Read: Jeremiah 1:10; 17-19, Isaiah 54:15 &17. Job 17:9, Psalm 94:1-4; 22-23; Isaiah 12:14.
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe nowWhat shall we then say to these thins? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all; how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us…Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
Rom 8: 31-34, 37
Psalm 27:1-2, ”The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.”
A court case is a dispute between opposing parties resolved by a court, or by some equivalent legal process. A court case may be either civil or criminal. In each case there is an accuser and one or more defendants.
To win a court cases determines the level of prayers and fasting. If you cannot seek for the mercy and forgiveness from God, there is a tendency that you will lost the court case.
The purpose of going to court is for the judges to decide on a case between two parties. It is a place where a person can either win or lose. The judge handling the case must be credible and transparent in his dealings. As a Christian, Jesus Christ is our greatest Advocate (1 John 2:1-2).
An advocate is an attorney or a lawyer in a judicial case. An advocate pleads the case of his client in a court of law. So Jesus defends and represent us in the Courts of Heaven.
One fact you must learn about believers taking to court unjustly is that, our God will surely win the case for us. He represents our interest and make sure that the case is never lost. There are no lawyers or judges that are more powerful and wiser than God.
Jesus pleads our case. He argues in our behalf. The Hebrew writer wrote, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25).
There are many court cases that have ended many into jail. Some are being persecuted for the crime they did not commit. The expectation of many over the case was to win their opponent, but discover that the case overturned and worked against them.
As a believer, there is a guarantee that you must win that court case if only you are truthful, transparent and credible in the matter. God cannot win a case of a person who has a history of red file or has committed a crime or violated the law of a given state or country.
The Bible teaches that every accountable person has sinned. Paul wrote, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The moment you are guilty for the offence, the presence of God will depart from you and its consequences will result to punishment.
The Bible says, ”When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Proverbs 16:7. This means that if you are truthful and not being guilty, the Lord will force the judges to support your case.
If you take someone to court unjustly, It is clear that the Lord will fight against you. Though, it is possible you win the case but the person will never be protected or victorious in life. People who connive with judges to work on the victory of their case are sometimes frustrated.
When a person is guilty of that case, God has caught with the person and decided to punish such a person for breaking the law and God’s commandment. You cannot constitute false claim against your opponent and go scot free. The Bible says, Ye shall know the truth and only the truth shall set you free.
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers. Cry out to God concerning this court case. (Ensure you are not guilty). Pray with these scriptures. Rom 10:11, 1 Tim 1:8-11
Declaration Before Going to Court
”Father, I come before you in Jesus name. Forgive me for every sin I have committed knowingly or unknowingly. I want to obtain mercy and grace to win over this court case (mention the date). Lord Jesus, My lawyer may fail me. But you will never disappoint me. Barricade me with your fire and your presence of God. O Lord, defend my case and declare a winner in the name of Jesus. I nullify every plan, scheme to lock me up in the prison of delay, in Jesus name. Every law, procedure at the court that will aid my opposition against me, I scatter it by the blood of Jesus. I am covered with the blood of Jesus.
1. Repent of any wrong doing on this matter, receive mercy.
2. Pray with the above scriptures as led now.
3. Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, I nullify every unrighteous decree against me, as a result of this case, in the name of Jesus.
4. I rain fire on their altars and shrines where they have intended to manipulate this case now in Jesus name.
5. I overturn and overrule every judgement passed against me in the coven by fire in the name of Jesus.
6. I declare null and void every judgment passed against me in the marine and occultic world by fire in the name of Jesus.
7. I bind the spirits and demons released into the air to influence the lawyers and to give judgment in their favour in the name of Jesus.
8. I strengthen the spirit, soul and body of my lawyer by the Blood of Jesus, Amen!
9. I release permanent confusion into the camp of adversaries before and during this case in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!
10. Lord, I release Your words to scatter their evil witnesses and evidence in Jesus name.
11. I declare that as they open their mouths to speak, beginning with their lawyers, they shall speak and utter foolish words after the order of AHITHOPHEL in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!
12. I declare that I shall speedily come out victorious in this case in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!
13. I overcome every planned attack spiritually and physically in Jesus Christ Name, Amen!
14. Thank you Lord, because you are the Lord of hosts and the Man of war.
15. I claim victory over every adversary in this court case, in the name of Jesus.
16. I bind and paralyze the strongman employed or delegated to disgrace me, in the name of Jesus.
17. Let all the affairs of my life be too hot for any evil power to manipulate, in the name of Jesus.
18. Lord, grant me and my lawyer supernatural wisdom to subdue all opposition.
19. Lord, let it be impossible for my adversary to subdue the truth in this matter, in the name of Jesus.
20. Lord, let me find favor in the sight of those who are responsible for judging this case.
21. I close every negative door that the enemy might want to open, using this case, in the name of Jesus.
22. You satanic agents, I command you to clear out from the pathway to my victory in this matter, in the name of Jesus.
23. I cancel any demonic decision and expectation concerning this case, in the name of Jesus.
24. Father, make it possible for me to find favor in the sight of the judge, in the name of Jesus.
25. Lord, let me find favor, compassion and loving-kindness with the jury, in the name of Jesus.
26. Let all the demonic obstacles that have been established in the heart of anyone against my prosperity be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
27. Let all the demonic obstacles that have been established in the heart of anyone against my prosperity be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
28. Lord, give all the parties concerned, dreams, visions and restlessness that would advance my cause.
29. I command my money being caged by the enemy to be completely released, in the name of Jesus.
30. I bind and put to flight all the spirits of fear, anxiety and discouragement, in the name of Jesus.
31. Lord, let divine wisdom fall upon all who are supporting me in these matters.
32. I break the backbone of the spirits of conspiracy and treachery, in the name of Jesus.
33. Lord, hammer my matter into the mind of those who will assist me so that they do not suffer from demonic lose of memory.
34. I paralyze the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents in this matter, in the name of Jesus.
35. You devil, take your leg away from the top of my finances, in the mighty name of Jesus.
36. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit purge my life from any evil mark put upon me, in the name of Jesus.
37. Let the Lord confuse the tongues of those gathered to do me harm, after the order of the builders of the Tower of Babel, in the name of Jesus.
38. Let my adversaries make mistakes that will advance my cause, in the name of Jesus.
39. I command every evil power and vessel sitting on my rights and goodness to be violently overthrown, in the name of Jesus.
40. I pursue, overtake and recover my properties from the hands of spiritual Egyptians, in the name of Jesus.
41. Let every counsel, plan, desire, expectation, imagination, device and activity of the enemy against this case be rendered null and void, in the name of Jesus.
42. I terminate every journey into bondage and unfruitfulness designed for me by the enemies of my soul, in the name of Jesus.
43. I bind every money-consuming demon attached to my finances, in the name of Jesus.
44. I refuse to be tossed about by any demonic device of the enemy to delay my miracle, in the name of Jesus.
45. Holy Spirit, teach me to avoid unfriendly friends and unprofitable transactions, in the name of Jesus.
46. Let all my blessings presently in the prison of the enemy begin to pursue me and overtake me as from today, in the name of Jesus.