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70 Steps To Revive Your Christian Prayer Life




Matthew 6:5, And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

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  1. Repent and confess your weak prayer life.
  2. Be baptized with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
  3. Have the ability of speaking in other tongues for at-least 1 hour non-stop.
  4. Join a prayer group in your church or online.
  5. Seek a prayer partner and pray together.
  6. Raise a personal prayer altar.
  7. Take your time to go to Christian camp or mountain.
  8. Discover your own spiritual gifts and start developing it.
  9. Give yourself an assignment that everyday or twice in a week you must read the Bible.
  10. Increase your prayer times, makes them more frequent.
  11. Fill and saturate your heart with God’s word before and after your prayers.
  12. Learn to praise God before and after all your prayers.
  13. Ask the Lord to give you the power to concentrate.
  14. Make prayer covenants with God.
  15. Keep the prayer covenants you have made with God.
  16. Put your phone notifications in silent while praying or having a good time with the Lord.
  17. Do not be doubtful, weak or faithless while praying.
  18. Change the method of your prayer strategy. if one type of prayer is not working for you, change it.
  19. Pray more because you want to hear from God. Don’t pray for the sake of praying.
  20. Pray until something happens.
  21. Fasting and prayers are working tools to unlock your deliverance. Fight against voices or thoughts trying to discourage you from this spiritual exercise.
  22. Declare this regularly: I swallow the fire of the Holy Ghost.
  23. Ask the Lord to give you a prayer burden.
  24. If you discover your environment/friends/landlord/guardians/husband does not allow you to take warfare prayers, it is wise to pray silently or change your environment. With this, God will understand.
  25. Convert every word of God into prayers.
  26. Do not sit down, lying on the bed while praying, sometimes, go on your knee and pray or even walk around.
  27. If your spirit ask you to pray silently, then pray silently.
  28. If your spirit ask you to pray aloud, then pray aloud, but make sure your prayers does not constitute any nuisance to the ear of your neighbours.
  29. Pray when you feel the presence of God.
  30. Pray when you do not feel the presence of God.
  31. Pray when you are happy.
  32. Pray when you are unhappy.
  33. Pray long and detailed prayers that could fill volumes of books.
  34. Pray when answers come quickly.
  35. Pray when there seem to be no answer.
  36. Pray without ceasing.
  37. Walk in purity so that your prayers may not be blocked.
  38. Believe so much in your prayers.
  39. Pray in the morning.
  40. Pray late into the night.
  41. If you have the time, pray the whole day and the whole night.
  42. Pray like a wooden lion.
  43. Pray when God is blessing you.
  44. Pray when God is not blessing you.
  45. Pray when your friends are moving forward.
  46. Pray when your friends are not moving forward.
  47. Pray more in the spirit more than in the flesh.
  48. Pray when you are in doubt and faith will come.
  49. Pray when you have much faith.
  50. Pray when you have little faith.
  51. Have the desire of becoming a prayer warrior with a different.
  52. Pray when you feel like praying, pray when you don’t feel like praying, pray until you feel like praying.
  53. Pray more when you are ripe or marriage.
  54. Set aside every first Saturday of the month as a special day for evangelism.
  55. Don’t just pray to impress people around you or for people to know you are a praying Christian.
  56. Go to your hide out often and meet your God. (Your hideout could be bush, private room, church etc)
  57. Never give up on any prayer or fasting exercise until the Lord has answered you.
  58. Write out the names of your loved ones and intercede on their behalf. Remember what Job did.
  59. When you notice depression is all over you, turn into machine gun prayers.
  60. When you notice loneliness is all over you, get hook up with a prayer friend.
  61. Keep your mouth from saying bad things.  Remember you are using that same mouth to pray to God.
  62. Ask your pastor to activate the spirit of your prayer life.
  63. Ask the Lord if you are praying amiss or off-point.
  64. Create the atmosphere for God to visit and help you.
  65. Ask the Lord to give you your own prayer points and ensure you follow it up.
  66. Pray when you have seen a man to marry you. Pray even more when no man is coming at all.
  67. Declare this repeatedly: I receive the power of the Holy Ghost.
  68. Pray for God to reveal Himself to you.
  69. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the cause of your prayerlessness.
  70. Have it in your next plan to study your bible for 1 hour.


And Don’t do this

The followings will contribute to your prayerlessness.

  1. Don’t pray for your friends to die.
  2. Don’t be a situational prayer warrior for people to label you as a good Christian.
  3. Don’t stop praying for yourself because you discover your friends are progressing.
  4. Don’t just pray because you want to pray.
  5. Don’t take warfare prayers when you are a witchcraft person.
  6. Don’t pray deceptive prayers. One day, God will place his hammer on you.
  7. Don’t stop reading your Bible because people are not seeing God’s glory in your life.
  8. Don’t stop going to church because of your new dress or what you observed.
  9. Don’t allow your mouth to put you into problems.
  10. Don’t obey that evil voice telling you to do evil against yourself or loved ones.
  11. Don’t destroy your prayer altar because God is not answering you.
  12. Don’t lose your faith and trust.
  13. Don’t lose hope in fasting and prayers.
  14. Don’t stop praying because you are yet to be remembered by God.
  15. Don’t allow the devil to be your friend as a result of your backslide.
  16. Don’t listen to the advise of bad people . They will destroy you.
  17. Don’t allow depression to steal your salvation.
  18. Don’t allow frustration to push you to do wrong things.
  19. Don’t allow what people are saying to control your emotions – destiny.
  20. Don’t marry a man or woman that will assist the devil to kill your prayer life.
  21. Don’t say what God did not ask you to talk.
  22. Stop announcing your progress or next plans to just anybody.
  23. Desist from deceiving yourself and other people.
  24. Stop leaving a fake life and unprofitable life.
  25. Never hold any grudge or forgiveness against someone.
  26. Don’t be scared while taking warfare prayers for the first time. Maybe because of your sin.
  27. Don’t say because of your bad dreams, you are born to face problems.
  28. Don’t reduce the level of your prayers because of situations around you.
  29. Don’t stop praying because you are yet to conceive or bear babies.
  30. Don’t stop praying because you are a beggar.
  31. Don’t use your life or spirit to inconvenient others from serving God.
  32. Don’t pray a vain prayer. (Not be able to go straight to the point).
  33. Don’t pray a mockery prayer (Praying when you feel it may not be answered).
  34. Don’t give up in your fasting because it seems you are losing the war or the problems are getting more serious.
  35. Don’t allow fake people to influence you.
  36. Don’t serve any idol or image because you feel the Almighty God which you served did not notice you.
  37. Don’t use your discouragement to quench the fire of God in you.
  38. Don’t go to any babalawo for spiritual helps. You are going to face a very robust sorrow. (Ps 16:4).
  39. God is everywhere. Don’t allow anyone to touch your head.
  40. There is nothing like spiritual bathing for deliverance. If you do that, you are  just saying bye-bye to long life, prosperity, good health, and protection.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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