat During Fasting – Spiritual Meaning

When you refuse to eat in the dream, it symbolizes the power of your spirit man resisting the advance of the enemy towards you. It means your enemy was unable to harm, destroy or steal from you. This can generally indicates deliverance and victory over principalities.

A dream refusing to eat while fasting is a sign of living a victorious life. On the other hand, it signifies a life of constant fellowship with the Lord. Maybe a person shared a food and asked you to eat in the dream, such a dream is bewitchment of star and collective captivity. If you refuse to eat it can reveals that no attack of the wicked would be able to arrest you. Everyone life is full of challenges but one must overcome from these challenges to achieve success in life.

Having a dream where you refused to eat food prepared for you can be interpreted as a sign that you are overcome the attack of sin and temptation. More specifically, eating food  with family members in dreams can also indicate conflict among family members, particularly over domestic issues. You should be cautious of strangers or other family members and be especially mindful of those who are willing to force you to eat his or her food by all means. You may want to keep a close eye on some people whom you think have something against you lest you are caught unawares.

If you eat such food in your waking life, you will become a tool in the hands of your enemy. This is most often tied to disagreements with people you engage with on a regular basis, such as family members, good friends, or coworkers. These issues may start small but are likely to escalate to quarrels or physical altercations quickly without proper intervention. If you refuse to eat food imposed on you by stranger or a known person, in all indications, it mean you didn’t agree to satanic offer into your life. In this case, it is important to recognize the person trying to force food in your mouth. A dream of eating and drinking tends to bring misfortunes and difficulties.

Dreaming about eating food is a never a good dream to joke with and it is important to uproot the evil seed planted into your body. If you dream of sharing food to others, then it indicates offering helps to people. If you are becoming aquatinted with eating in the public restaurant, then it symbolizes living a life of satanic bondage. The food in your dream might also symbolize your inability to deal with a situation or problem in the real world. Food is one of the strategies used by the enemies to initiate and enslave people. If you’re the one who’s eating during fasting in your dream, it means that the enemy has pushed you down from the ladder of breakthrough. Alternatively, your dream might signify moving object in the body and uncontrollable anger.

Dream About Eating Tasteless Food During Fasting – Spiritual Meaning

Matthew 7:17 
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

It is a problem to be dreaming of eating tasteless food during your prayers and fasting. This dream indicates a warning.  If you are eating tasteless food in your dream, first, it will introduce sickness, second, it could be a pointer to weak prayer life, third, it will suck your financial blessings. When you dream of eating during fasting, it will separate you from the plans of God towards you. Eating food in the dream  can compound problems. You may soon be faced with difficulties that will be challenging to overcome. This dream can equally tell you about some illness or suffering you may experience in your own life.

If you are a person who has passion for prayers and fasting dreaming about you eating during fasting,  can actually indicate a satanic means to chain your spiritual ability. Instead of being prone to spiritual lukewarmness illness and poor health, you will be relatively affected by  serious sickness.  You could be having this dream because of a person who might want to give you food to eat in your waking life.

If this is a true case in your waking life, just know that the enemy is projecting a person to cause fruitless efforts. In some case, you may be eating tasteless food during your fasting because you are losing hope already.  This dream could be happening to you at this point because your enemy is trying to tempt you. Dreaming about eating tasteless food can indicates a possible danger  close to you. To eat tasteless food in the dream can take away your joy. Some dreams of eating with dead personality, but in a clear term, such a attack is very terrible because it is a total abuse of the temple of God in your body. The consequences of it is always devastating.


Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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