Expository Study On Satanic Strategies Against Humanity

Satanic Strategies Against Humanity
Satanic Attacks


Calvary greetings to you, reading this article in Jesus Mighty Name. Once again, i am here with a very special teaching on satanic strategies against human beings worldwide.

This is a special research I have carried out for over three decades of my experience in the prayer ministry and the knowledge of the scriptures I am receiving from the Holy Spirit coupled with the current and practical happenings in our generation.

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I know this study will help somebody to discover a new thing, receive fresh revelation to change and make a U turn from the ways of Satan to the ways of God. It is very insightful and revealing.

In short, Satan and his demons have devised a lot of strategies in order to destroy human souls today but only a few people are aware of this. That is why the Bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Isa 5:13, Hos 4:6.

Jesus says if you know these things happy are you if you practice them. John 13:17. And in 2 Cor 2:11, the Holy Spirit speaking through the Apostle Paul says we should not be ignorant of satanic devices (strategies).

The question now is, what are these STRATEGIES that Satan is using against humanity especially in this end time? Note, i am going to only itemize a few of them here for you to know them.

1. MANIPULATIONS IN THE DREAMS! This is one of the greatest strategies Satan has been using against human beings worldwide. This is because, in the dream, if you don’t have the power of God upon your life, Satan will be riding you like a horse! Again, the devil can make you to be careless about your dreams. He can equally make you to dream and forget so that you will not pray against him and his agents. That is why in the Early Church brethren did not joke with their dreams, Visions, Revelations and trances. Acts 10:9-15, 16:9,10. Today, demons are fighting and destroying so many people in the dreams. Please don’t joke with your dreams!

2. EVIL REINFORCEMENT! This is another dangerous strategy. This is the case where the devil will leave their victim for a while only to go and reinforce themselves and come back more forcefully! There is an illustration in the book of Luke where the demon is cast out, he will go and invite 7 other powerful demons to come and attack his victim! This is a terrible reinforcement!

Unknown Demon

3. DISCOURAGEMENT! This is another method. Satan and his cohort have used this method to make many Christians leave the Church. Note, once somebody is discouraged it is not easy for that person to be encouraged. And of course, many people including so many Christians are discouraged today in view of what is happening around us in the world. Some people don’t even believe that there is God anymore! Satan is using this tool to carry many people away from God.

4. CONTINUOUS CHANTING AGAINST VICTIMS! This is the case where the devil has arranged some demons to keep on chanting around you spiritually, that ‘You Must Fall’ These demons do this 24/7 days continuously until you are fallen from the grace if you are not strong in the faith! This is a dangerous strategy from Satan against humanity!

5. MANUFACTURING OF NEW FASHIONS! Everyday we see new things from fashion Industry in the deep Sea. Why are all these things coming out? It is done to take away your heart from thinking so much about God and heaven. The Bible says all these fashions will pass away one day. It is only those who are in Christ and remain unto the end that shall not pass away! 1 John 2:15-17. Truly, many people including so many Christians today are swallowed by fashions of this end time – latest cloths, latest car, latest phone etc. No time to read Bible, No time to pray, No time to go to Church.

6. HIGH LEVEL DECEPTIONS! This is another serious method Satan is using today against people. The Bible describes Satan as Arcdeceiver! Rev 12:9. The Bible says Satan and his agents are deceiving the whole world of humanity – both the learned, illitrates, Politicians and Christians alike!

7. RELIGIONS! This is another tool Satan is using to carry many people to hell. Today you see people are just being Religeous! They don’t know God. They are very zealous but Christ is not in them. There is a difference between religion and Christianity! Religion simply means to be serious and zealous for God without knowing the Truth! It also means worshipping anything as God! Christianity is the association of the born agains who worship God through Jesus Christ in Spirit and In Truth. John 4:24. Jesus is the Central Focus of Christianity. All other methods of worshipping God through candles, holy water, apron, special white uniforms, chaplets, beards etc are all religions! Be careful.

8. EVIL MONITORING! This is another strategy the devil uses to affect people’s lives for the kingdom of darkness. This is the situation where the devil has programed some demons to be monitoring your life, your movement, family and business to ensure that you will not progress or escape from the hands of the enemies! Evil Monitors are everywhere around us. The Bible describes them as Watchers, watching you in the spiritual realm!

9. PRAYERLESSNESS! This one is a terrible one! You see, Prayer is the power of every Christian who Wants to be victorious in this life and make it to heaven at last. But the devil has gone ahead to weaken so many Christians prayer lives so that they will not be able to make it both physically and spiritually! That is why Jesus says we should Continue to pray and not to faint. Lk 18:1. That is why before the enemy can destroy anyone he will first of all stripe you and take away your power of prayer which is your weapon!

10. DEMONIC HAND OVER! This is another powerful strategy in the spirit world against humanity. By this method, demons from your father’s house can follow you and hand you over to the territorial demons of the place (Town or City) where you are staying for more afflictions and torture! So don’t think that you can run away from demons or powers of darkness. The only person you can run to and be safe is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Prov 18:10, John 15:4,5. Only Jesus can save! Friend, i draw the curtain here. This is the part one of this vital study. Thanks for reading. You will not miss your place in heaven in Jesus powerful Name. Amen!! GLORY HALLELUJAH!

Source: Pastor Moses Ameh

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

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