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Deliverance Of The Church



Dear friend, Calvary greetings in Jesus name. I have a special leading and inspiration to send this revelational message to you at this crucial moment in the history of the Church!

The Church of our generation needs deliverance! Sometimes when I sit down and begin to meditate, ex ray and compare the kind of life, Truth and holiness that the Church experienced in the early 80s, one begins to wonder why things have so changed to this dimension!

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Many evils and atrocities are going on in the Church of Christ today which the Lord Jesus Christ came to build on the rock and said No gates of hell shall prevail against it! These battles are from the pit of hell to ensure that the Church does not deliver on its mandate.

Now, in which areas does the Church needs deliverance in our generation?

1. UNBELIEF IN THE WHOLESOME TRUTH! Today, many Christians no longer believe in the whole truth of God’s word. Some people are selective on what to believe and what not to believe.

That was why Apostle Paul warned Pastor Timothy to keep on preaching the truth and hammer it to the people because the time has come that people are no more ready to receive the wholesome word of God! 2Tim 4:1-4.

This is what is happening in our generation today. People prefer to listen to fables, entertainment and stories than the truth!

Many Christians don’t believe that what God said in the ancient time is still standing today. The Lord Jehovah says “Behold I am the Lord, I change not..” Mal 3:6.

In Ps 119:89, the Lord also says for ever O Lord, your word is settled in heaven ” May the Lord deliver the Church of our generation from the UNBELIEF in the whole truth in Jesus Mighty Name!

2. DELIVERANCE FROM IGNORANCE! This is another problem that is rocking the Church today. To be ignorant means to be devoid of the basic knowledge of the truth of God’s word. The Bible says God’s people are destroyed and taken into captivity because of lack of knowledge. Isa 5:13, Hos 4:6.

Ignorance is not only a disease it is a killer! Many Christians are living in the ignorance of basic truth of God’s word. Note, there are some Christians who are sincere in their IGNORANCE! They are following their Leaders sincerely in Ignorance!

Even when the Leader is living in sin and leading them, they continue to follow him or her sheepishly! And the time the eyes of these people are going to be opened, it will be too late to reverse.

That is why it is good for every Christian to pray fervently for God to give you deeper revelations of where you are in the name of worshipping God!

Many people are living and serving God in ignorance and the Shepherds and the Bishops are not ready to to tell the congregation the rugged truth! That is why the Church needs deliverance from ignorance now before it is too late.

3. MISINTERPRETATION OF GOD’S WORD & HERESIES! This is another ugly situation that the Church, many Christians need deliverance from. For instance, today many Preachers are misinterpreting the issue of GRACE! Yes, the Bible says we are not under the law But under the Grace.

But grace is not a license to indulge in sins! Grace came to empower us to live in holiness and righteousness. That was why Paul lamented and said shall we Continue in sin that grace will abound? Rom 6:1. In verse 15, Paul asked, shall we sin because we are not under the law? The answer he gave was “God forbid”.

Today there are some things in the Bible which have been in practice from the apostolic days but the modern preachers are now teaching that they have got a better revelation on these things, and that the grace has done away with them!

For instance, look at the issue of tithing that is very clear in the scriptures, they are now trying to turn it upside down, that it has been done away with the law! What an error and a teaching from the pit of hell! See Gen 14:18-20, Mal 3:8-12 Heb 7:1,2.

Even when Christ came He did not stop or condemn tithing but He only condemned the hypocrisy of the Pharisees of paying tithes on everything and refused to obey other parts of God’s word! Mt 23:23.

That was why Paul said even if an angel from heaven or himself should come back with another message or gospel other than the one he had presented to them, they should NOT BELIEVE or ACCEPT IT!

This is a strong Warning against heresies in the body of Christ which we are witnessing today! The Church needs deliverance from HERESIES today!

4. SELF CONFIDENCE IN EVILS! Yes, another deliverance the Church needs today is deliverance from Self CONFIDENCE in sins and evils!

For instance, there are some Christians who are very BOLD even when they are living in sins and committing atrocities. Some of them are even much more bold than you who think you are obeying God’s word!

That was why the Apostle Paul seriously rebuked the Corinthian Church for rejoicing in the sin of incest and immorality instead of them to be weeping! 1Cor 5:1-5.

The Christians in that Church were living in abominable sins and instead of them to repent with tears, they were even happy and seeing it as a good lifestyle! This is exactly what is happening in many Christian Assemblies today.

Many Christians and even Christian Leaders are living in terrible abominations and they are not even sober or ready to repent.

They are even much more courageous and bold than you who think you are in the will of God! Note, this boldness and courage are not from God but from Satan and from the pit of hell to finally destroy them. They need deliverance urgently!

5. EVIL ASSOCIATION – This is another terrible area the Church needs deliverance. There are some churches and Christians that started very well, but along the line they started moving or associating with the evil ones and consequently they slumped and derailed from the way of Truth, Holiness and Righteousness!

How are the Mighty fallen? Because of evil ASSOCIATION and friendship! No wonder, the Bible says the friendship with the world is the enmity with God! James 4:4.

The Church needs deliverance from evil ASSOCIATION and demonic friendship.

6. DEEP WORLDLINESS – This is another important area. The Church of Christ is grossly and heavily swallowed in deep worldliness today. Today if you are walking along the road, you can hardly differentiate between believers and unbelievers in terms of physical appearance and out look!

It was not so in about 30 – 40 years ago! Worldliness is so rampart in the Church of our generation. Even pastor’s and Minister’s wives are not left out.

They are not showing any good example of decent Christian dressing! I don’t know how these people read their own bibles. All that the Bible says against worldliness in the Church have been turned upside down because we are in the time of grace! Read Gen 35:1-4, 2Kgs 9:30, Isa 3:16-23, Eze 7:19-21, 1Tim 2:9,10, Rom 8:4-8, 12:1-2 etc..

The Church seriously needs deliverance from worldliness and carnality. I draw the curtain here. May the Lord deliver the Church of our generation in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen and Amen!!! Remain blessed and rapturable in Jesus powerful Name.


Source: Pastor Moses Ameh

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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