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How Demons Possess Children And Youth In The 21st Century

How Demons Possess Children And Youth In The 21st Century



—Deliverance Ministry


Are you a Christian father or mother? If yes, then this special revelation is for you. Or do you have relatives who are in this age bracket, you better read this article and advise them. This revelation is very explosive and revealing! Many things are happening today in many homes which are hidden to the spiritual knowledge of many parents! The most lamentable and worrisome issue is that many Christian parents are careless and nonchalant concerning the spiritual state of their children! They are just there as figure parents while demons are busy destroying the destiny of these precious future Leaders!

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Friend, I am talking about how demons enter our children and youths to possess them and take over their lives for destruction especially in this our generation! Note, if you have a genuine concern for your children or children in your family and the children in the Church, you are highly blessed reading this material.

A. PRACTICAL CASES OF DEMONIC POSSESSION OF CHILDREN! From testimonies I have received from people coupled with the experiences I have as I travel round in the course of my deliverance ministration, I came to realize that many children, including Christian children are heavily possessed with demons and the parents don’t know it. I also discovered that demonic possession among children is even more terrific and stubborn than that of adults! Some times when some parents see their children terribly manifesting demons during deliverance section they become completely overwhelmed and speechless!

Many of our children and youths have been taken over by demons and the parents don’t know it. That is why the Bible says we should train up a Child the way he should go so that when he grows up he will not depart from it. Prov 22:6.


Testimony – A Child of about 12 years, an uncle brought from the village because the father had just died. The uncle did not know that the Child was initiated into witchcraft from the village. One night the Child was told from their coven to bring the uncle to their meeting for destruction. They gave the boy an evil stick to hit the head of the uncle in the midnight. Truly, when the boy wanted to carry out the action, the uncle who was asleep suddenly woke up to see the boy by the side of his bed at that dead hour of the night! The boy started confessing what he was about to do! This is just one out of thousands! Note, if your children are possessed with demons your house is in danger! You are not safe!

B. HOW DEMONS POSSESS OUR CHILDREN & YOUTHS! I just want to itemize these things for you here.

1. THROUGH WATCHING OF SECULAR TV! Many Christians don’t know that it is through watching of these secular TV that many of our children and youths become heavily possessed with demons. Some of the things they are showing on Televisions are designed to capture the souls of our children for Satan. That is why the best thing to do if your children should watch TV at all, you should monitor and guide them on what they should watch! Beloved, today TV has done more harm and incalculable damage in the lives of our children than good! Parents should wake up.

2. THROUGH CARTOON! This is another terrible avenue that demons are using to enter our children! Note, these Cartoons you see being displayed on TV or being sold in the market are not produced on this earth! According to the revelations we have gathered on this, they are manufactured in the second heaven, at Lucifer’s Headquarters and brought to this earth by those who have made pact with Satan to use these things to gather souls, especially children and youths, for eternal destruction. These Cartoons you see are real demons in the spirit world. That is why any Child or children watching Cartoons have been captured and they are on their way to destruction if the parents don’t do something very fast to stop them. Don’t allow your children to watch Cartoons they are demonic!

3. THROUGH FOOTBALL GAME! This is another powerful area Satan has adopted to gather souls for hell. In my previous revelations, i informed you how the football game was hijacked and adopted by the devil in 1984 at Burkina Faso to gather souls for Satan especially for the Anti-christ that will soon start ruling. In that meeting a powerful Principality was put in charge of football game. That anywhere football is being played, that evil personality will be around to monitor it and to direct their souls to Satan. Even if the football is being played inside a holiness Bible believing Church, that Principality will be there! And of course, it is a well known fact that football has been used to capture our youths today. That is why if you have a Child who is so interested in football, begin to pray seriously for that Child, for the salvation of his soul! I have many testimonies and books of revelations on what I am sharing with you. So many people including Christians are arguing on this matter but this is the original Truth! This is one of the ways Satan has captured our children and youths today. They have no time for God or to come to Church but they have time to play football from morning till night! Think about it.

4. THROUGH INTERNET & FACEBOOK! This one is ‘mass exodus’ to hell. Since the advent of Internet and Facebook in particular, many children and youths no longer have time for God and the Bible! The parents need to wake up! Many of these things are being introduced into the world to take away the attention of humanity from serving God or thinking about eternity! Satan is wiser than we ordinary human beings! We need God’s intervention especially in this 21st Century! And our children are more vulnerable to falling victims of this satanic deceptions in the end time.

5. INITIATION INTO WITCHCRAFT FROM SCHOOLS! Many children are being initiated into evil society from their Schools these days through food and gifts – birthday gifts! That is why parents should always pray for their children as they go to school and as they come back from there. Parents should also warn their children not to share food with anyone in the school or receive any gift or money from anybody in the school! Today Schools have become Citadel or home of demons! Some children that were very good before they left their parents for Schools, especially Universities, now came back with dangerous spirits! This is pathetic!

6. INITIATION IN THE DREAMS! Most times, our children are initiated in the dreams. That is why concerned parents should always be asking their children about what they are seeing in their dreams! This will enable you as parents to pray against demonic assault on their destinies. In some cases you should carry them to anointed man of God for deliverance ministration. Don’t be careless about your children. They are your future! They are the future Leaders. Don’t allow them to perish in the hands of Satan in their teenage! Be vigilant over your children! Pray for your children regularly. Thank you very much for reading this article. You and your children will not miss heaven in Jesus powerful Name. Amen and Amen!!! You are free to share it with your neighbours and loved ones.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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