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Dreaming about the village in view

In Psalm 11:3 says; “If foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do.”

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Dreaming about the village is a very terrible thing. It does not support the progress and good plans of someone. It initiate someone into bondage of the ancestral powers. When you dream and see yourself in the village, it means you stand the risk of spiritual pollution, cntamination and oppression. This dream indicate there are problems in your family tree. It is a revelation that shows that there is a common problem that is prevalent in your family line is affecting you. Most people that normally have this dream are battling with ancestral evil idols of the father’s house. Their foundation is porous. The spirit of their great grant father is what’s operating in their lives. We have some sets of people outside their country dreaming about the village. It is a spiritual whistle blowing at your ears to deport you back home.

Many people that do encounter this dream almost on a daily basis lack the spiritual powers to engage with these domestic demons that torment them in the dream. Anytime you see animals pursuing you in the dream shows that the enemy of the village is trying to imprison your life and hinder you from achieving good things in life.

Dreaming about the village is a dream that gives you the outlook of the wickedness of your father’s or mother’s house. It gives you the awareness of the background of your family line. It makes you to understand the evil works that is currently prevalent in your village. Dreaming about the village should change your prayer pattern and increase your spiritual alertness. It takes a truely born again Christian to understand this fact. Most spiritual arrows that attack people today comes through the powers of the father’s house and mother’s house. When the hands of your parents are not clean, you will dream about the village. When you have offended people in the village, the rage of the enemy will fight against you. When you have refused to relate with people in your village, you will keep on dreaming about strange things in the village. When your parents takes you to the village for child dedication, there is a certain covenant between you and the spirit of idolatry powers in the village. When people keep touching your body or children’s body, they will keep having serious problem in life until such person’s hand is withered in the spirit realm.

The life of many people have been programmed in the village. The spirit of the village is the spirit of struggle and poverty. Until you battle the recurring dream of the village, you may not be able to get a thorough deliverance. When you keep chasing after prosperity and you know that this dream has not left you, you will keep having serious problem with money. If you keep thinking “I must get married” she is my wife, he is my husband to be” and you have refused to pray your way out of this evil dreams, it may surprise you that the wicked of wickedness in your village may not allow it to work out. Spiritual controls the physical.

It is sad that this is most commonest attack among most people who are in great expectant of a major breakthrough in life. These demons from the village would make sure that their victims keep struggling under the anointed of wasted effort. Those who have gathered lots of successes and blessings have them shrinking away.

When you dream about the village, it is a spiritual disturbance. this is an indication that there is a part of your destiny have been buried somewhere in the village. This destiny in the village keep talking, and keep dragging you into backwardness, retrogression and excessive failures in life. Any person that stand a chance of making it in life, they bring down such person in life. And if such person marry, this may bring serious marital problem, quareeling and most time seeking for divorce as a form of tiredness in the marriage.

Whatever activities happens in the village dream has the capacity to influence your life negatively. To get yourself delivered from the witches and wizards in the village, you must ask God to show you those people who are responsible in your current situation. Tell God to break every covenant between you and the village. Command the fire of God to scatter any ancestral power housing your destiny and that of your family in the evil altar.


1. Give your life to Christ
2. Repent from all your sins and confess them to God
3. Ask God to baptize you with fresh power
4. Command the fire of God to touch your foundation

DAY 6 of 7 DAYS FASTING 6am to 6pm;

(Take them during the day and midnight 12am-2am). Before taken these prayers, take praise and worship God as led now.

1. Every power of witchcraft tying my glory to the past fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

2. Every witchcraft power invoking my glory for backwardness fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

3. Every witchcraft agent using my past to tie down my glory fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

4. Every household witchcraft powers trading with my glory fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. Every agent of darkness using my glory to benefit himself, herself or somebody else fall down and die by fire.

6. Every evil covenant of witchcraft from my father and mother’s family manipulating my glory be destroyed by fire.

7. Powers mentioning my name on any evil altar, shut up and die, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every witchcraft powers causing disappointment,disfavor,ill-luck, bad-luck in my life receive the fire of destruction in the name of Jesus

9. Idols of my father’s house crying against my destiny, shut up, in the name of Jesus.

10. You witchcraft garment on my life receive the fire of destruction and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

11. You witchcraft spirit of frustration and confusion in my life receive the fire of destruction in the name of JESUS.

12. Every evil blanket covering my glory burn to ashes in the name of Jesus

13. You witchcraft powers keeping my glory in your coven release it by fire, in the name of Jesus.

14. Every object representing me in the witchcraft world burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

15. You agents of witchcraft contending with the glory of my destiny fall down and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

16. Every witchcraft forces covering my glory in life die by fire in the name of Jesus.

17. O my glory receive the power of God to manifest in the name of Jesus.

18. I command all my stolen virtues in the witchcraft world to return to me now by fire in the name of Jesus.

19. O my life receive the mercy and favour of God to shine in the name of Jesus.

20. As from today I transfer all my problems, sorrows, bondage,failure etc into this grave in the name of Jesus.

21. Every witchcraft mark and sign of hatred and dislike in my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost

22. Every power of darkness manipulating my progress be arrested by fire in Jesus name.

3. Every visible and invisible chain of darkness holding my life down be
broken in Jesus name.

24. I paralyze every activity of darkness against my life through my dreams in Jesus name

25. O Lord arise, set me free by fire from every negative attachment from my foundation in Jesus name

26. Every strange covenant from my foundation, speaking against me ,
be broken in Jesus name.

27. You demon of my father’s house that attached itself to my life, leave me alone in Jesus name

28. Any evil foundation raised for my life, be crumbled in Jesus

29. Evil foundation laid by my ancestors that is affecting my rising, break by fire in Jesus name

30. Every evil foundation speaking against my rising be uprooted in Jesus name

31. You power that tied my life to my father’s house, release me
now by fire in Jesus name

32. I decree what stopped my father & mother in life will not stop me. Where they stopped I will not stop there in Jesus name

33. Blood of Jesus!!!!!!! set me free from every evil foundation

34. Every evil covenant attached to my foundation that is affecting every areas of my life, break by the blood of Jesus

35. O Lord, wash my head with Your blood, in the name of Jesus.

36 Every destiny arrester from the ancestral coven, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

37. Every promise made by my parents on my behalf to any dark power, be broken, in the name of Jesus.

38. Ancestral powers working against my prosperity, die, in the name of Jesus.

39. Any killer sword raging in my family, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.

40. Every foundational covenant in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.

41. Every foundational bondage in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.

42. Every battle provoked by my family idols against me, die, in the name of Jesus.

43. Wasters and emptiers of the idol of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.

44. Every demonic mirror controlling my life from the village, break, in the name of Jesus.

45. Every foundation of confusion in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.

46. Every foundational familiar spirit, I bind you and cast you out, in the name of Jesus.

47. Every foundational marine power, loose your hold over me, in the name of Jesus.

48. I silence the evil cry of any idol fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus.

49. Every strongman of the idol of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.

50. Holy Ghost fire, burn down all spiritual shrines, covens, idol worshippers of my father’s house,in the name of Jesus.

51. Every blood speaking against my generational line, be silenced by the blood of Jesus.

52. I break al ancestral covenants with any idol power, in the name of Jesus.

53. Pray any other prayer points as led now!!! Pray for Evangelist Joshua, team and his ministry.

54. Thank you for answered prayers in the day 6 of my fasting


FURTHER STUDIES: James 4:7; 2 9or 10:3-6; Matt 19:23-26; 2 Sam 1:11-16; Ps 35:1-5; Deut 28:1-15; Gal 5:17-22; Eph 6:11-13

DECLARATION: Declare this; O Lord as I drink this oil, I drink the blood of Jesus, as I drink this oil, I drink the fire of the Holy Spirit, as I drink this oil, let it purge out every evil deposit in my body, as I drink this oil, let it heal and deliver me from satanic bondage.

Apply the anointing oil on your head. Sprinkle the anointing oil in your room and if possible your compound. Apply a little to where you are sleeping. Begin to command the fire of God, Blood of Jesus in the oil to arrest any agent of death assigned to visit you.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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