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Learn the easiest methods to cancel or stop recurring nightmares.

What is nightmares?

Nightmares is a frightening and unpleasant dream that troubles the mood of the affected person.

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Satanic nightmares are designed as a stubborn network to instigate fear, sorrow and anxiety to people in their dream life. Recurring nightmares can be attributed to depression, frustration and stress disorder.

The devil uses people’s glorious dreams in quick exchange for bad and evil ones. So when such person wakes up from sleep, he will not be able to access or understand his dreams again. In the eyes of God, it is a great loss. That’s why many horrible dreams have not been able to stop.

Having nightmares portend a very bad signal.  This dream code also indicates that troubles, tragedy and destruction are trying to manifest very soon. The Bible says in Matthew 13:25, ” But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” The tares are the evil deposits. However, if you find yourself experiencing frequent dreams, then you should find ways to cancel them through fasting and warfare prayers (Isaiah 58:6).

Many people experiences nightmares sometimes. Recurring bad dreams can actually help by alerting you to potentially dangerous situations. However, there are times when these horrible dreams disrupts your daily life. Fortunately, there are things you can do to address your nightmares and destroy the strong impact it has on you and your destiny.

What Causes Recurring Nightmares?
Nightmares can be caused by physical and spiritual factors, such as:

  • The level of your sin.
  • Stubborn anger and bitterness.
  • An uncomfortable sleep position.
  • Watching scary films.
  • Negative imaginations.
  • Illness or certain medication.
  • Curses and evil covenant.
  • Absence of God’s presence.
  • Hunger and hardship.
  • Poor family background
  • Evil inheritance.

Other Causes Of  Frequent Nightmares Or Bad Dreams

  • Having sexual contact with possessed person.
  • Evil laying of hands on the head.
  • Having confrontation with people.
  • Marrying the wrong person.
  • Having visited native doctors or false prophets recently asking you to bring some strange things in exchange for miracles.
  • Having an origin from polygamous families.

Dream is still the best way to know certain things about our destiny. The power of dream is indeed a mysterious phenomenon. It is believed that the devil have the ability to steal, kill and destroy destiny dreams and replaces them with chaff.

They do this in order to expose a person’s destiny to danger, tribulation and bondage. However, nightmares occurs when you are already closer to receiving your major blessings for the season. Many mysterious attacks starts from the dream life and those who are not guiding themselves against satanic nightmares will likely see the outcome. I pray that, you will not be a tool in the hands of the enemies, in the name of Jesus.

Here are the working methods to cancel and stop recurring nightmares.

  • Check the foundation of your house spiritually.
  • Read atleast 10 powerful Bible verses before bedtime.
  • Take powerful warfare prayers and don’t eat or drink anything between 6pm (evening to 12am night).
  • Pleading the blood of Jesus before you sleep.
  • Through repentance from sin
  • Avoid having exchange of insults or curses with people.
  • See a doctor if possible to run some medical tests on you.

How To Stop Or Cancel Recurring Nightmares

  1. Checking your foundation. Foundation contributes to ones dream activities. For example, if you come from a rough foundation where the degree of witchcraft practice is high, there is a great chance that you will be yoked with all sort of bad dreams. These nightmares will stand as a big obstacles to your breakthrough. When your nightmares are sourced from your father’s house or mother’s house, take into account, the type of dreams you are facing almost every time. The Bible says, if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? However, if you can thoroughly check your foundation history, it will surely give you a knowledge about the areas of prayers to take to stop the recurring nightmares affecting your life and destiny.  For example, a man who frequently dream of eating is a symptom of foundational problem.  To cancel the negative effect of your constant dreams, you must be able to rise up and deal with it through warfare prayers. Look at what the Bible says here in Isaiah 9:2, ”The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.”

2. Read Bible Verses Before bedtime: The word of God is one of the powerful working methods to stop the appearances of nightmares. If you are a believer and you know about the mysterious power of God’s word then you must meditate on the word on daily basis, particularly every night (2 Cor 10:4). It doesn’t matter if you have been reading your Bible before now. I want you to know this fact today that satanic nightmares can be overcome by reading some powerful Bible verses before you sleep (Heb 4:12). It may sound so ridiculous, but its wonder is beyond your imagination. The problem of many of us is that we are not adding faith when reading the word of God. In Colossians 3:16, it says, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;…Do you also know that reading the Bible also indicates a situation that you are storing the word of God in your memory? Is there any evidence that the Bible has truly saved you? Then if your answer is yes, it is also possible that same Bible can erase the history of evil dreams has borne in you. Similarly, if you have been experiencing some stubborn nightmares that have refused to let you go, calm down and be free in your spirit, what you need to do is to give yourself an assignment by reading at least 10 hot Bible verses before you sleep. Oh yes! This will surely curtail the bad dream excesses troubling your life and destiny. The fact that God gave us the Bible is a strong evidence that we are in a battlefield with the enemy of our soul. There can be no doubt that the Bible serves as a tool for deliverance and victory over the devil (1 John 3:8). In order to stop the recurring dreams, you must do what Joshua did in the book of Joshua 1:8 ”…but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:…”

3. Warfare Prayers:  Some are prayer warriors, but unfortunately, in the eyes of God, they are not praying, but shouting! They are not commanding the spirit of God. This is sad to hear as a Christian. That is why the fight against bad dreams has ever remained with us. But the hard truth is that, a prayerless Christian cannot receive dream breakthrough. Any Christian who wants to live a victorious life, must be a person of prayer. Jabez prayed. Elijah prayed fervently. Nightmares are bad spirits from the pit of hell. If care is not taking, it can render a person worthless in life.And for you to destroy it, there should be an increased effort in prayer labour. Perhaps, you might have been praying aggressively to cancel that hard dreams and it seems all your prayer efforts are not bringing any forth positive signs.,  I want you to understand this important fact that, when you are prayerful, you will surely have the power to destroy every frequent nightmares (Acts 1:8). When you engage that nightmares in prayer warfare, be rest assured that there will be a heavenly backing and your strength will be renewed. When you engage your dream life in prayers; you will be able to remember or understand what transpired in your dreams. When you declare war against witchcraft dreams; there will be a shaking in heaven. God is always waiting for us to pray. It is only through prayers that we can move the hand of God to deliver us from all sorts of recurring dreams. Luke 18:1, Matt 18:18. Joel 2:32.

4. Pleading the blood of Jesus.  If you are one of those who usually don’t use the blood of Jesus when praying against nightmares, this is the time to start using it. The blood of Jesus is made to make us to overcome the forces of darkness harassing us in our dreams. His blood should be pleaded upon our lives in order to seal our destiny. Once you apply the blood of Jesus carefully to take charge of your sleep, then you are inviting the angel of God to guide and protect you. When you call the Blood of Jesus and it does not do what should be done, it therefore means you are abiding on sin. The Bible says, Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. This means that there is power in the blood of Jesus. If you want to stop recurring nightmares, the Bible says in Eph 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Do you know that the devil trembles when you call on the blood of Jesus? So by constantly applying the blood of Jesus before you sleep at night will prevent nightmares from coming back.

5. Through repentance from sin: The next time you have a nightmare, try your best to avoid sin and repent from it immediately. The Bible has told us that the consequences of sin are much. If you have been finding it hard to come out from sin, let say fornication, for example, it will surely trigger you to have re-occurence bad dream. Because sin is an agent of darkness. It is not possible to operate sinful ways and  you will not experience dream attacks. Some could be ancestral, others cold be inherited sin. Whichever you may look at it, the law of sin can destroy Gods promises for our life but when you make a serious to repent from it, things to work in places for you. It is rather serious when a person knows that his spiritual life is zero and refuse to repent from his sin, but he or she goes ahead and be binding and casting demons from church to church. It doesnt work. Such person is seriously deceiving himself. The Bible says, should we continue in sinful habit that grace may abound to us, God forbid.  For example, a person who know something is bad and does not want to repent from it would remain under satanic captivity.

6. Avoid exchange of insults or curses before bed time: You cannot take away this fact, hence, it has caused more havoc to our destiny-dream. The spirit of insults and curses among many people can trigger nightmares to a higher degree, as curses encourages the devil to attack you. Therefore, it’s a good idea to avoid this as a christian in order not to fall into big troubles. These days, some people cries out that their nightmares are too much, but these are people that will not keep their mouth to matters that should allow God judge the case Galatians 3:13-14.  Those negative words we speak can be a very potent weapon to create and destroy our life.Engaging with people through curses and insulting words will establish a covenant between you and the demon of nightmares. The good news is to work on how to break any negative words spoken into your life.


Other helpful suggestions

  • Watch something funny or cheerful before going to sleep.
  • Listening to happy or relaxing Christian music before going to bed can help prevent you from recurring nightmares.
  • Make positive declarations before going to bed.
  • Avoid sleeping with negative thoughts.
  • If staying alone, invite one of your trusted friends to cohabit with you. This helps a lot.
  • Stop sharing your latest nightmares to unreliable people, including friends.
  • Praise and worship more often before bed time also helps.
  • Raising an altar against satanic nightmares can destroy the power-base of the wicked.
  • Taking 3 days marathon fasting and prayers without eating or drinking water.
  • Try reading until you becoming really tired, so you fall asleep quickly.
  • If you have a nightmare in the middle of the night try to ask yourself how you got into the dream and how to turn the nightmare into a good dream.


Warnings/Caution/ How To Cancel Or Stop Nightmares

If applying the above steps, your frequent nightmare doesn’t stop after one month, you should go for any deliverance programmes at Mountain of fire closer to you.  If you are continually having problems getting over something in your life, and you consistently have nightmares about the subject, talk to a professional. They can help you.


If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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