Eggs in the dreams are generally a good omen except if the eggs are broken, rotten, fallen down, then it becomes something tragic waiting to happen. Egg is a representatation of glory, blessing, promises, luck, life, new beginning or prosperity. This is a sign of new changes that will bring joy, pleasant surpises, hope and fulfillment.
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Subscribe nowDid you see someone given you eggs in the dream? Or did you see yourself receiving eggs from someone in the dream? If yes, how many eggs did you received? Is it one, two or many? Are you happy or unhappy after receiving the eggs? Receiving eggs in the drea, should not scared you, the meaning could relate to receiving your blessing, your riches, your prosperity, your womb, your good news, your promotion, your favour etc.
Though the interpretation still depends on the person that gave you the eggs. Sometimes, we may feel worried about a dream and the interpretation will be positive in the spirit realm. For example, if a bad person gives you eggs, the interpretation could be telling you that the enemy has given you back whatever they have taken from you. To you, you may feel bad, spiritually, it is a good omen.
In general, if you received eggs from someone in the dream, it shows that something good is coming. Perhaps your plans and expectation would soon come true. If someone gives you eggs in the dream, then it could mean secret things would be revealed to you. It may be about a person, or something else. As a child of God, you need the power of discernment o find out what it is.
Case 1: Someone gave a woman an egg in the dream and she received a good news call in the following week.
Case 2: Someone gave a woman a big egg in the dream and in short time, she conceived and later on she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl.
Case 3: Someone receives two eggs from a pastor in the dream and the woman conceived twins.
Sometimes the eggs can represent a good or bad spirit. For example, if you feel bad after receiving the eggs, it means a transference of evil spirit into ones life. On the positive side, if someone gives you eggs in the dream, it may mean you will bear fruits in your marriage, career, ministry, business and everything that concerns you.
Receiving bad eggs in the dream signifies curses, sickness, death, or obstacles. If you received two big eggs, it means God is preparing double blessings for you. Start rejoicing now.
Our dreams can comes in parables and it’s meanings are revealed by God. Others may have such a dream and calamity will befall them. Dream interpretation is decoded by discernment spirit of God.
If you are trying to do something big in real life, if you take eggs from someone in the dream, it may mean that you are going to be blessed with goodness. However, if the eggs breaks either in your hands or from the giver’s hand in dream, then it foretells disappointment, failure, setback, hard times, troubles, delay, unfulfilled desire. Egg is very delicate; Egg is just like handling with an information or something with care.
If someone gave you several eggs, it could mean someone is trying to extend a big blessing towards you. Or it could mean someone is telling you a secret or trying to enter an aggreement or covenant with you that must not be broken. If you eventually find out the eggs brakes from your hand, negatively, then such an attack will give ways for more spiritual battles.
It may foretells difficulties, death, bad luck, weakness, or person’s fortune is under severe witchcraft attack. If someone gives you an egg or many eggs in dream, it could be a sign that someone wants you to handle some matters with care or levity. Negatively, such a dream could be telling you that someone is setting you up for a trap for you to fall.
A witch can give you eggs in dream and her purpose is to bewitch you with that eggs. If you are not happy after receiving eggs from someone in the dream, you may need to embark on furious fasting and prayers.
Because you may be having that feeling like something terrible will befall you. On the positive, if you receive eggs in dream, can likewise tell you that you should keep divine plans secret to yourself.
If you are pregnant, someone giving you eggs can portend positive or negative. It can mean successful delivery or protection of your pregnancy. Alternatively, it can also be a warning sign that the enemy wants to manipulate the glory of your unborn baby from the womb. Many people uses eggs to commit wickedness against people.
Someone may just chant an incantation on eggs and break it. Once the egg is broken, the life and destiny of that person will be shattered to pieces. So as a child of God, you need to discern accurately if this dream is actually good or bad within your spirit. May the Lord protect you from danger and troubles, in Jesus name.
Bible references: Num 23:23, Gen 50:20, Deut 29:29,