Prayers Against Strange Animals In The Dream
Basic Scripture: Luke 10:19, Genesis 9:2-3
Strange animals are those animals that attack people. The spirit of witchcraft always manifest into the body of these animals in the dream to destroy people. They normally use animals to influence and manipulate their victims. Dreams about animal represent demonic attack. If you dream where animal such as snakes was seen, it means the powers of darkness is trying to put you in bondage.
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Subscribe nowFor example, a constant snakes in the dream means a strongman has been assigned into your life to make things difficult for you. Every time animal is appearing in your dream, you have to sit up spiritually. Because it means your enemies have determined to waste you completely.
The Bible says, serpent was used as a means of satanic attack against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God has given man power to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth (Genesis 1:26). If you read your bible carefully, you will discover that there are demonic powers behind some unclean animals (2 Cor 6:17-18).
God did not say animals will dominate our lives, but human beings are. If you discover some strange animals such as goat, lion, dog, snake etc, are pursuing you in the dream, it means your enemy is after you. Naturally some animals are very calm and peaceful. While some are very stubborn and harmful
One areas about our dream is that, it is very dicey. For example when a person dream about a snake pursuing him, another person would dream where he or she had a snake bite. If you study the scope of your dream very critically, you will agree with me that their meaning are always different from each others.
Classes of animals and their dream interpretations
The strange animals, who represent the agent of darkness has a clear purpose to exercise dominion over people in the dream. Some of these animals chasing after you are blockers of destiny. The spirit of dog is another strange animal . When a strange animal takes a step to attack you in the dream, you will soon become a prey to them.
When you challenge them with the word of God, they will flee or run into the pit of death and hell. However, if you always allow these animals to escape unhurt in the dream, it shows a certain attack will hit you when you are unaware. For you to overcome these strange animals, you need to know how to pray aggressively.
Have you been having frequent attacks of strange animals in the dream? How do you ensure you and your family are distance away from the attacks of these animals?
- They are stranger of darkness Ps 18:44
They are wickedness of the wicked Proverbs 11:18
They are spiritual robbers (John 10:10)
They are terror that flieth by night and arrow that flieth by day Psalm 91:5-6
They are powers that put people into bondage Exodus 1:13-14 - They are strongman and strongwomen
They are blessings arrester
They are destiny diverter
They are monitoring powers
You know that an ignorant person will allow himself to be attacked by these strange animals because of religious purposes. To make the matter worst, if you encounter a cobweb in the dream, it means you have been locked up by household enemies.
In the dream you may have…
- Encountering animal pursuing you – Failure at the edge of brakthrough, demotion, blockage, rising and falling, frustrated life, struggle, depressed, and attack against progress
- Seen animal(s) entering into your house – Marital problem, satanic attacks, sorrow, bad luck, period of unfruitfulness, financial loss, hardship, setbacks
- Eaten with animals – Slavery, curse, shame, backwardness, false allegation, covenant, mental disturbance etc
- Playing with dangerous animals – Protection, Victory over enemies, success, accomplishments, boldness, courage and wisdom
- Seen animal harm you – Evil plantation, affliction, untimely death, debt, marital delay and financial disgrace etc
- Seen animal steal from you – Devourer
- Seen a tyed animal – Satanic imprisonment, cage, bondage, captivity,
- Seen animal barking or roaring – Surrounded byyour enemies
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am – 3pm. Pray with Psalm 21. Take anointing oil and spread it thoroughly in every corner of your room
- My Father, let any strange animals attacking me in the dream, I destroy you in this battle, in the name of Jesus.
- Every strange goat of my father’s house appearing in my dream, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- You serpentile spirit attacking my marital glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- I cancel the evil effects of this dream, by the blood of Jesus.
- I receive power to fight and defeat every demonic animal that challenge me in the dream.
- The household powers projecting this animal into my dream to hinder me, enough is enough, die, in Jesus name.
- Every domestic power using the spirit of this animal…..(name it) to fight me, I overcome you by the blood of Jesus. Receive total destruction!
- Every strange serpents sent from family idol to stop my blessings, backfire and destroy your senders in the name of Jesus
- My Father, let every unclean animal in my dream be set ablaze, in the name of Jesus.
- You demonic animal monitoring me from my dream world, I cut off your head by fire, in Jesus name.
- I attack and useless the eyes of every witchcraft animal on a mission to plant evil against me, in the name of Jesus
- Every faulty foundation that invites the spirit of strange animals in my dream, be arrested in the name of Jesus
- I bring destruction against any evil personlity using strange animals to steal my blessings, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- I frustrate every dog barking against my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
- O God deliver my soul from the spirit of animals, in the name of Jesus
- You idols of my father’s house using harmful animals to prevent me from reaching the place where God wants me to be, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Every satanic animal that I have dedicated to as a child, be separated from me by fire, in the name of Jesus
- Every power using satanic animals to cage me from the dream, die by fire, in the name of Jesus
- Any power that is using the bird to drag my destiny to the ground, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus
- I disconnect myself from the spirit of every satanic animal, in the name of Jesus
- I take away my blessings from the belly of that strange animal in my dream, in the name of Jesus
- My Father, let all my blessings that the satanic animal have killed, restore to me; My blessings shall be resurrected by the blood of Jesus. You satanic animal receive double tragedy.
- Every satanic animal assigned to poison me in the dream, I poison you to death in the name of Jesus
- Fire of God, fight every demonic animal that wants to cause affliction in my life, in the name of Jesus
- O Lord, let your fire destroy very ancestral animal waging war against my destiny in the name of Jesus
- Every demonic agent assigned to feed on my flesh and drink my blood, receive madness and double tragedy in the name of Jesus
- I refuse to be caged like an animal in the spirit realm, in the name of Jesus
- Every power that wants to attack the source of my prosperity, be attacked by fire, in the name of Jesus
- Any anti-progress animal attacking me in the dream, break by fire, in the name of Jesus
- I refuse to open the doors for my enemies to attack me, in the name of Jesus
- Every strange animal pursuing me in the dream, collapse and die, in Jesus name
- Every strange animal that escape unhurt in the dream, be arrested by the blood of Jesus
- Household animals, go back to sender in the name of Jesus
- I break every evil conscious agreement with the dream of strange animals, in the name of Jesus
- Every power using this animal to scatter my resources and blessings, fall down and die, in the name of JESUS
- Angel of God, arise and pursue every strange animal hiding to attack me, in the name of Jesus
- Every power assigned to summon my spirit, I puul you down, in the name of JESUS
- I shall be an overcome over strange animals in the name of Jesus
- Every satanic instruction given to any animal to eliminate me, backfire, in the name of Jesus
- Every marine animal apperaing in my dream, be buried alive in the name of Jesus
- Every evil magnet of strange animals in the dream, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- My glory shall not be given to animals to feed on, in the name of Jesus
- Every EVIL attack against my progress, backfire, in the name of Jesus