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Dream Of Wearing Black Cloth And Red Cloth


Biblical Meanings Of Wearing Black Clothes And Red Clothes In The Dream

Bible Verses: Zachariah 3:1-5, Mark 10:46-52, Genesis 37:3

Adam and Eve lost their lives because they sinned against God (Genesis 3:17-19). Death was the only possible result of their rebellion against God (Psalm 36:9). The Bible says, they made a garment of fig leaves to cover their nakedness.

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The dream of wearing black clothes and red clothes are properties of darkness. Many people are wearing this garment in the dream.  To make it worse, some begin to move with it, and others uses it to beautify themselves spiritually. These evil clothes has caused mysterious havoc on the children of God.

God doesn’t want His children to associate or have a connection with any evil garment in the dream. Enemies can use and convert our clothes of joy into a cloth of sorrow. When someone wears black clothes in the dream, the meaning is untimely death, sorrow and mourning. These are the symptoms of satanic bondage!

Genesis 37:34, ”And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.”

In the process of dreaming about the black cloth, the enemy is trying to pronounce death sentence and steal ones blessings. Wearing black clothes in the dream also indicates blindness and difficulties. If a person is blind, he cannot be able to locate his direction. Should it case you don’t know; These evil garments are being manufactured from the graveyard against destinies.

If you look at it spiritually, you will agree with me that the only garment the spirit of death often puts on a person is the black cloth. You cannot prosper when you have strange garment around you.  All these are terrible witchcraft attacks  meant to initiate you into witchcraft or destroy you.

For instance, if you are invited to a funeral ceremonial, the type of clothes to commensurate the death person is black. That is, complete black from head to toe. It’s as serious as that.

The plans of God is for you to achieve your purpose (Jeremiah 29:11).  Unlike the meaning of black clothes in the dream, red cloth is another dream we must also examine holistically too.  To dream about red clothes, the consequences are tragedy, danger, troubles and death.

Let me share this story

A lady was dating a man. They have been in a relationship for quite sometimes. The lady could not withstand the habit of the man going out with different women. Almost everyday, this man takes new lady to the hotel for fornication. The lady is tired with the man’s way of life. But all of a sudden, the lady told the guy that she is no more interested in the relationship again. The guy agreed immediately. But that’s not the essence of writing you this  story. The point is, this lady will keep dreaming about his ex wearing the cloth they used to bury his late father. In another areas, she also dream where she saw her ex was putting on  a black cloth. When she shared this dream to me, I told her there is a soul tie covenant of death hovering around her and it has been established already. The spirit of his late father is hunting after  his ex and since they have involved themselves through recent sexual contact, she should cast out the spirit of untimely death and bad luck. From that moment, things is start getting better for her.

A black cloth is a spiritual covering. Such garment can convert a bread winner to a bread loser. For example, Joshua the High Priest in our keynote scripture, faced humiliation because of the filthy garments that he was wearing. Zechariah 3:1-5. Other meanings of black or red cloth in the dream include the garments of rejection, ugliness, condemnation, widowhood, shame, disgrace.


When you dream of wearing cloth, you would encounter troubles and see errors. Instead of meeting your blessings, you will be confronted with disaster and bad luck. The spirit of death also uses both the black and red clothes to exchange virtues in the of a person. Then what’s the essence of living when the enemy has converted the day of people into a night of sorrow.

Lots of  mysterious things are happening today. The one we know and the one we don’t know. It is sad that many people are dying ignorantly.   What led many people into the grave early, part of them are the picture of bad dreams. This may be too bitter to know! But it’s the truth.

Another aspect is that, black clothes in the dream can dig the pit of death for a person very fast. And while red clothes are licence for evil sacrifice and manipulation. The blood sucking demon takes a person to the covens for rituals. That red cloth in the dream is an identity or mark of evil covenant.

Anytime you see a person wearing a black cloth or red cloth in the dream, if the person is your friend or relative etc, it is wise to pray on the behalf of the person. Because it was God that revealeth this dream to you and He wants you to either pray against it or pray for such dream to manifest. But if you fail to pray for him or her and ignore such dream and say after all, it did not happen to me, it may bounce back to you one day or any member of your family. That’s a dream for you.

In 2 Samuel 1:11, it is clear that Then David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him:

Wearing black cloth or red cloth in the dream gives the demons the right to operate without any challenge from anyone or anything. That is, it has the backing of the graveyard spirit. If you often encounter this dream and you have series of purely black or red cloth in your house, kindly pack them out and burn them to ashes one after the other without looking at the amount used to buy it.  If the burning of your clothes can lead to your deliverance, then you should be thankful to God.

This kinds of dream happens when there is a rage of death in the family. A pregnant woman who often see herself wearing red cloth in the dream should clearly know that the enemy is after her pregnancy and her unborn baby. God will not ask you to wear a red cloth in the dream for you to be beautiful, no! It’s symptoms includes: miscarriage, blood bleeding and lost of virtues.

Human beings are so funny and they can use their hands to open the gate to the spirit of death. If you are wrong relationship, there is a chance that there will be a dream of black cloth or red cloth. When you marry a man who has a pattern of death in their family, it is possible that you will be visited with the dream of black cloth, a dream where you see yourself attending funeral.  The dream you mean to be nothing can cost you to early grave.

Genesis 41:14, ”Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.”

To wear back clothes or red clothes in the dream, comprises a set of satanic bondage broadly associated with late marriage, depression, fear, poverty, accident, with different bad fruits. Red clothes in the dream are carried out when the person has contaminated a spiritual problem somewhere.

However, if you dream where you are wearing black cloth in the cemetry, it shows that you are keeping a covenant with the graveyard demons which represent death. This also mean that your destiny has been buried in the grave. So if you are such a person, it will be very very difficult to fulfill your destiny. As soon as you pray it out, you will be free in Jesus name.

In conclusion, the dream of wearing  black cloth is the burial of one’s glory in the grave. Your spirit will always prompt to make progress and achieve things in a fast acceleration, but because of this dream, you may be roaming round in circles until the right deliverance prayers are administered. While the dream of wearing red cloth is a lesson to be watchful in this end-time.


INSTRUCTION Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers using Luke 10:19, Ephesians 1;7, Romans 16;20, Rev 21:4, John 11:26



The following causes are:

  1. When there is a pattern of untimely death in the family
  2. Wearing the cloth of others or total strangers
  3. Wickedness of the wicked in the family
  4. When there is a serious problem between him or her and the late person
  5. Going to funeral ceremony
  6. Mourning the dead
  7. Evil curses issued against the person
  8. When your original garment has been taken away
  9. Having sexual contact with a person whose spirit of untimely death is hunting spiritually
  10. When your spiritman is in grave
  11. Satanic nightmares
  12. Visiting native doctors or false prophets
  13. Evil names and its meanings
  14. When you have disobeyed God or walking in the path of darkness
  15. When you leave your house and start breaking another people’s home
  16. Evil yokes and bondage
  17. Eating spiritual food prepared to you by the enemies
  18. Polluting other people’s life
  19. Environmental afflictions
  20. Wearing indecent clothes



  • Asking for God’s assistance and intervention
  • Confess and renounce generational sins
  • Breaking evil covenant forcing you to wear evil garments
  • Praying in the spirit
  • Take the prayers of back to senders
  • Remove all indecent clothes in your possession especially red and black
  • Separate yourself from any soul tie covenant with untimely death
  • Take and anoint all over your body using Isaiah 10:27
  • If there is anyone who is dead recently in your family or elsewhere, cancel it by the blood of Jesus
  • Stand on your confession and never backslide
  • Break curses and covenant affecting your destiny
  • Ask God for fresh power of the Holy Ghost
  • Bind every spirit of death bringing this dream to you
  • Then cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.



  1. Every cloth of darkness glued to my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every power using evil garment to take me to the land of the dead, die in my place, in Jesus name
  3. I burn every evil cloth that represent me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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