Prayers To Get A Permanent Job This Month
Going to the university to obtain a certificate is a very difficult thing to do. Getting a job is not an easy thing to come by. Finding yourself in a bad economy could flame up the hardship. The ability to look for a job makes a person jobless. Being jobless is synonymous to lack.
For example, a person who has no job, how can he able to survive. A person who rented an apartment, having a wife and children, how do you expect such a person to survive without a job.
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Subscribe nowOne of the major prayers of many people is ”God, I need to get a permanent job”. A permanent job is what bring food to the table. A permanent job is what makes the home joyous. Unfortunately, many people find themselves in an organization that has no plans for them.
John 15:7 , ”If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”.
To see a helper can be so challenging at times, but those who do not have anything doing are experiencing setbacks, failures, begging and suffering to mention but a few. They have decided to write and submit their Curriculum Vitae (C.V) to different companies. Some are called for job interview others are not. So the problem of joblessness is becoming a serious issue all over the world
Today, we have different set of companies who have no job securities. When a person is working in an organisation that has limited scope of operation, and sales, it will surely affect its workers.
As Christians, you need to understand and live by what the Bible says, he shall supply all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. If you remain with Christ and His words, you will get a permanent job. A job that will change your status and makes you important is coming this month in Jesus name
Ecclesiastes 9:10 ,”Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do [it] with thy might; for [there is] no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
Some wrote me that, he was offered a job in the dream
Building your faith on the platform that you will soon get your miracle job this month is the key to your testimony. Once you believe in God that your job has been settled, then it will be settled in Jesus name. The problem of searching for jobs, praying for promotion will attract the attention of God in Jesus name.
Sometimes, there is a reason for everything that happens to people irrespective of what they are facing in life. The most important period in your life begins when you get your permanent job. I decree, whatever it takes for God to provide your own job for you receive it in Jesus name.
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days prayers and fasting. Bring out your documents and prophesy on it using these prayer bomb.
- I receive my permanent job this month, in Jesus name.
- Anything that wants to work against my job breakthrough this month, I cancel it in Jesus name
- Spirit of failure at job interview, die, in Jesus name.
- Gate of my job breakthrough, open after the order of Job, in Jesus name
- You my Curriculum Vitae (C.V) receive divine favour for the announcement of my permanent job, in Jesus name.
- I refuse to be demoted at my present job, in the name of Jesus.
- O ye helpers of my destiny, arise and perform wonders in my life in Jesus name.
- Evil monitoring powers that wants me to search for job until I am aged, loose your hold over me in Jesus name.
- Everyone ordained for my job breakthroughs, appear, in the name of Jesus.
- No enchantment shall make jobless, in the name of Jesus.
- Whether my situation likes it or not, I must be gainfully employed this month, in Jesus name.
- This month, there shall be a new oil on my documents, in the name of Jesus.
- Agent of darkness shall not cover my names and credentials, in the name of Jesus.
- I call forth my job from the north, south, east and west, in Jesus name.
- Any power planning to sack me in the place of my livelihood, receive double tragedy in Jesus name
- This month, I remove my names from the curse of wandering around companies, in Jesus name.
- Evil robbers shall not steal my job breakthrough, in Jesus name.
- Every evil hand over my matter, be wither by fire, in Jesus name
- Every evil foundation of struggling for many years before job breakthrough, break by fire
- I break every curse of working outside the agenda of God, in Jesus name.
- O LORD, this month, place my names in the heart of those that promise to help me, in Jesus name.
- My job shall not be given to another, in Jesus name.
- Every idol of my father’s house working against my job, catch fire, in Jesus name.
- Anywhere they have taken my names to for poverty, backfire, in Jesus name
- Ancestral curse of operating in a job that is not profitable, O God, provide another for me, in Jesus name.
- Mercy of God speak in the areas of my miracle job, in Jesus name.
- Holy Ghost fire, burn the evil files that has my names, in the name of Jesus.
- Every spirit of bad luck initiated into my life by ancestral, household powers, backfire, in JESUS NAME
- Every evil influence over my job matter, break by fire, in Jesus name.
- I recover my lost job or position, in the name of Jesus.
- Any power planning to replace me in the position I am occupying because of educational qualification, Father, fight for me, in Jesus name.
- Any evil curse commanding me to stay in an unprofitable organisation for many years, break by fire and backfire, in Jesus name.
- My glory hijacked by wicked powers, come back in Jesus name.
- Garment of joblesness put on my body by ancestral idols, catch fire, in Jesus name
- My name and dress shall not work against me, in the name of Jesus.
- Any job interview that I have attended in the past, they shall start calling me this month, in the name of Jesus.
- I shall not sit near people that bring bad luck at interviews, in the name of Jesus.
- I shall not dwell so long in the valley of joblessness, in Jesus name.
- By fire, by force, I claim my permanent job, in Jesus name.
- My Father, let not my tribe or religion work against my job breakthrough, in Jesus name.
- My family shall not be responsible for my job search, in Jesus name.
- Father, you gave others their permanent job, locate me with a better job, in Jesus name
- Every witchcraft power attacking my permanent job, die, in Jesus name.
- I recover all my permanent job that I have lost due to……………., in Jesus name.
- This month, whatever it takes for me to be a man or woman shall given to me, in Jesus name.
- I cast all my burdens upon the Lord, in Jesus name.
- Thank you for blessing me with my permanent job this month in Jesus name.