Good morning, what is the interpretation of when someone is asked to share olive oil in a bottle to people in the dream. Thank you.
Sharing oil is as the same thing as sharing anointing oil to people in the dream. When someone was asking you to share olive oil to people, such person wants you to be a blessings to people. The blessings of God that attach to the anointing oil is very powerful. To share olive oil in the dream is to transfer virtue and the power of the Holy Ghost. When God anointed you with His Holy Spirit, He didn’t give you a spirit of timidity or fear. When God placed you in a position to bless others, He wants you to perfect it in the demonstration of His power (Acts 1:8) Because the oil (Anointing) is enough to change the story of people . This dream is also a confirmation that God calls you to impact other believers, fills them with joy, gives them external evidences so they learn to trust and make their faith work.