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Prayers To Activate And Revive My Dream Life

Prayers To Revive And Activate My Dream Life



Numbers 12:6: “And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.”

Matthew 13:25: “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”

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Deuteronomy 29:29, ”The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.”


To Activate And Revive My Dream Life

Dream is a picture of our destiny. It gives us the ability to know and understand our dreams.  God and devil speaks to us through dreams, visions and revelations. The human mind can speak in an unusual way in our dreams. Dreams are very important spiritual materials.

A lot of people are weeping over their dream life. They tried to dream, but they couldn’t. They take all manners of prayers to revive or activate their dream life, the problem still continues.

When a person often dream a lot, this means that his dream life is very active and powerful. It does not matter whether the person is always dream bad dreams or not. As long as the person is dreaming, it shows that his spiritual monitor is wonderful.

It is quite different from a person who has never dreamed. The power of dream can explain to us what is about to happen, or what had happened, a dream can replay to us in our memory the events, or activities that took place in the past.  The Bible says, the spirit of man is candle of the Lord (Prov 20:27).

There is a big problem when you don’t dream. There will be great calamity when your dream life is dead. It is possible to see a born again Christian who has never dreamed.

It is possible for a pastor to be having great challenges in remembering his or her dreams. When a child of God cannot dream, it affect his destiny – marriage, finances, spiritual gifts.

You may be a born again and yet be in a  category of people who is suffering from dream sicknesses and diseases. When the devil wants to frustrate a person, he will put his dream life in a cage. When you can no longer picture your dreams, it means your dream life has been stolen.

It is a dangerous thing when your spiritual monitor is compromised. In your physical life, you can see and feel things around you. But in the dream, you are battling to dream any kind of dreams. That portends a big spiritual problem!

Dream Erasers are powers that attack and monitor your dream activities. They steals the dream life of people. They are agent of darkness that erase dreams from the memory of their victims.

They denied their victims the opportunity to remember or understand their dreams. The devil knows that once such good dream come to pass in your life, they are finished and their secret works would exposed immediately.

When you have no access to the secret of your dream life, you will surely be praying amiss because you do not know the next prayer points your destiny desires. Every man who does not dream at all will lost focus in life. Once focus is lost, there will be stagnancy and loss.

It is your prayers that can activate and revive your dream life. If your dream life is activated, you can now what;s obtainable with your destiny.

People whose dream life are empty are operating under satanic bondage. God will decide to show them something but the enemy will divert it immediately. If you examine the negative result of not dreaming at all, you will become angry in your spirit and institute a serious spiritual works to revive it back.

The greatest problem today is that many people are taking their  dream life for granted. They did not attaching any spiritual thing of them not dreaming. Ignorance has remained the reason why many believers are showing lean interest towards their dream life.

To revive your dream life is one of the greatest things ever. It is a way of deciding to know the mind of  God and the agenda of your enemies through the mirror of your dream. When your dream life is activated or revived, you will begin to pick meanings in some good and scary dream pictures.

It is better to know your dream life than to pray without knowing the direction of your life. There is nothing wrong if you go for deliverance in order to break this stubborn case.



  1. Bad foundation
  2. Ancestral powers
  3. Your father, mother
  4. Your blood line relations
  5. Wrong place of environment
  6. Idolatry powers of your father’s or mother’s house.
  7. Evil personality in the family
  8. Eating polluted food from someone.
  9. Stepping on a charm
  10. Having sexual immorality with a marine spirit
  11. Living a polluted and ungodly lifestyle
  12. Ignorantly sharing your clothes, shoes, and other important things to people
  13. Generational curses
  14. Evil dedication and unclean marks on the body
  15. Wrong place of placenta
  16. Bearing n ungodly name or family name (Name with goddess, marine, etc)
  17. High Blood Pressure
  18. Restlessness
  19. Excessive worrying
  20. Household wickedness
  21. Hanging out with unfriendly friends
  22. Wearing a forbidden garment
  23. Strongman


Every man or woman who wanted to activate and revive his dream life must practice the habit for embarking on fasting and warfare prayers. When you dream life is activated, it will prevent you from making mistakes and the enemy will not attacking you unaware.

However, If God show should you the person behind your failure of dreaming dreams, then you are getting closer to the light of your glory.

Knowing your dream provides a good ground for progress. The ability to dream gives you power over the enemy. The only solution to this problem is to bring yourself out of this bondage through deliverance prayers and help from man of God.

Household powers has put a shame to people’s life. It has turned to many great people into slavery. The day a person manage to dream is the day mysterious things will happen to his enemies. There is no way God will break limitations over your dream life and you will not experience complete deliverance.

If the devil is working hard to close the chapter of your dream life, you must also be in season in destroying all their evil works. The truth is, when a person finds it difficult to see a thing in the dream, it means his case is with the agent of darkness. I pray for you that your dream life will be restored, in Jesus name.


How Do You Activate And Revive Your Dream Life


  1. Give your life to Christ and be a child of God.
  2. Repent from your sins.
  3. Confess your sins .
  4. Ask for mercy and forgiveness.
  5. Break every generational and foundational curse
  6. Ask God to reveal the power shutting down your dream life.
  7. Be baptize in the fire of the Holy Ghost and evidence speaking in other tongues.
  8. Pray violently in order to destroy powers holding unto your dream life.
  9. Eliminate every evil thing in your possession.
  10. Live in the path of holiness and truthfulness.
  11. Go for deliverance if you have been finding difficult to dream.
  12. Break every yoke of the wicked against you.
  13. Bind the powers behind your biological names.
  14. Prayerfully withdraw anything that represent you in the coven of darkness.
  15. Plead the blood of Jesus over your dream life.
  16. Pray by pointing your hands to sky or moon


INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 3pm. Pray by using the power of water to pray. Bring out water and declare on that water for blessings. Genesis 1:2. You can drink the water and use it to bath before you sleep.



KEY PRAYER: Thou strange woman holding the keys of my dream life, release it and die, in the name of Jesus (Pray it 21 times).

  1. I ACTIVATE the dream of my destiny now: COME ALIVE BY FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Oh Lord, let your spirit be upon me like Joseph and Daniel, in the name of Jesus.
  3. I receive the power of God to dream dreams, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Oh Lord, show Yourself in my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  5. My dream life, receive fire, come alive quickly, in Jesus name.
  6. Holy Ghost fire, blood of Jesus Christ, sanitize my dream life, in Jesus name.
  7. My God and my Father, activate and empower me and my dream life again, in Jesus name.
  8. Holy Ghost fire, blood of Jesus Christ, take over my dream life, in Jesus name.
  9. Blood of Jesus remove every power blocking my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  10. O Lord, let me dream tonight, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Holy Ghost fire, blood of Jesus Christ, sanitize my dream life, in Jesus name.
  12. Holy Spirit of God, influence my dream life to the glory of God, in Jesus name.
  13. Holy Ghost fire, challenge and paralyze anything attacking my dream life, in Jesus name.
  14. Every foundational curse in my life, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Every evil curse of a dead dream life issued against me, break by fire, in Jesus name.
  16. Father, let my first dream be a surprise dream, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Arrow of memory loss programmed against my head to swallow my dream life, backfire to sender
  18. Oh Lord, with your fire, ignite and empower my dream life and make it active, in Jesus name.
  19. Every power that is hiding my destiny-dream away from me, be revealed unto me, in Jesus name.
  20. Every satanic pollution upon my dream life, I wipe you away with the blood of Jesus Christ.
  21. Any power in my family line that is stealing my dream life, return it back and perish, in Jesus name.
  22. Every satanic pollution upon my dream life, I wipe you away with the blood of Jesus Christ.
  23. Father, reactivate all my lost dream of the past, in the name of Jesus.
  24. Any power covering my dream life, Holy Ghost fire, blood of Jesus Christ, wipe them away, in Jesus name.
  25. Every bewitchment upon my life and my dream life, receive fire and be wiped away, in Jesus name.
  26. O God, restore my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Holy Spirit, turn the light of my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  28. Father, reveal everything that is making it difficult for me to dream dreams, in Jesus name.
  29. Holy Ghost fire, paralyze the strongman attach to my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Thou power of darkness, release my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  31. Blood of Jesus speak into my dream life, in the name of Jesus.
  32. Lord Jesus, separate my dream life from every faulty foundation, in the name of Jesus.
  33. I rebuke every power imprison my dream life, in Jesus name.
  34. My dream life, jump out from the cage of the wicked, in Jesus name.
  35. Dream killers of my father’s house and mother’s house, sitting on my dream life, be unseated by fire, in Jesus name.
  36. Prophetic dreams of my glory and honour: manifest and come to pass now by Fire!!! in the name of Jesus.
  37. Every demonic padlock and chain used against my dream life, catch fire and cut to pieces, in Jesus name.
  38. I release myself from satanic bondage of no dreams, in the name of Jesus.
  39. Arrow of forgetfulness and memory failure, fired into my brain, I return you back to sender, in Jesus name.
  40. I cancel my names from the register of dream erasers, in Jesus name.
  41. Powers planning to delay my dream life, be disgraced by fire, in Jesus name.
  42. Every dream of my stardom that has been buried by the enemy: Be Uprooted and Resurrect by Fire!!! in the name of Jesus.
  43. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I command all my good dreams that is yet to be manifested in my life, to come to pass, in the name of Jesus.
  44. My dream life will not be monitored by wicked powers, in the name of Jesus.
  45. Every power assigned to scatter the spiritual mirror of my dream life, I command you to die, in the name of Jesus.
  46. Every demonic power that want to waste my dream life, be bound and paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.
  47. O God arise and retrieve back my dream life from the hands of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  48. O God, let thunder of heaven strike against dream killers of my dreams, in Jesus name.
  49. Every evil attachment to my head and my dream life, receive fire and be wiped away, in Jesus name.
  50. Every power that has turned my dream life into a battle-field: hear the verdict of Fire: BE WASTED IN BATTLE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  51. O God of Jacob, Joseph and Daniel: Baptize me with Fire to understand, interpret and walk in the reality of the dream of my royalty!!! in Jesus name.
  52. O God of signs and wonders, arise and manifest in my dream life, in Jesus name.
  53. Enough of serving God without a dream! Father, revive and activate my dream life, in Jesus name.
  54. Every enemy of my dream life, wither by fire, in Jesus name.
  55. Every power pronouncing sorrow into my dream life, be frustrated, in Jesus name.
  56. I cancel the evil consequences of not be able to dream, in the name of Jesus.
  57. I break and loose myself from every form of dream eraser, in the name of Jesus.
  58. Every satanic cage of my dream, break and loose by fire, in Jesus name.
  59. Thou wickedness of the wicked against my dream life, release me and die in Jesus name.
  60. Oh God send Your angels to assist me in my lost dreams, in Jesus name.
  61. Any evil pattern in my family line affecting my dream life, be broken in Jesus name.
  62. Holy Spirit shake out every power ceasing my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
  63. Every family problem attached to my dream life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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