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Leviticus 19:28 KJV, ”Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”

Evil marks are identification devices of satan and his armies. Evil marks are usually used to track and manipulate destinies.  Once a person is afflicted with evil marks, he or she continually suffer terribly under merciless satanic bondage. Most times evil marks are invisible and in rare cases they are open for the victims and everyone else to see. Evil marks could be inherited, gotten through sexual intercourse, or placed upon the victim by soldiers of satan. 

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Someone who has evil marks may know through divine revelation from God or words of wisdom from God’s servant. If you suffer one or more of the afflictions listed below for too long, you must do a thorough spiritual checkup. Evil marks might be on you.


  1. Disfavour
  2. Disappointments
  3. Marital delay
  4. Financial bondage
  5. Failure at the edge of breakthrough.
  6. Slavery and hardship
  7. Stagnancy and untimely death
  8. Sickness and disease
  9. Demotion at work places
  10. Marital problem
  11. Financial debt
  12. Profitless hard labour
  13. Business and ministry failure
  14. Rising and falling
  15. Back to square one mark
  16. Getting dumped by helpers of destiny




  1. Surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Repent of all the sins in your life
  3. Wage war against the demon of evil marks
  4. If possible, trace the evil marks on your body and plead the blood of Jesus upon it
  5. Plead the blood of Jesus upon your life to wipe out the evil marks
  6. If the evil marks still persist after these prayers, kindly go for deliverance Rev 12:11
  7. Wash your body with a blessed water to clean off the bad marks




INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am – 6pm using Psalm 105:15 and anoint your body with oil before you sleep, every night. 


  1. Every evil marks of failure and rejection in my life, Blood of Jesus, wipe them off, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every mark of death upon my life, or any member of my family, Blood of Jesus, wipe them away, in the name of Jesus.
  3. I reject any open name or secret name, identifying me for evil, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Any physical or spiritual marks of slavery assigned to my life, fire of God, Blood of Jesus, remove them completely, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Any demonic number identifying me for destruction, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Mark of hatred, die, in the name of Jesus.
  7. It is written “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” in the name Jesus.
  8. Satanic odor scaring my helpers/husband/wife away, die in the name of Jesus
  9. Anything in me scaring away good things in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
  10. I reject any marks on my body representing the idols of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.
  11. I reject any satanic mark of high calling in the satanic kingdom, in the name of Jesus
  12. Any mark of shame and disgrace upon my life, Blood of Jesus, Fire of God, remove it now, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Evil marks of poverty, die, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Evil marks of anti-prosperity and anti-possessions, die, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Inherited evil marks in my life, be erased by the Blood of Jesus.
  16. I dived in the pool of blood of the Lamb and I wash away every evil marks on my body/life/destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  17. O Lord my Father, spray your perfume of favor over my life, in the name of Jesus.
  18. O Lord, change my life for the best, in the name of Jesus.
  19. I render the power behind any satanic marks in my body, impotent, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Demonic supervisors of evil marks, I command you to die, in the name of Jesus.
  21. I declare, I am for the Lord. Therefore, marks of the Lamb appear in my life, marks of demons disappear, in the name of Jesus
  22. My Father, wash away every ancestral evil marks on my body by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name
  23. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I destroy every evil arrow of marital delay, in the name of Jesus
  24. Any ancestral powers, using demonic blade to cut my skin in the spirit realm, you are a failure, receive frustration and die,in Jesus name
  25. Every EVIL mark in my body, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.
  26. Any evil mark placed on my body as evidence of failure, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Every strange mark sent to introduce bad luck and disappointment in my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus
  28. Every room of darkness where my case is decided, Holy Ghost fire, scatter them by fire, in Jesus name.
  29. Witches and wizard in my father’s or mother’s house, using ancestral marks to block my blessings, be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Demon that are responsible for this evil mark, O God arise and destroy them by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  31. Ancestral marks of backwardness, stolen glory, disappointment and failure, against my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
  32. Every power of my mother’s house, projecting ancestral marks on my body, die, in the name of Jesus.
  33. Every evil mark of my household assigned to trouble my marital destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
  34. O Lord, I apply the blood of Jesus over my body, in the name of Jesus.
  35. I loose myself from curses that activate evil marks, in the name of Jesus.
  36. Every ancestral marks programmed into my body from the village, go back to sender in Jesus name.
  37. Every ancestral evil marks programmed into my body from the marine kingdom, you cannot hold me in ransom, be wiped out by the blood of Jesus.
  38. Whatever ancestral evil marks has destroyed in my life and marriage, be restored by fire, in Jesus name.
  39. Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Ghost break every yoke of failure at the edge of breakthroughs caused by ancestral evil marks, in Jesus name
  40. I reject the ancestral marks of stagnation and sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
  41. O God, let all those using this strange marks to arrest my intended blessings, disappear by fire, in Jesus name
  42. Any evil marks that sponsors poverty in my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
  43. Every witchcraft mark upon my organs, be nullified, by the blood of Jesus.
  44. Every evil power from my village using this strange mark to monitor, go blind by fire, in Jesus name
  45. Every power using my body as a dumping ground in the spirit realm, be consumed by fire, in Jesus name
  46. I destroy the hands of any witchcraft using blade to cut my body, in the name of Jesus name
  47. Any power using this evil mark to push me to disgrace, fall down and die, in Jesus name
  48. As from today, no evil marks shall hold me captive, in Jesus name
  49. Evil marks of fornication and marital delay, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
  50. Satanic attacks against my life, backfire, in Jesus name
  51. Evil inscription on my destiny, be wiped away by the blood of Jesus.
  52. Handwriting of witchcraft over my marriage, backfire, in Jesus name



If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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