Dream About Watch

DREAM ABOUT WATCH – Spiritual Meaning

What does it mean to dream about watch, clock, wristwatch?

Ephesians 5:16 – Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

If you dream of watch, it symbolize a warning that time is passing by. It mean its time for you to take action, make decision and fulfill your purpose. When you wake up feeling upset, it could be that you are wasting your times in life, perhaps with unfriendly friends. The hidden meaning here is telling the dreamer that divine time is tickling fast, and hence you should make a quick steps towards it before you loses the opportunity again.

Watch dream is being connected to the time of planning, directing, organizing and coordinating. Abraham time was ignorantly wasted for the period of 75 years until God show you up and take him out of his father’s house. At a point, we need divine timing for the manifestation of our dreams.  The symbol of watch is attached to our life. Everyone living on earth today have different time of fulfilling their purposes. God gave Jonah a message to go to the city of Ninevah to preach the gospel, however, he useless the divine timing until God gave him a second chance.

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If you are a career person or a  manager, dreaming about your watch could indicates time management is important. Are you always late in taking decision? Are you a person that always procrastinate, reluctant to take a risk?  Perhaps you suddenly discover your friends have wasted your time. Then this dream theme is talking to you.  In addition, do you always feel like your time is running out in a particular situation?

Maybe you sense that you have misused your opportunities this time. If someone gave you watch in your dream, its possible that the Holy Spirit is giving you an extra time to make amendment , and opportunity to live a righteous life. Perhaps your relationship with God, or possibly your sin is getting the Holy Spirit furious. So dreaming about wristwatch could tell you to act on your decision fast. Wristwatch is also connected to one’s timing in life.

Having a watch in your dream too frequent could be passing a serious message to you. In fact, it could be how to segment your time for God. Watch or clock dream is also important in our Christian life, because it can also mean that the Holy Spirit is planning to visit you or making plans to do a particular thing for you. Are you planning to do something for God? Maybe that thing could be to worship in a church, or to do something that will make you happy.

Dreaming of a watch  enables you to work smarter, and harder so that you get achieve your objectives on time. Time is crucial to man and even to God. He created the heaven and the earth and the seventy days he rest. That could be God’s divine watch set aside for the benefit of man to live and have dominion over.

The truth is, failure to manage your time effectively can destroy your hopes and scatter your already set out plans. The Bible describe time in Psalms 31:15, My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. You are absolutely correct when you say time is connected to our destiny, future, dreams etc. For example, A businessman who is not conscious about time management, he is ending towards failure. And by the time, he realize the little time left to achieve many things has been wasted due to lack of planning.

Wearing a watch in the dream could possibly tell you that whatever you are doing be time conscious. The purpose of a wearing a wristwatch is to know or check out your time. For example, if in the dream you check your watch and you discover that time has passed away (watch, clock, etc.) it means that you are underestimating your chances for success and can indicates that you are not making good use of your time.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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  1. I hv been having different type of dream for so long smtimes smone chasing me,or eating in de dream,or fornicating in de dream and weeping wht shld i do

  2. Greeting Papa, pls I’m a called servant of God in Cameroon, still a student pastor and I had this dream last year when a popular man of God(bishop David Oyedepo and his wife met me, I was in a strange family house, know nobody there. The man of God and his asked me what I’m doing in our family compound but I didn’t respond, the house was fenced, dirties water was in some places. I fell down at his legs and he prayed for me and he told me to leave the house, go and look for a house in city, safe contain and come I tell him and he will pay all the bills. All of a sudden, when he was leaving he removed his watch in his hand and give it to me. Pls help in interpretation. Thanks

  3. I dreamt of given my brother my wristwatch, please i don’t understand the meaning.

  4. I had a dream that I was tidying up a bedroom and realising that I needed to collect the three watches that I left in the room. Then i left the house. Does the three watches mean three days? Or three months? I need understanding because I believe that I’m under massive witchcraft attack and I need to be delivered. Because in the same night different dream I saw a white cat. My mum and I started to call upon the name of Jesus (in the dream) and it was hissing aggressively . Then I woke up.

  5. in my dream someone gave me a watch collected a sum of #1000 and left, and when I tried to wear the watch the hand cut from my hand, I couldn’t be able to wear it

  6. I asked God who is really my man for the sixth time I had an argument with him last night and in the dream I dreamed when I was having a watch and I eventually found out that ME and my guy we were so deeply in love Wat does it mean

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