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What does it mean to dream about wheelbarrow?

Colossians 3:23 
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Dreams about wheelbarrow indicates hard work and determination to succeed. The picture of a man pushing a wheelbarrow in the dream shows that a person is originated from bad foundation. His foundation is actually one of the limiting factors that is responsible for his situations.  It becomes so difficult to prosper above his expectations. This type of dream can make a person to work hard without being rewarded, or appreciated.

In this case, the person does not grow on time because nobody is willing to help him. The rate at which people are doing menial jobs is much. A lot of people are being cursed to do a particular job that has little or no sufficient profit. Thus, taking away their precious time and swallowing all their divine opportunities.

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To see yourself loading wheelbarrow could be a sign that you are struggling to make a living.  Some would experience tiredness and easily become lazy whenever they just did a very tedious job in the spirit realm.  If you are currently working in a place whose income is too low for you, then this dream is telling you that you are going to  experience poverty and joblessness.

It is good to aspire positive things and working towards achieving greatness but when you discover easy things are suddenly become difficult on your path shows that enemy has tied down your hands from prospering and your legs from moving forward. You are determined to prosper, progress, and achieve better result for yourself and make your family proud. It seems the more you work effortlessly, the more the frustration, is a sign of projection from your enemies.

Seeing yourself pushing wheelbarrow indicates that someone or something is actually hindering your progress. You may need to sit down and check what is likely responsible for your stagnancy and emptiness.  Sometimes you might be having this dream because you are wasting time and resources on  things that are not important at the moment. This is a case especially if you are taking a career that is not God’s agenda for you.

However, this dream reveals the need for you to remain focus, courageous and fearless in taking decisions.  The dream about wheelbarrow could be a sign that something good is coming on your way, but you have to pray hard for such thing to manifest. This is true especially if you woke up happy, hoping that your story will change for better. A wheelbarrow dream can be connected to a more serious cases such as, slavery, career backwardness, embarrassment, rejection.

To dream that you are pushing loads on a wheelbarrow and suddenly, the wheelbarrow fell down or crashed down, it is usually a bad symbol. It indicates the yoke in your foundation is battling with the staff of your bread. This dream came into you in order to discourage and frustrate all your efforts put together to make yourself better.  Maybe you see yourself pushing wheelbarrow for someone in your dream. And if that’s the case it often suggests that you are being cursed  or programmed to work for your junior. And this is very bad for a Christian.

In this case, you need to take a step back from the situation at hand, and truly assess what is holding you back.  You could be experiencing a very difficult time and that’s why you feel confused or lost and this gives rise for the dream about a wheelbarrow for a person whose identity is not clear to you. Perhaps you know the person, the meaning is that, the enemy has stolen your precious gifts and exchange your virtues. These powers is likely to allow you to work hard, gather things, they will surely scatter it at the time you needed it the most.

When you see yourself pushing wheelbarrow and you don’t know where you are going, it means you will be working hard in the wrong direction. If you find yourself in this attack, it shows a curse of non-achievement has already been planted. Pray hard to uproot it today, in the name of Jesus.

A dream about pushing, or offloading goods from the wheelbarrow could actually be a reflection that your present case is not ordinary. It is time to stand out to find out  those that are likely rejoice at your present condition.  Is your way of life attracting mockery? If this dream is still controlling your destiny, then which means there are enemy involving themselves in your matter.

If you see yourself carrying a beggar in wheelbarrow in your dream then this indicates a more serious attack coming from your close enemy.  This dream means that you are going to pass through stressful work that will yield no profit. If in the dream you were collecting money, it means that you are going to experience financial problem and limitations. In some cases, the dream could came as a satanic trap or warning to cause lack of concentrations to your goals in life.

If you dream that you were pushing wheelbarrow on the bridge, it indicates progress. If you suddenly encounter the bridge collapsed, this usually indicates misfortunes and failure at the edge of breakthrough. If you witnessed someone pushing a wheelbarrow for you then it suggest that you are limiting the destiny of someone. Maybe there is someone in your waking life who is your servant, it is important to treat him well as a Christian.

If you observe people pushing wheelbarrow in Nigeria, or in your country means there is hardship going on in that country. The  setback could grow to a stage that it can no longer be controlled. Perhaps if you do something about the setback, there is will great testimony. This can be connected to household powers.

To dream of carrying wheelbarrow on your head indicates a sign that your destiny is seriously manipulated.  Dreaming about wheelbarrow can portend good or bad symbol. When you experience a dream that features a wheelbarrow, think deeply how related it is to your waking life because it can catch you unaware if you are ignorant about it.

Getting tired while pushing a wheelbarrow containing some loads might be a warning sign that the spirit of frustration has entered into your life to disorganize your plans.  The people close to you or the ancestral spirit in your foundation could divert your glory. That’s why it is important to deal with these demonic powers assigned to mess up your life. How could be a graduate be seen pushing a wheelbarrow in the dream? I think you will join to say this is nonsense.

Once you always see yourself buying wheelbarrow in the spiritual realm, that can’t be a good dream. It shows that your destiny is yoked to your enemies who have been assigned to disgrace you after your university education.  However, if you discover your wheelbarrow caught fire, it indicates that you are bound to record rise and falling and demotion. It could be an indication that the period for something tragic to happen in your life has been made manifest. Perhaps if such dream is reoccurring then kindly go for deliverance.

An empty wheelbarrow in the dream could symbolize that the enemy has stolen something from you. If you see yourself carrying or pushing an empty wheelbarrow then it suggest that you are going to experience lack of money, lack of job satisfactions, lack of respects, and lack of trust. If this is the case, consider embarking upon some fasting and prayers that break the yoke of poverty attached to your life.

Sometimes the dream might come because you find it difficult to experience breakthrough, miracle of financial freedom.  Maybe because there are wasters from your environments affecting your life. You are probably in that state of your life where you are struggling to gain people’s trust, love and care.

A woman carrying an empty wheelbarrow should  cause for a serious concern if  you happen to experience series of miscarriage, difficulty in child bearing and loss of peace in the marriage. However, one of the best way to break the evil verdict of your father’s house upon your life and destiny is through effective prayers and fasting. The wheelbarrow you saw yourself pushing in the dream could mean that the enemy has given you assignment to do in the spirit realm.



Confession: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Isaiah 10:27
Text: Josh 9:21-27; Jer. 28:2; Isaiah 65:21-23;

  1. My foundations, the blood of Jesus Christ is speaking to you, respond now.
  2. Ancestral evil dedications, the Blood of the Lamb is speaking to you, respond now.
  3. Inherited sins, the blood of Jesus Christ is washing you away.
  4. Curses in my ancestral lines, the authority of the word is against you now, break and release me.
  5. O God arise and let those who device my hurt go down into the lower part of the earth, in Jesus name.
  6. Every ancestral limitation placed against my greatness, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  7. I receive the anointing to move forward, in the name of Jesus.
  8. I lose the spirit of prosperity upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Chains of spiritual slavery, fetters of spiritual servitude, break and release me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Placental attachments tying me to the ancestral lines, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Stigma of spiritual slavery and servitude, I peel you off, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  12. I bind the spirit of servitude in my life in the name of Jesus.
  13. I refuse to labour in vain or bring forth for trouble in the mighty name of Jesus.
  14. I shall not build for another to inhabit, nor sow for another to reap. I shall eat the fruit of my labour.
  15. Let every satanic agenda of struggle and frustrated efforts in my life be totally destroyed in the name of Jesus.
  16. You spirit of profitless hard labour, I divorce you; get out of my life right now in the name of Jesus.
  17. In the mighty name of Jesus, I shall live to enjoy the works of my hands.
  18. From today, I deliver myself from the spirit of oppression and slavery in the name of Jesus.
  19. All you forces that have kept my head bowed despite my hard labour, I break your power in my life in the name of Jesus.
  20. I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb, in the name of Jesus.
  21. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus.
  22. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil curse, in the name of Jesus.
  23. I vomit every evil consumption that I have been fed with as a child, in the name of Jesus.
  24. I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Let any rod of the wicked rising up against my family line be rendered impotent for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
  26. I cancel all the consequences of any evil local name attached to my person, in the name of Jesus.
  27. You evil foundational plantations, come out of my life with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.
  28. I break and loose myself from every form of demonic bewitching, in the name of Jesus.
  29. I release myself from every evil domination and control, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Let every gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed forever with the blood of Jesus.
  31. Lord Jesus, walk back into every second of my life and deliver me where I need deliverance, heal me where I need healing, transform me where I need transformation.
  32. Let every evil imagination against me wither from the source, in the name of Jesus.
  33. All those laughing me to scorn shall witness my testimony, in the name of Jesus.
  34. Let all the destructive plan of the enemies aimed against me blow up in their faces, in the name of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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