Bible Verses: John 8:32, Psalm 18:17
Dreaming of eating food with strangers can be dangerous. Food gives our body strength. Our body requires a variety of food for its daily function. It also provides the ability to stay healthy. While eating with strangers portends a bad signal to the dreamer. Having a connection with an unknown people in the dream increases your chances of being attacked by demons.
Matthew 13:25, ”But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”
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Subscribe nowStrangers constitutes the greatest enemy of our soul. They can easily be called Witchcraft night caterer that feeds people in their dreams. The kinds of foods you eat in the dream contains rotten and expired foods which can be so harmful and destructive to your health.
When a person is eating food with strangers in the dream, the devil is distributing poisons into the body of that person. The earlier you start to eat with unknown people, the higher the risk factor. Once you are eating more often with strangers in the dream, that is someone you did not know, it may be difficult for you to regain your virtues except through deliverance. When you eat with strangers in the dream, it means you have been bewitched and manipulated. When you eat with strangers in the dream, you will be spiritually and physically down to suffering and demotion.
A woman came called me that she always see herself eating in the dream and that a stranger will force her to eat food. Immediately I said to her: “Try and read ten (10) chapters of the Bible before you go to bed and call me the next day if there is any report or strange feelings.” When she called me the next day, she said she never ate in the dream that night. Then she asked: “Does it mean I have to be reading the bible every day?” I told her to end the call. A person does not question the need to feed his or her body every day. But tell her to feed his spirit, and she becomes a skeptic.

Many people have been fed in their dreams by strangers. Some are fed with dead relatives, others are eating with animals, masquerades, and marine spirits. Ordinarily, eating with people whose identity are very strange to you exposes you to trouble and takes you into the corridor of the dead.
Meals with known friends are more appealing when one person doesn’t have to eat alone. If demons does not attack you with sexual dream, he will try to use the image of certain people you know to gain access into your life.
One of the best benefits of eating food with known friends in reality, it brings about happiness and joy. For example, a person who ordinarily did not have that urge for eating rice, by the time he or she sees his friends eating that same food that he ignores, immediately such person will join them in eating the food.
Psalm 18:44, ”As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.”
- They are evil powers, whose responsibility is to arrest your spiritman through food initiation in the dream. They are powers that make sure a victim is well fed in the spirit realm . Sometimes they manifest themselves in the identity of a known person for attack. When the enemy has a mission to carryout against you, the evil powers come to invade you.
A man who is always eating in the dream may be working so hard but he makes a little gains. This kind of dream brings the spirit of go slow where others are making progress and counting their millions. Unlike sexual dream, eating in the dream happens to be one of the greatest spiritual attacks. The evil food goes to a person internal system and hide itself there. Some evil food can hide themselves in the kidney, liver, heart, reproductive organ, vein, blood etc. If you normally experience movement inside your body, it’s as a result of some foods that you have eaten or fed with by strangers.
There are some people who are so heavy spiritually after eating food with some people in the dream. Not able to receive sound health is a symptom of eating in the dream. When you eat any kinds of food with strangers in the dream, you will receive the arrow of obeying the voice of witchcraft. When you begin to eat your favourite food with certain person in the spirit realm, your progress will be arrested and by the time you are plagued with problems, it will automatically leave you with frustrations.
Read this
- It polluted your blood
- It paralyzes your destiny
- It blocks you from hearing God
- It create a bound between you and the witchcraft spirit
- It makes the devil to get hold of your life
- All your opportunities will escape overnight
- It has power to cancel the blessings of God in your life
- Spiritual food can glue to the intestine of a person for many years
- Poverty came out from excessive eating of food
- You have eaten a forbidden food which can be used to enslave you
- It goes into the body to cause blockage of womb
- It makes a person to work hard without headway
- Evil food convert the glory of a person into a pity
- Late marriage is another key function

The problem of eating with strangers is sourced from foundation. The foundation of many people is highly evil. That’s why many people have been fighting the wrong battle. For example, If you come from a hometown that has serious problem with love and unity, then there will be perverse wickedness and loss in such a family. Many people have been fighting hard on how to survive this evil dream for many years. No man or woman progress once they start eating with people in the dream. Some eat meat, rice, beans, yam, and other essential foods. It is a shameful experience for a person to be eating food prepared by some forces of darkness in their father’s house or mother’s house.
In Matthew 11:12 says, ” And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” This means that you must collect back whatever the foundational powers has stolen from you through your dream.
The evil attachment between you and the ancestral powers is the fact that the devil is wrestling with you. When you try all means to break all soul tie with your foundation and it seems nothing is broken, it means the power of the enemy has overshadow you. Every time a person eat with strangers in the dream, it causes the following factors:
- Satanic imprisonment
- Living a difficult life
- Unable to finish a thing, assignment or project
- Things suddenly work against the person
- Victims are rejected, or cursed
- Repeated affliction or unfinished problems
- Sharp financial downfall
- Backwardness and failure at the edge of breakthrough
- Untimely death and bad luck
Many people are inside the cage of their forefathers and unless there is serious prayers they will end up living a regretful life. It’s so common for a person to receive mysterious attack after eating with some set of people in the dream. When they experience this dream attack, they feel hopeless. If you also come from a family where people normally encounter nightmares at the edge of miracle, you need to go to a church for deliverance. Going to the right church will save you from perpetual bondage. If you come from a family where there is hunger and sorrow, stranger will feed you with food. The place where you come from can contribute to the rising trend of eating with strangers in the dream.
- You often eat any kinds of food outside
- You fail to pray on your food
- You eat food that does not belong to you
- You are a master of eating sacrificial food
- Begging for food is a common thing
- You steal people’s food
- You eat late hours in the night
There are many ways of overcoming the attack of the strangers feeding you with evil foods
- Give your life to Chirst
- If backslide, rededicate your life to Christ
- Repent of every known sin and confess them to Jesus Christ
- Identify the kind of food you often eat in the dream
- Raise the blood of Jesus against such evil food and its effects over your life
- Get a fresh anointing oil and purge it out by fire, in Jesus name
- If possible, checkmate the uprising of this dream to know if it has do with pattern in the family
- Declare 21 times and say, I DRINK THE BLOOD OF JESUS.
- Read 10 verses of the Bible before you sleep. Do this continuously and never stop
- Ask God to close your mouth to every evil food
- Go for deliverance if the dream persist
- Check if there is an evil link between and some powers
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers with anointing oil. Read 2 Tim 2:21. Midnight Prayers between 12 am to 2 am. Psalm 3, 27 and 30
- You strangers of darkness against my freedom, I bury you alive , in the name of Jesus.
- Any witchcraft power feeding me with evil food in the dream, I feed you back, in the name of Jesus.
- My Father I glorify your name because I will be delivered from the bondage of evil food today in the name of Jesus.
- By the blood of Jesus I destroy every covenant with the evil world responsible for the evil feeding in my life in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil foundation in my life creating space for evil feeding in my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil foundation from my father’s side responsible for this evil feeding in my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil foundation from my mother’s side responsible for this evil feeding in my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- Every legal ground for witchcraft access into my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- You witchcraft link with my body, soul and spirit break by fire now in the name of Jesus.
- Every stronghold old witchcraft powers operating in my life receive the fire of destruction in the name of Jesus.
- Every network of witchcraft control in my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- I destroy every witchcraft mark in my body attracting evil food in the name of Jesus.
- Let the root of eating in the dreams be destroyed in my life now in the name of Jesus.
- I challenge every coven behind my eating in the dreams I command such to catch fire and burn to ashes now in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft agent from anywhere responsible for feeding me in the dream receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- You witchcraft caterer destroying my life through evil food receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- I release the fire of destruction into my spiritual atmosphere and I command every strange spirits or beings invading my privacy be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft curse behind this evil feeding break by the blood of Jesus now.
- Let the blood of Jesus begin to destroy every evil deposited in my body through eating in the dreams in the name of Jesus.
- You forces of witchcraft from my family background responsible for this evil eating receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- I come against every witchcraft projection against my life, I destroy such with the fire of the Holy Ghost now in the name of Jesus.
- Let the consuming fire of God destroy every astral projection my life and dream world in the name of Jesus.
- I destroy every evil hand feeding me with evil food. Catch fire and burn to ashes now in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft curse behind my eating in the dream break by fire and by the blood of Jesus now in the name of Jesus.
- You agent of darkness controlling my destiny through your evil food receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- I command every witchcraft food in my life to catch fire and burn to ashes now in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft evil food in my system affecting my glory and destiny catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
- You witchcraft spirit having access into my life and spirit catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
- Let the blood of Jesus flush out of my body every spiritual poison brought into my life via eating in the dream.
- Every evil object introduced into my body via eating in the dream catch fire and burn to ashes now in the name of Jesus.
- I cut off every evil hand giving me witchcraft food by fire now in the name of Jesus.
- Every demonic or witchcraft food I have eaten in the dream world be purged out of my body the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft substance in my spirit, soul and body receive the fire of the Holy Ghost and burn to ashes.
- You witchcraft night caterer feeding me in the dream, fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft powers summoning my spirit and soul in the witchcraft kingdom receive the fire of destruction in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil connection between my spirit and soul and the witchcraft kingdom break by fire.
- Every unconscious witchcraft initiation in my life causing me to eat in the dream break by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft agents from my father and mother’s side tormenting my life through eating in the dream fall down and die by fire.
- Every weakness in my life feeding and fueling witchcraft feeding in my life be destroyed by fire.
- Let the blood of Jesus flow into my body and by fire purge out every evil rubbish in my stomach in the name of Jesus.
- Let the fire of the Holy Ghost fall upon me and begin to destroy every witchcraft mark and sign upon my life in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft spirit living in my body come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft covenant enforcing my eating in the dream, break by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every monitoring witchcraft spirit monitoring my life to make sure I eat their food receive the fire of destruction in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft curse on my life causing me to east in the dream break by fire and the blood of Jesus.
- As from today, I soak my spirit soul and body with the blood of Jesus.
- By the blood of Jesus, I close every spiritual door that the witchcraft spirits have been using to come and feed me at night in the name of Jesus.
- By the blood of Jesus I become a forbidden zone for the kingdom of darkness to operate in my life and family again in the name of Jesus.
- I draw the bloodline round my family with the blood of Jesus.
- Let the fire of God pass through my body, soul and spirit and let every evil work this eating in the dream has done be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.
- I declare total freedom over my life from the forces and influence of witchcraft today in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of the living God go and bring back all what the witches and wizards have destroyed in my life via evil feeding in the name of Jesus.
- I command all stolen virtues in my life to be returned and restored back now in the name of Jesus.
- Let every power of disfavor introduced into my life receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- Let my covered glory be exposed by the blood of Jesus now in the name of Jesus.
- Every spirit of delay introduced into my life via evil food receive the fire of destruction now in the name of Jesus.
- Let my life begin to shape as from today again by the grace and power of God in the name of Jesus.
- As I drink this olive oil, I command every poison in my body to be purged out of my body in the name of Jesus.
- I draw the bloodline round my family with the blood of Jesus.