Luke 8:17, For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Jeremiah 11:18, And the LORD hath given me knowledge of it, and I know it: then thou shewedst me their doings.
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This is another very nutritious fruit. Everything about coconut is secrecy. A dream about coconut is a source of blessing. This indicates that a point of you flourishing in divine wisdom and prosperity. On the other hand, if you see a coconut tree, it means good health and longevity. If the palm has lots of coconut fruit then it stands for fruitfulness.
In addition, dreaming of a coconut is to experience the power of making wealth. Every fruit on the surface of the earth is meant to bless man. One of the good things about coconut water is that it helps the body hydrated and brain perform well. To see a bigger coconut in the dream is a sign of gaining authority as a strong person. Another meaning shows that no challenges can get you down at this time of your life.
However, it also indicates that you should start expecting an influential person to help you prosper and gain ground in life. The water of a coconut is a blessing to people that drink it. If you are a woman where you pluck a coconut and you drink the water, there is no cause for alarm. You are drinking manna from heaven. For this purpose, it means the time of your fruitfulness has come. It means that you will grow in knowledge and wisdom.
To dream about coconut water mean good connections, good future, discovery of something. If after you have this dream you pray for God’s will to be done in your life, you will be very successful, especially in the areas of career. Meanwhile, seeing coconut on a tree in a dream indicates that your seed of greatness and success has been sighted. The good side of the coconut is the ability to be strong, focus and determine to be a great person. To dream about coconut as a child of God encourages you to be strong in your present challenges.
When you are looking at the coconut, what comes to your mind is the water. There’s just a low level of water in a coconut and that also shows that there is great potential in you that will make you achieve outstanding results. And this result can stand as a point of marital success. But the lesson behind this is to guide your virtues against the evil invaders. When you dream where you pluck a coconut from a palm and you drink the water, it means you will grow in knowledge and restoration.
When you are seeing coconut in the dream, you are retaining the power of achieving your destiny. This is known to increase your desire to become a better person in life, so if you are seeing coconut for the first time in the dream, you should rejoice and praise God.

- Prayers To Understand Your Dreams
- Dream About Mango
- Dream About Pepper
- Meaning Of Fetching Water In The Dream
- Meaning Of Trees In The Dream
- Bible Verses For Ripe And Unripe Fruits
- Prayers To Pluck Ripe Fruits
Dream About Coconut With Negative Meaning
The only time this dream could be represent a bad omen is if you find that the Coconut in your dream are rotting, broken, and a situation where there is no water in the coconut. One may not talk about coconut without having to know their significance in our lives.
Coconuts are called the “Tree of Life” and can produce drink, fiber, food, and much more. If you dream of breaking the parts of coconut, it shows that you are going to overcome some life battles. If you don’t give up so soon, you will surely testify to the goodness of God. But if you dream that someone is breaking the coconut, it means the enemy is trying to subdue your glory and put embargo in your life.
However, if you dream of a coconut water means the source of your strength, faith and hope are active. If you dream where you noticed that there is water in the coconut then it is telling you that there is something you ought to discover about your life, relationship, marriage, family etc.
You need to find out the best ways God can answer your prayers. It also tells you to be extra-vigilant of some friends or people in the family who does not love you wholeheartedly. It is a serious matter. Some people loves to be under the cover of darkness to harm and destroy you, ask God to reveal this people to you.
When you are seeing coconut in the dream, you are retaining the power of achieving your glory. This is known to increase your desire to become a better person in life, so if you are seeing coconut for the first time in the dream, you should rejoice and praise God.
While there is nothing wrong with a smaller coconut. As long there is water in the coconut then you are not going to be underrated, condemned or neglected by people.
Meaning Of Drinking Coconut Water
To drinking of drinking coconut water indicates that wisdom and health. The Bible says, John 4:14 – But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. This also mean water as a source of life can bring a good relief to all our problems. However, if you were the one that pluck off the coconut from its palm tree then it shows that God has supplied all your needs.
A dream situation where a person asked gave you a coconut water to drink, and if you eventually drink it, it means sickness, affliction, setbacks and memory loss. If you are a student and you came across this dream type, it’s better you purge the water of affliction out of your body for you to be set free. Dreaming of a palm tree with no coconut , it shows that there is fruitfulness in all your efforts. However, unlike palm wine tapper, a dream where a person is trying to climb the palm tree but along the way he fell and die, that shows that the enemy is trying to restrict you from tapping from the source of your glory. The person that was trying to help you out was used as a scapegoat and this dream tells you that there are battles to fight before you can become a fruitful person.
Buying Coconut In The Dream
Spiritually, buying things in the dream is not only bad but demonic. If you find yourself in this point, you need to pray against loss, marital problems and witchcraft attacks. The coconut that you buy in the dream market is enough to trap your destiny. Whenever you buy coconut in the spirit world, it shows that there are forces that are trying to penetrate into your life. It becomes a problem when you take the coconut home, if you are a married person, it shows that you have used your hands to bring problems in your life. And if you are a person expecting a child, this kind of dream can turn your joy into sorrow. May that not be your portion in Jesus name. However, dream of picking things off the ground, indicate that you are operating on a curse of hardship, suffering and poverty. Being a believer without praying against this dream attacks will start bearing negative fruits.
Dream About Breaking Coconut In The dream
Breaking is the process of separating into pieces. Dreaming about coconut is attached to human’s destiny. However, if the coconut is broken by you, it is a revelation that secret things have been revealed. By breaking, it’s to find out the problem that will gives you solution to your challenges. When a person breaks coconut, there will be water and that water happens to be answer to your prayers. But when you are breaking the coconut and you are sweating profusely, that’s a bad sign. This represent a sign of suffering and a curse of profitless hard labour.
How coconut water looks in your dream can influence your destiny. It is important to wage war against your enemies scattering your glory. On the other hand, if you noticed that a person is breaking your coconut in a dream, it means the enemy is trying to steal your destiny, hijack your privacy and make you worthless in life. The evil priest usually use this nut to perpetrate wickedness, and also use as a means of sacrificing destinies. If you dream of a person breaking coconut on the ground, in an altar, you need to go for deliverance. Because that means that there are evil personalities suppressing your destiny with incantation and charms.Pray.
To dream of clear coconut water indicates that things are likely to progress positively in the future. If the water is murky or unclear, then it means it is likely that you will experience difficulties. In addition, if you are breaking a coconut as a pregnant woman, this is sure sign of an evil personality subjecting you with hard labour and pains. Pray against pregnancy failure or miscarriage.
Dream About Dry Coconut Meaning
Dry Coconut – This generally signify that your glory has expired. For a leaf to go try, it means such leaf has lost its power and when it’s dried, it naturally go dead. So to dream of a dry coconut may also represent that something has been stolen from you, and a means where your spiritual life is weak. Dreaming of a coconut tree in it’s dry season means drought, stagnation, curse etc, has come in full glare in your life. You need to pray against it as it also implies that difficult times are coming into your life.
- My Father, show me Your glory in the morning, afternoon and night.
- Father, as I please You by doing your will, give me wisdom, knowledge and happiness in all areas of my life, in Jesus name.
- Every witch doctor using coconut to subdue my destiny, die by fire, in Jesus name.
- Evil powers speaking into the ground to pollute my harvest, die by fire, in Jesus name.
- Water of the Living God, flow into my life, in Jesus name.
- Anoint my spiritual eyes to see your great plans for my life, in the name of Jesus. (Use fresh water to wash your face).
- Father, direct my steps and let my ear be inclined to hear your loving voice at all times, in Jesus name
- My Father, REVEAL unto me whosoever is hiding my glory and destiny from me, in the name of Jesus.
- My destiny JUMP out from the cage of darkness, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it aggressively)
- My Father, remove evil blockage covering my spiritual eyes from seeing their witchcraft plans against my life, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well)
- My Father, reveal unto me anything I need to know about my foundation; REVEAL the powers secretly hiding my blessings, in the name of Jesus. (SHOUT GOD OF DANIEL 21 TIMES)!!!! ah! It is done
- My Father, reveal unto me anything I need to know about the source of this problem ___(mention it) and show me your divine solution, in Jesus name. REVEAL the names, location or tribes of those who are secretly hurting my soul, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it with high sense of spirit)
- O LORD, I am tired of presenting my problems to my enemies. I am tired of nursing my problems.
- O God arise and REVEAL unto me those who are eager to listen to my problems but have no passion for help, in Jesus name. (Declare that the Lord is helper)!
- O God of Isreal, show me any secret things I need to know concerning my husband/wife (fiance/fiancee etc, in the name of Jesus. (Call his or her names in tears)
- O LORD, place a divine mirror on the wall of my room to see all the tactics and operations of the enemy right in their kingdom, in the name of Jesus. (Look at the wall of your room) Be observant now! God is about showing it
- My Father, reveal unto me any Jezebellist spirit or Cain spirit in my family who does not want me to progress in life, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well please)
- My Father, show me those who have been making life difficult for me, in the name of Jesus. (If God show you, please don’t go and fight them)! It may kill your prayers!
- O Lord, If I am the architect of my own problems, Father, break and remould me 21 times, in the name of Jesus. (This is the area you enlist your secret works to God)
- My Father, at anytime in my dream, vision or revelation, begin to show me any powers secretly downloading my information to the herbalist, false prophet, evil counsellors, etc, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it till your spirits tells you to stop) Pray in tongues here if you are led!
- My Father, reveal the deep minds of my husband or wife to know whether he or she loves me or not, in the name of Jesus. (Mention his or her names)
- My Father, I have waited for long for a right partner.
- O Lord, tonight, begin to show me the stable place where my divine partner is dwelling, in the name of Jesus. (Name one name in your mind)! Keep the names!
- O God of Daniel, reveal unto me those forces of darkness, whether in my environment or village, blocking my blessings, and give me power to tread on them, in the name of Jesus. (Go down on your knees here)
- My Father, every secret thing I need to know about the people working with me, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well)
- My Father, begin to show me the roadmap of my destiny, in the name of Jesus. (What do you want God to do?)
- O Lord, reveal to me clearly every secret hands of witchcraft behind this particular issue of my life…….(mention it), in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well)
- My Father, show me any false prophet, teaching stealing your blessings on my head, in the name of Jesus.