Writing exams in the dream is not bad, but it depends on the outcome of the examination. If you write exams and pass in the dream. It means success in life, marriage, career, business. If you are unable to complete your exam questions or someone angrily take away or tear your paper, it means there is an obstacle hindering you from advancing in whatever you do. If you fail woefully in the dream, it indicates failure, setback and backwardness etc. Pray and fast. If you always see yourself repeatedly in the secondary, primary school, it represents constant backwardness, failure, spiritual dullness. And inability to move forward in life when others have gone too far in life, marriage, career etc. If you assume this kind of dream don’t make any impact in the life of men, may God give you wisdom in this area. If you are not yet born again or you have backslided, kindly repent your sins so that God can accelerate your path of destiny. Take 3 days fasting from 6am – 6pm. Deut 27:15-26
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe now1. I break every curse from my ancestory operating in my life by reason of my past sins, in Jesus name.
2. I bind every spirit of setback in my life, in Jesus name.
3. O Lord, fast track my destiny to the point of fulfilment, in Jesus name.
Evangelist Joshua.