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Deuteronomy 6:6-9 
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

The picture of a missing child in the dream can be scary or frighten to a woman. A child is a precious gift to the marriage and a symbol of divine blessing. It’s normal for a child or baby to play around with his mates. In most cases, it becomes a big problem when such child can no longer be found. 

However, frequent dreams of missing your children can sometimes can be a symbol that you are about to cry over your child in the future and occasionally it can be a sign of something more serious, such as miscarriage or problem in getting a child. Missing child dream can be a revelation connecting you to children around you. In times of deep crisis or suffering, having a dream of lost baby suggest the possibility of financial problems and sorrow.

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 What Does It Mean To Miss a Child?

In the physical realm, a child may go missing due to the mother’s carelessness, others could be kidnapping, and sometimes the poor state of the family. In some dream activities, a woman may eventually found her missing child or baby after a long period of searching. Children are connected to destiny – womb, and marital blessings. As a single woman, you often come across a missing child or children in your dream means that you have lost a very important thing in life, and these things can be your marriage, finances and power.

The Bible has told us that God loves children and He takes time to give them all the needed support and care. In Matthew 19:13-14, Jesus Christ admonishes us to give children the platform to serve God.  Children are a “heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). He places them in families and gives parents guidance in how they are to be raised. The goal of good parenting is to produce wise children and train them in the way of the Lord (Prov 22:6). To dream of losing your own child , then you are likely worried for the direction they are taking in life.

Perhaps you have a feeling like your child did not receive proper home training from you. Seeing your only child missed in the spirit realm could also give rise to problems in your marriage. Ranging from problems between you and your husband. Or between you and your boyfriend. God might decide to show you this dream on different occasion for you to pay close attention to your child or children. Do you have a feeling that your children are planning to leave you, deny you, or reject you? Well, this kind of dreams have the capacity to prove that to you.

Psalm 34:11 
Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

You might feel like you are about to lose that child.  Whether or not you find them, you might be concerned that you are losing your child to a stranger or ritualist. Consider what is happening in the life of that child and think about how to solve the problems.  In some cases, you dreamed that a baby a person asked you to keep for her was eventually missing, then it means you are going to be in troubles. This is a spiritual sign that you will experience  high degree of troubles, attacks and mysterious afflictions. In addition, when you look around and your child could not be found,  or if it is a baby from the ages of 1 – 5 years, then it symbolizes the hands of the enemy has arrested your child.


Five Types of Dreams about Missing Child and Their Spiritual Interpretations

Brief meaning, it means the following;

  • It means you have lost your blessings.
  • It symbolizes a witchcraft plan to exchange the original glory of your child or children.
  • It indicates that you have lost someone important.
  • It implies lack of concentration, peace and joy.
  • It means the child will pass through series of difficulties while growing up.
  • It is a clear signal that such a child will be great in life.
  • This dream can make the child not to have a good relationship with the father or mother.
  • It also means such a child is likely to disown you in future. (But if you can’t get his face, it is a big problem because you don’t know whose person or child your dream is pointing to. This is why you need to pray well and soak yourself and family in the blood of Jesus.


DREAM ABOUT MISSING CHILD – Spiritual Meaning and Interpretation

Numbers 14:18 
The Lord is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

If you continually dream of missing your firstborn or last daughter as the case maybe, it shows the destiny of your child has been stolen, manipulated and exchanged by household witches.. The baby you are searching for in your dream might also represent a lost opportunity, misfortunes and untimely death. Our children demands more love and attention. I want to ask you a question:How would you feel if you lost your child?

Or you possibly discover you can no longer find your son or daughter again? As a good mother, you would not be in a right state. On the other hand, If you are in this kind of situation and have had a baby missing countless times in dream, now it’s time for you to focus your attention on the child. But if you can’t pick the child’s face properly, it is important for you to embark on fasting and prayers against the spirit of loss.

Seeing a strange child crawling on the street or on the road, this may symbolize the need to help a child in your real world. If the child crawls and motor car hit him, it indicates bad luck and fruitlessness will catch up with you. There is a special divine protection that follows a baby. But if you fail to rescue a child out of a problem both in the dream and reality, it therefore means that help will be far away from you. Alternatively, you are longing for a child or a better relationship where it seems the more you pray, the more the spirit children attacks.

I want to ask you some pertinent questions. (Dream about missing a child, baby, infant etc)

Answer the followings questions by yourself and reason along me with this spiritual meaning of dreams about losing a child here in my ”article of fire”. If possible, you can ONLY email me your answer: pointing to this article when next you are writing to me.

  • Have your lost your child through Caesarean section (C.S)?
  • Do you lost your child through kidnap, or your inability to find his or her whereabout?
  • Is there any living experience that anytime you try to carry another person’s baby you always feel discomfort?
  • Do you notice your child’s destiny has been stolen away?
  • Are you nursing a fear presently in your marriage that you recently murdered a baby?
  • Why do you always scared of losing your only child?
  • Were you able to save a child in the dream? If your answer is yes, can you the dream description?
  • Has it ever occurred to you that the appearance of this dream is more indicated during your pregnancy?

A lost or missing child signifies a problem or unresolved issue in your marriage. If it happens you are married with children in your waking life, it shows that your close monitoring over children is no longer your top priority. Another dream interpretation explains that you are shifting your focus onto other areas of life which may affect the destiny of your children. However, if you lose your child in the dream, or perhaps kidnapper took him or her away, this may indicate a serious symbol that one of your children have been polluted or being under witchcraft manipulations. But it is a good news whatsoever if you manage to find the lost child as this reflects that the Holy Spirit has restored you.

If you want to have children and have not been able to, dreaming of missing child conveys the hands of the enemy upon your case. It shows a big difficulties in bearing children and experiencing peace with your husband.  In some cases, you may have issues in getting the love of your man.

In addition, this dream is also telling you that the enemy has stolen your babies. If you’re trying to conceive, having recurring dreams of finding it hard to locate the whereabouts of your baby in the dream is perfectly an indication that someone is obviously responsible for your situation and explaining how hard it will take to manifest God’s glory in your dream .


If you are a woman who has lost a baby as a result of an abortion or miscarriage, dreaming about missing children is very possible in the spirit realm.  This is a result of a emotional pain and anxiety experienced and, if this is  dream that plagues you with the curse of losing all your seeds, then it might be a good idea to speak to go for deliverance.

Whether married or not, to see a child lost in dreams reminds you to pay attention to the important things in your life. So have you been ignoring something significant? Or have you been noticing your children making serious plans to disown you or leave as their father or mother? Perhaps in your dreams, you might be out playing with your children or other people’s children and you look away for a moment and when you look back, your child or another person’s children has vanished. This is a satanic plan to set you up into problem in order to hinder you.

Dreams about missing your child or baby are not common. These dreams have much to do with insecurities, frustrations or losses in your waking life. This type of dream may also be an indication of failure in your business, career, and disappointments in your marriage. If you are a mother with daughters and you simply cannot find your daughters this means that such a child is trying to separate himself or herself from the foundation. It also mean there are powers in your father’s house or mother’s house that kills children destiny at infancy stage.

However, if you have a dream about your missing child that get lose at school, it means you won’t be able to sustain or fulfill the plans of your children. You have put a lot of efforts by taking care of your children. On the other hand, if you lose your son in the dream means you are careless about God’s blessings in your life. To find your child in the dream signifies a resounding breakthrough, victory and freedom. But if you are not able to find someone’s else child in a dream, and they go missing this means the enemy would try to use the dream to initiate you into witchcraft.

When you dream about a missing child chased by someone, then this dream represents problems and spiritual attacks in your life  that you simply can’t deal with. Maybe you have been experiencing backwardness and stagnancy. It seems as if some powers have been denying of your blessings. Maybe good things have been silenced in your life.

2 Timothy 3:14-15 
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.


  1. Sin. Adam and Eve.
  2. Disobedience. Nahum 3:5.
  3. Ignorance and Unrighteousness.
  4. Spiritual insensitivity – spiritual slumber, blindness, deafness, and lack of discernment. Revelation 3:18.
  5. Evil association and Stealing. Joshua 7:1-24.
  6. Bringing in unclean or cursed things into your marriage. For example, Achan suffered destruction because of this. Joshua 7:24.
  7. Evil arrows and Satanic programming of evil load into a person’s life.
  8. Foundational problems.
  9. Evil altars and satanic intermediaries.
  10. Curses and unbroken covenants.


Dreams of losing a child in a market, school, church etc may be inviting you to look at your early mistakes and your lackadaisical attitudes towards people around you. It might be an indication something terrible is about to happen to you in a more severe way.  Finding your baby in a strange place can be a great testimony to a mother especially, the woman believing God for the fruit of the womb. In some cases, while losing your baby can also be a sign that you have lost your joy, happiness and other virtues. You may feel your enemy has permanently shut down your life. To dream about a child is good, but when such baby is missing, it can be a serious headache to the mother.

Often, a candidate of this dream theme may not recognize the early signs of missing their children in the spirit realm until they lost that particular child to sickness. Or possibly the mother will just notice that child is no longer normal. It has been observed that a mother that find her child or children missing in the dream is known to have a short life span. There are, however, a few symptoms that occur in mothers who simply had experiences of loss children in the dream. These include: Constant crying, prolong weeping, regrets, sudden sickness, loss of concentration, a big drawback in her marriage etc.

Psalm 8:2 
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

If your dream that you loss your child in the hospital, it is possible that such child will be stubborn, and become a big problem to you when he or she grows up into maturity. Likewise when a baby crawls out of your house without the knowledge of your house neighbour. All children crawls around as nature demands. Sometimes, they crawls around just to demonstrate their freedom. So when your child crawls outside his abode to the point that you cannot find him or her, whether you are a mother or not, start by taking prayers for restoration. If you’re not too sound in prayers, make an appointment with your pastor he ‘ll surely help you out.

Dream about missing, losing child

There is another symbolic meaning to this dream attack. If it happens you are pregnant and you find yourself looking around for a baby in the spirit realm, please start praying aggressively at that moment. If possible you can run to a pastor to conduct serious prayers with you. This dream means that you are at a great chance of losing that unborn baby in your womb through miscarriage, or birth by operation. An expected mother who often experience this symbol, it implies that there is a spirit child or children that is acting like your real baby. Devil is a bastard.

In another interpretation, it can also tell you that you may experience difficulty in giving birth to that child. This is because, that dream sign is deep reflection there is a force of witchcraft that have laid their hands on your womb. This world is wicked and cruel, the Bible says, who know the heart of the wicked. Do you even know if the attack is coming from your friend, or one of your family relatives. Are you confused? Please, go into prayer of mercy.

God takes children issues very serious. He makes sure they didn’t go astray. A warning to our mothers to be very careful how they treat our children emotionally because is watching them. On the other hand, if the child went missing due to lack of close monitoring then you are in a big trouble. It shows you have lost the love, trust and care of God towards you and your marriage.


There are cases of some women that aborts babies as if babies are just ordinary paper in their womb. This type of witchcraft does not produce or transmit any blessings to you. it just explaining that you are not worthy of his blessings. To dream, a family member or a stranger member takes a child and subsequently, the “child goes missing” this indicates possible fear of marital divorce in waking life. And sometimes, it can stand as a symbol that angel of God has departed your home.

For example, if the child is gone in the dream and you cannot find him or her this dream can also be as a result of your involvement in witchcraft. If you see someone stealing, or kidnapping your baby and subsequently raise the “alarm” by calling the police and your neighbor in the dream, then this can mean that God has revealed the evil personality that is depriving you of your joy. Please know the person can just be anybody who is a suspect.  To dream of a stranger taking your child indicates the involvement of familiar agents attacking you.

Are you the missing child in your real life? And ever since you missed that child your life have gone worst, then you need to cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness. If you have the time, you may go to a prayer environment and pour our your mind prayers to God. I believe my God will surely answer you one day the moment you are consistent with your prayers.

If in the dream you see people looking for your baby to kidnap, this reminds me of the story of Moses. In Exodus 2:1-10, A baby boy was born from the house of Levi, of the Hebrews, and was hidden for three months to avoid being slain by the Egyptians, as Pharaoh has ordered the killing of every Hebrew son. When the baby could not be hidden any longer, his mother put him in a basket made of “bulrushes” and placed it among the reeds by the river bank.

On the other hand, If you dream of saving a child from kidnapper means you will receive divine supports towards your goals. It may also reveal that you will be helped as well. To be running after a child in your dream, it means you are about to lose good things. These good things can be money, joy, career, etc. When the baby stops to stay around you, It usually mean the baby doesn’t like to associate with you.

Dreaming that you’ve had your baby stolen beside on bed , It can sometimes mean that you are going to experience mysterious witchcraft attacks. If you felt depressed knowing a baby was killed in your dream it reveals a possible attack on the glory of that child. In addition, if you are crying after this dream theme, a missing baby in your dream may represent a bad day for the mother.


Dreaming of losing your baby due to family pressure illustrates there is likely to be drawback to your marital destiny and if possible, a big challenge on your way to prosperity. This dream can often occur when you place your career over your children monitoring. If you are afraid of playing with little baby, you are likely to come across baby or experienced a missing child in your dream. The way you can avoid dream of losing a child is to resolve problems in your marriage and be more friendly with children spirit. In a case where you have a dream that a baby walks down to to you means you are going to have control over some situation in your life.

Dream about missing child

When you see a baby looking for his or her mother in the dream, it means the mother is paying a very less concern over her children. Maybe the mother has rejected the child. That can symbolize a big problem between you  and other people. This dream is like a warning so you have time to do something to remove disgrace and shame in your life. If you have seen a child coming to you in your dream, it means your prayers have been answered.

In the process of finding a child, you mistakenly killed an innocent baby in the dream, it means there is possibility that you are going to experience fruitlessness in your marriage. It also exposes you to prolong battles and indicates a signal that God is not likely to heal your situation. Maybe in a situation where the baby did an evil against you in your dream world, then it is considered a good dream of victory when you made attempt to kill the demonic baby.

On the other, if you see a little child climbing the stairs, mountain etc, it means such a child is destiny fulfilled baby. To dream about a child tied with a rope symbolizes that such a child will be plagued with slow progress. If you see a baby crying in the wilderness, it can be a reflection that your destiny has caged and manipulated. Sometimes, it can tell you to go for deliverance. This kind of dream can also mean that there is a dangerous and terrible attacks coming.

A woman believe that a missing babies in the dreams are more connected to introduce to break the emotion of the affected person. She went further to say, this kind of dream has affected in many ways when she saw her daughter in a dream taken away by river. By the time she woke up from sleep, she looked at her little kid beside her. However, in about few months later, she lose that child through chronic sickness that lasted upon her for 2 months.

To the people that don’t believe in dreams, this is the time to pick important lesson from the woman’s ignorance. According to one of my friends in the same with institute with me,  he said: a recurring dream that indicates a woman missing her children is a quick sign to know that the woman’s child or children has been marked down for mysterious attacks. If you are in a relationship with a woman or man, then your dreams tend to be a warning symbol that the person is likely not to be a destiny person. In the language of the spirit, these dreams will reflect anxieties about being a good person to your partner. As you grows more in the spirit, dreams of baby, or animal babies and may also start appearing at this stage of your battles to crush your dreams to pieces.

In a clear term, if you see yourself paying a warmly visit to a woman that newly gives birth; someone you admire; or even someone you may find very good in real life, this dream may represents the feelings you have towards them. It can also means things will start working well for you. In a more serious case, if this is true that such woman is presently pregnant, then it is a symbol that the spirit of God is bringing fruitfulness and joy into your life.

This dream also stands as a proof that such woman will deliver safely and sound. If you dream about a baby laughing at you, or cursing you, especially form the ages of 5, it may be an indication that the enemy has manipulated you seriously. If you experience this type of dream in your real world, you should meet a pastor to pray for you.

You can also take the time to pray aggressively identify if part of your problem is an inability for you to remove your hands from wickedness. As most Christians knows that the spirit of darkness can mess up their lives at any given mistakes they discover as one of the weakest point to penetrates in. If you sees a woman maltreating her child and you came in to rescue the child then it could mean that you are a problem solver, destiny helper, and comforter.

If you have been going through some sort of a health related problem in your waking life, you are bound to experience confusion and discouragement in your dreams. Sometimes, you may dream that something is missing in your waking life, and the dream of searching for baby things is displayed to you. However, you may wan to ask: How can I restore my lost benefits? This can be done through prayers. Phil 4:19 says, all your needs shall be supplied;


  • More than anything else, you need to stop paying less concerns for your children.
  • As parents, there is more reasons you should always check out for your children well-being.
  • Immediately after this dream types, don’t just ignore it, whether good or bad.
  • Be very careful with the kind of people that look after your children on your behalf.
  • If possible, don’t carry a baby on behalf of another person after your dream of a missing child.


What You Need To Do When You Miss A Child In Your Dream

  • Be fervent in your prayers
  • Be observant.
  • Be patience with God.
  • Serve God in truth and in spirit.
  • Keep the promises of God given to you.
  • Be bold to challenge your situations with your faith.



  1. There is a point that being born again is the most crucial parts of your full recovery.
  2. You must cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness of your sins.
  3. Genuinely make a serious confession of your sin and repent from them.
  4. Break and scatter any foundational spirit introducing error or mistakes.
  5. Break and lose yourself from every evil connection / link between you and any curses.
  6. Pray deliverance prayers and if the dream persists go for deliverance at a Holy Ghost centered and Holy Ghost filled church. Obadiah 1:17.
  7. Anoint yourself and your baby or children thoroughly before going to bed.
  8. Barricade your life with fire and with the blood of Jesus.
  9. Deal with any person that has determined or vowed to show you something.

INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 6pm.  If you are a mother and you are with your children, kindly use this opportunity to intercede with them. And if you are a single woman, you can take time to bind and cast out every misfortunes and limitation trying to manipulate your marital glory.



  1. Father, thank You for giving me wonderful children, in the name of Jesus.
  2. I hide the lives of my children in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  3. I insure the lives of my children with the blood of Jesus.
  4. Any power that does not want me to live long to enjoy the blessings of my children, die, in Jesus name.
  5. Every power that is looking at my children’s destiny with the eyes of destruction, die, in the name of Jesus
  6. I thwart all the decisions and plans of the enemy against my children, in the name of Jesus.
  7. O Lord kill the strange spirit that does not want us to hear good news from my children, in the Jesus name
  8. I withdraw the name of my children from the book of death, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Mention the name of your children and say, you will not go to the grave before me, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Any portion in the body of my children that is infected with diseases, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
  11. I cancel the witchcraft upon my life and that of my baby, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every witch/wizard that wants to terminate the lives of my children, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Power of the grave, I render you impotent in the lives of my children, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Any poison eaten by my children in the dream, be neutralized by the blood of Jesus.
  15. My children, you are anointed for the top, in the name of Jesus.
  16. Angels of elevation, locate my children, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Lord, send forth Your warring angels to do battle on their behalf.
  18. I cut off the flow of any inherited marital problems into the life of my children in the name of Jesus.
  19. Let every imagination of the enemy against the marital life of _ _ _ be rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus.
  20. I speak destruction unto the headquarters of the spirit of Egypt and blow up their altars, in the name of Jesus.
  21. I decree irreparable conflict between my daughter and the strange man, in the name of Jesus.
  22. The God-given partner of my daughter, appear and locate her by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  23. Let the cloud blocking the sunlight of the marital breakthrough of my daughter be dispersed, in Jesus’ name.
  24. I frustrate every step of the strange man aimed at pushing my daughter out of her real man, in Jesus’ name.
  25. Let the angels of God arise and block the path of my daughter with thorns wishes after the order of Balaam until he runs back to the Saviour, in the name of Jesus.,



If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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