Matthew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Ezekiel 36:25 – Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
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Sweeping in the dream represents the symbol of cleanliness and deliverance. When you sweep in the dream, it is an indication that God is setting you free from all manners of sins and the bondage of ancestral evil powers in your father’s house or mother’s house. If you pray very well, you will be set free. This dream is extremely good whether in the house or in your village. That means God is about to use you to bring blessings in your home. This could also be a strong revelation that there are some evil practices in the area. And every time you sweep in the dream, God is asking you to clean or sweep out some curses, hinderance, bad luck, and other hidden problems in the family. If there is anyone with a witchcraft attitude in the family, they will be arrested by fire, in the name of Jesus.
What does it mean to sweep the floor in the dream?
- It means to deal with the enemy of that house environment
- It means to get rid the activities of witchcraft operation
- It indicate a war between you and foundational powers
- It brings about sanctification and purify
- It invites the presence of God
- It nullify a generational curse upon a person
- It re-divert arrows back to sender
- It allows the grace of God to cooperate with your destiny in that house
- Whether you are sweeping your father’s house or mother’s house, it means breaking the evil attachment between you and the witchcraft spirit
- To sweep out dirt means to take away every rubbish in your life
- It makes the dream to be spiritually sensitive
- Any kinds of evil that is coming to your household, when you sweep in the dream, you are blocking those forces of darkness from locating you.
- If the sweeping is consistent, it means there is an evil spirit in that vicinity
Sweeping the floor of your house, or parents house shakes the foundation and work against some forces of darkness and if there are witchcraft practice in that house, they will be exposed and confessed soon, in Jesus name. Those who use the broom of another person to sweep in their house invites troubles. When you are using a strange broom to sweep the floor or ground, it therefore means that you are planting the presence of the enemy in your environment. The strange broom carries the element of satanic powers which can be used to capture God’s blessing in your area.
There are also demonic powers attached to some brooms and many believers are ignorant about this. The enemy have succeeded in caging and destroying lives with careless sweeping in the dream, especially those who did not know the source of the broom. When you see yourself in a particular house in the dream sweeping the compound, it also means you should get ready for spiritual battles. You call yourself a believer and you are sweeping other people’s houses in the dream.
To dream of sweeping your village compound, means your homes needs family liberation. It is an indication that there are high practice of evil in your father’s house or mother’s house. When you also sweep the ground of your village, it can also lead to satanic attack from the ground. The powers of the village are ancestral and generational demons.
When your spiritual life is very weak and you see yourself sweeping your village in the dream, you will be wasted. This is the dream where a person just goes down all of a sudden, where this symptoms be register in his or her life; Backwardness and failure at the edge of breakthrough.
If you dream of broom scattered on the floor, it means there is a family problem. A scattered broom indicates a situation where there is need for the family to rise up against foundational powers. Unless the family pray, there can never be a family deliverance.
Broom is tied to family. When you hold a broom and you discover that it scattered on your hands, becareful, it means environmental powers are manipulating your destiny. If you use the broom to sweep a church, it means God wants to announce you through the department of cleanly the church.
The connection between the broom and house are very cordial. If you see a broom today, its purpose is to maintain cleanliness in the house or premises. Our lives needs to pass through cleanliness. Dreaming about sweeping a floor can either bring a blessing or a curse upon a person.
Isaiah 14:23, ”I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts.”
- When you dream of sweeping the floor of other people’s house
- When you dream of scattered broom
- When you dream of seeing broom at the entrance of your door post
- When you cannot figure out the house that you are sweeping
- When someone collected a broom from your hand
- When you see yourself as sweepers in the dream
- When you are sweeping the floor of your parents house
- When you see broom at the chair of your office
- When you dream of a broom burning
- When you are sweeping the market
- Arrow of setbacks and frustration
- Spirit of shame and poverty
- Marital problems
- Unprofitable work
- Evil transfer of blessings and virtues
- Aimlessly
- Spirit of reinforcement
- Backwardness
- Profitless hard labour
- Financial problems
- Struggling and lack
- Disappointments and wickedness
- Inherited evil pattern
- Living a life of mockery and disgrace
- Begging/joblessness
- Slavery
- Virtues attacker against you
- Every true Christian should be empowered to fight against ancestral evil powers. Broom constitutes a very powerful means of battle. When an enemy wants to deal with a person, he make sure the person keeps sweeping in the dream consistently. This type of dream often affects the caeer, family, marriage and the social life of its victims. There are dream of stagnation, once the person had a dream concerning sweeping, there will be acute stagnancy and demotion.
- If you are sweeping the toilet is a good dream of getting rid of sinful life
- When you dream of sweeping the road, it means a chronic poverty line and back to square one
- When you dream of using broom to sweep the street, it means limited or programmed to grow within your locales. Reject it
- If you are sweeping your office in the dream, it means you are taken out what the enemy is using to plan for your downfall in that office
- I sweep out problems from my house, in the name of Jesus
- I sweep out difficulties from my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
- I chase out demonic presence in my father’s house or mother’s house, in Jesus name
- Every power using the broom to introduce poverty into my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
- Evil broom assigned to subdue my glory in the house, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- I sweep out every nonesense in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Every witchcraft power against my elevation, die, in Jesus name
- I jump out from every environmental demonic location, in the name of Jesus.
- Any evil power destroying the works of my hands, I cast you out in Jesus name
- Every curse against my destiny, backfire, in Jesus name
- Every problem attached to my family name, die, in Jesus name
- Every covenant of backwardness over my life, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- This year, my hands shall not put me into troubles, in Jesus name
- Anything in my house that has refused to live my house, die, in Jesus name
- Cobweb supported by evil brooms, catch fire, in Jesus name