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What Does Palm Fruits Mean In The Dream

Dream Of Palm Fruits



Psalm 92:12, “The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”

Songs of Solomon 7:6-12, ”How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights! This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples; And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.”


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Palm fruits dream is one of the dreams that is troubling many people. Palm fruits dream has been a source of blessing to people  and while it has been a stumbling block to others. This kind of fruit or udara has the ability to determine ones fruitfulness in life. For instance, in my part of the world, we used palm fruit which is popularly known  as Palm kernel to make some traditional soups. As good as the palm fruit is, it serves as a good delicacy when prepared. Palm fruits is known for its rich oils.

Palm fruits has one hidden power that is mysterious to people. Its reddish in colour stands for richness of God’s blessing. The most distinguishable difference between Palm fruit and other trees is that every part of Palm fruit consider to be the raw materials for riches. If harnessed properly, it may fetch you lots of money.

The fact that Palm tree is not producing its fruits now does not mean that the Palm fruit is not there on the tree. It’s just waiting for the season to come out.  If you are not grounded in the word of God, you won’t be able to understand this.

Udara dream is a Nigerian native of Agbalumo which means African Star Apple

I will quickly share a story of a lady who wrote me in the past.

This is what she wrote :

”Sir, am crying now after reading this on WhatsApp. I had a dream that I saw my aunty where she was standing close to ripe palm fruits. So as I was passing-by, she called me to come and take Palm Fruit that they have ripped and it’s for me. So I told her that I am coming, before I will get there I saw my cousin sister picking them up. So I woke up. I don’t know the meaning. 


”Sir, do you know it was not up to a month that this same my counsin got married. I was the only one my aunty called to go and  pick up those palm fruits. Right now, I’m still shock over this dream. And as writing this message, my counsin is married now. This dream has happened to me up to 2 times. This was a sister that told me over her dead body will she see me get married and that anytime I try to get married I will die. So I told her that I will marry and she will be the one to die.”

The power of darkness is fighting against her marriage. It is very obvious that her marital glory have been captured and stolen away from her by her sister. One thing is clear about this sister.

  1. She was ignorance
  2. She did not know that she has an enemy
  3. She did not act very fast when her sister asked her to pick up those Palm fruits
  4. The enemy overpowered her


The children of Israel failed to achieve their glories, they did not pursue their enemies. God says they should chase them away from their presence.

Many people are living a shameful life. The condition of palm fruits dream has denied many people of their marital inheritance. Fruitfulness is one of the symbols of Palm fruit dream. Daniel’s enemies made the king throw him into the lion’s den after false accusations. the Lord protected him. There are demonic powers that does not want the children of God to access their blessing through the Palm fruit.

The Palm fruits in the Bible defines it as flourishing. To flourish is to prosper. If you can encounter Palm fruit in the dream, you should be considered as a blessed person. When the enemy wants to attack the blessing of people, he organizes one kind horrible dream that will mess up the person.

There are enemies that places their eyes on the Palm fruits. They make sure their victims did not get it. That’s why you see many people striving hard to secure one for themselves, but these enemies will hinder them. It is enough to see Palm fruit in the dream, but it is a joy when you pluck it.

The spirit of God is always using this dream to speak, discern, encodes to people but due to the noise of the world they are carried away. The moment you cannot get hold of your Palm fruits in the dream, there will be a serious trouble .


If you see ripe palm fruits in the dream, this is what they means:

  1. Palm fruits indicate multiplication of blessing
  2. Palm fruits means fruitfulness
  3. Palm fruits means prosperity
  4. Palm fruits means success
  5. Palm fruits means the opening of the womb
  6. Palm fruits means marital connection
  7. Palm fruits shows the fulfillment of destiny
  8. Palm fruits means productive
  9. Palm fruits means safe delivery
  10. Palm fruits means divine favour
  11. Palm fruits means hardworking
  12. Palm fruits means profitable business
  13. Palm fruits means God is supporting your plans
  14. Palm fruits means financial breakthrough
  15. Palm fruits explains your lost opportunities are back etc



The unripe fruits could mean any of the followings:


  1. A time of waiting for your season of blessing
  2. Things are not right.
  3. Long expectation of God’s promises.
  4. Encountering delays and disappointments.
  5. Suffering and lack of helper.
  6. Miscarriage
  7. Good things/news was diverted.
  8. Marital/relationship problems
  9. Failure at the edge of breakthrough.
  10. Inability to conceive
  11. Loss of virtues.
  12. Profitless hard labour



When you dream of a palm fruits, it means prosperity and fruitfulness. It is a dream that indicates your blessings has come. The good part of this dream is that if you find yourself in a legitimate business or anything, you will surely prosper and outwits your competitors. And if you are looking unto God for marriage or children, It is an assurance that you will get your blessings. As a result of this kind of dream, cultivate the principle of hardworking, discipline and above all, be prayerful.  What this dream mean is that, you will move grass to grace, from marital problem to marital blessings. But you need to consult God first in everything that you do in life. If you dream that you were plucking palm fruits or someone was assisting you, then you have nothing to worry about. Because it means your season of fruitfulness and marital breakthrough has come. It means your life will attract any kinds of favour.

For a woman to encounter this dream, it shows you should not be in haste in marriage, your season of marital glory will locate you. In fact, this is a kind of dream that shows that you will soon be connected martially. To achieve this kind of dream, you must be closer to God and be prayerful. Staying away from sin is another point to consider.


But there is a problem…

If you discover that you were picking Palm fruits from the ground, whether you are a woman or man, it means the era of affliction has taken place. When you also notice that a strange person stole your palm fruits, means your marital and financial glory have been taken away from you. If you dream that the palm wine tapper could not give you the palm fruit, it’s better you go for deliverance. Some people would say going for deliverance because of palm fruit? Never! If you dream that another person pick your palm fruit, it means you are in trouble. It shows that your ignorance has made your enemy to steal your marital glory and breakthroughs. To recover it, you must go on fasting and prayers

In the dream you may have….

  • Seen ripped Palm fruits – Means your season of fruitfulness has manifested.
  • Been searching for your Palm fruits – Loss of destiny, marital loss and financial problem
  • Been buying Palm fruits – Means afflictions, poverty, careless of your blessings, unfruitfulness, evil covenant with the ancestral powers, marital bad luck etc
  • Given out your Palm fruits – Ignorantly given out your glory to others, attacks, sorrow, disappointments, unnecessary loss, childlessness, miscarriages, failure,
  • Used your Palm fruits to cook – Means curses, wasted efforts, temptation, greediness, unfruitfulness, marital disaster, fear, mistakes etc
  • Planted the Palm fruits – Means you are investing for tomorrow. Taking a great steps that will yield greater return of investment, ability to give out, clearly your debts, savings for your marriage, prosperity, progress, wisdom , maturity etc
  • Seen a person hiding your Palm fruits – Means the enemy is working hard to shut down your marital glory. Oppression, hinderance, setbacks, dryness, lack of help, bad news etc
  • Seen someone given you Palm fruits – You will fulfil destiny, expectation granted, speedy advancement, divine favour, progress, happiness etc
  • Had Palm fruits on your palm – Everything you lay your hands upon shall prosper
  • Unripped Palm fruit – Be patient for your blessings to manifest by God.
  • Palm fruit falling off the ground or leaking away from bowl – Loss, setbacks, sorrow, starting all over again, wasted efforts.

INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 3pm.


  1. O LORD, let every power converting my fruitfulness into bitterness, to replace my status and die, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every arrow of late marriage, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Thou wicked power hijacking my glory from me, you are a liar, I kill you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Marital unfruitfulness shall not hold me bound, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every curse of stagnation upon my life, be broken into pieces, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every seed of affliction programmed into my life, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every stronghold of barrenness, loose my womb and be flushed out by fire, in the name of Jesus
  8. My marriage (destiny) shall not be flooded with troubles, in Jesus name
  9. Any unclean prayer of any relatives against my marriage, go backkkkkk to sender in the name of Jesus
  10. Every evil programme against my conception, fail woefully in the name of Jesus.
  11. Household enemies attacking my pregnancy, fall down and die, in Jesus name
  12. Every water of failure flowing through my womb, dry up, in Jesus name




If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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