This message is designed to give special revelations and insights to womenfolk all over the world. However, women deliverance is stubborn and difficult especially in this end time!
Friend, this message is also meant for everyone who has concern for women deliverance from demon possession especially, the women in the Church of the end time.
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe nowIt is also meant for men with wives and grown up daughters to check their lives in line with the Word of God. Note, ignorance kills while the knowledge of God’s word saves!
The Bible says God’s people are taken captive because they lack knowledge. Isaiah 5:13. Jesus also says if you know the truth the truth shall set you free! John 8:32.
Recommended Note
Beloved, we are on a crucial matter in this message. We are talking about why WOMEN DELIVERANCE is stubborn and very difficult to achieve especially in these last days. If you are a Minister of God reading this article or you are a born again, have you ever wondered why the rate of women demonic possession in churches of today are higher than that of men?
Note, men are also possessed with demons but not as much as women. From all the available revelations, it is revealed that men are more in heaven than women. And that women are more in hell fire than men! It has been revealed that the ratio is, 5000 : 1. That is, if you see 5000 men in heaven, you will only see One woman!
This is very alarming! And this is largely due to the programs of Satan for the women especially in these last days! Why is it that today some Christian Ministries conduct special deliverance for their women, and even do it regularly?
It is because the rate at which demons possess women and refuse to leave them, resisting deliverance, calls for caution and sober reflection.
All over the world today, the ratio of women demonic possession to men is very high and astronomical as we have seen above. It is very pathetic that most of the women you see in the Church of the end time are heavily possessed with demons!
Note, I am not going to talk much on the women outside the Church because those ones are already in the armpit of Satan.
They are completely captured by the devil. Those ones are Satan’s candidates for eternal destruction in hell except they repent before they die.
My emphasis in this message is on those who are in the Church but they are in the hands of Satan ignorantly! Now let us do some expositions on this matter.
1. LACK OF FULL REPENTANCE & SURRENDER TO CHRIST. One of the reasons why you see a high rate of demonic possession among women is because of their close link with marine spirit and unholy attitudes affecting them. And because they refuse to fully surrender to Christ and forsake the things of the world!
You will hardly see a Christian woman in the Church of Christ today that has completely surrendered to Christ and turned her back to the fashions of this world. The Bible says anyone who cannot forsake everything because of Christ cannot be a Disciple of Jesus Christ. Lk 14:33.
Many Christian women are not ready to leave their old lives or worldly lifestyles because of Christ even though they are workers in the Church. Some of them are even ministers’ wives yet they won’t forsake the world! That is why their deliverance is stubborn and difficult.
Beloved, do you know that Full REPENTANCE is the first step to Full DELIVERANCE? Jesus told the woman that was caught in adultery “Go and sin no more” Anyone who entertains sins deliberately cannot experience full deliverance from demonic possession!
2. SATANIC HAIRDOS ON WOMEN! This is a serious hindrance to women’s full deliverance especially in this end time. Let me tell you point blank, any hair that is not natural is demonic! The Bible warns all women in 2 Tim 2:9,10 “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with braided hair, or gold or pearls or costly array, But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works”
Here the Bible has revealed to us vividly how the Christian women hairdos should look like. It should be devoid of decorations with gold, pearls, ornaments etc. This is where many Christian women are having problems today.
Frankly speaking, before you will see a Christian woman that her hair is natural, devoid of any artificial, no perming, no attachments of any kind, (whether shining thread or wool), no chemical to change it from its natural texture to unnatural etc, it is difficult to find!
That is why their demonic possession is terrible. Demons are claiming ownership of the women. Note, as long as a woman’s hair is not natural, Satan’s hand is upon that woman, whether you believe it or not!
Even if that woman is pastor’s Wife or the General Overseer of her Ministry she is already captured and on the way to destruction! The summary statement here is that the kind of hair style the woman embraces will determine whether she will experience deliverance from evil forces or not. Please check your hairdo today and change before it is too late!
3. YOUR DRESSING CODE! This is another crucial matter. One of the reasons why women deliverance is stubborn it is because of their dressing code! Note, demons are always attracted to women who dress half naked and indecently! So many Christian women especially Ladies are not bothered about their dressing code! And Satan and his demons are rejoicing over Christian women like this. All Christian women should learn from Sarah’s dressing style! Check 1 Pet 3:3-6. All the Christian women and Ladies who dress well to obey God’s word are daughters of Sarah while those who dress like the world are daughters of Jezebel! 2 Kings 9:30.
Question, whose daughter are you? You will be known by your appearance. If you dress half naked with short skirts and slimy dresses seducing the opposite sex, you are a daughter of Jezebel, whether you believe it or not! All those Christian ladies with make ups, wearing trousers up and down are all daughters of Jezebel. And that is why they can never experience deliverance from demonic possession! In short, the deliverance of these kinds of women is difficult to come by!
4. PATRONAGE OF SATANIC ITEMS! This is a very serious issue. Many Christian women want to be free from what they are going through but they are not ready to forsake satanic properties! As long as you are patronizing and using all these demonic properties such as Jewelries, ornaments, earrings, beards, neck laces, wrist rubber band, chains, etc you can never be free from demonic possession.
All these items are produced in the deep Sea with codes and evil spirits attached to them! Ignorant and gullible women and even men will be buying these things to hang on their bodies or rub their bodies preparing them for hell. These things made God to be angry with daughters of Zion. Isa 3:16-23.
Before Jacob and his household went to meet with God or appear before God at Bethel, they had to remove these things from their bodies and buried them under an Oak tree! Gen 35:1-5. Has God changed? See Mal 3:6, Ps 119:89. Please don’t suffer yourself going from one Minister of God to another for deliverance when you are not ready to throw away these items from your body! Don’t disturb yourself giving men of God bountiful seeds when you have not yet forsake these evil items.
5. REFUSAL TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE! Some Christians especially women, blatantly refuse to live a holy life and separate themselves from the world. As long as a Christian woman is glued to the world and refuses to live a holy life, both inward and outward, such a woman can never experience complete deliverance. God is seriously concerned about the holiness of His children. Heb 12:14, 1Pet 1:15,16, 1Thes 5:23.
The ONLY solution to difficult deliverance, whether women or men, is to FULLY surrender to Jesus Christ and forsake the ways of the devil and the fashions of this world that is passing away and cleave to Jesus Christ and receive your deliverance so that you will not only have freedom and peace on this earth but you will be assured eternal life on the last day!
You are free to share this crucial message with your family and Friends. Remain blessed and rapturable in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!! —
Source: Pastor Moses Ameh (PhD)
- I receive fresh power over sin, in the name of Jesus.
- I claim my deliverance by fire, in Jesus name.
- I break every evil covenant with water spirits and the yokes attached to it, in the name of Jesus.
- I break and cancel every covenant with any idol and the yokes attached to it, in the name of Jesus.
- I break and cancel any evil covenants entered into by my parents on my behalf and all the yokes attached to them, in the name of Jesus.
- I command the fire of God to roast the forces of hindrance and obstacles and paralyze their power, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, let the Holy Ghost effect immediate breakthrough in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
- I confess that my deliverance shall not be hindered, in the name of Jesus.
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