Human teeth dream performs the same function of teeth or tooth in the dream. Now human teeth is the breaking of food items in pieces in preparation for swallowing. Teeth is considered to play a good role in our body. The way we used our teeth to grind food given to us in the dream is the same teeth or tooth used in breaking down food in the reality.
Our teeth helps the food for good digestion. Without the teeth, then our kidney or liver would have more work to do in trying to ferment our food substance.
If you want to eat, you need the teeth. If you want to eat yam for example, you need the help of teeth to grind it in pieces. This means that our teeth are very good to our mouth when it comes to eat food. For example a man that has a complete set of teeth would enjoy any kind of his favourite foods but a man with a painful teeth or a man without teeth would be restricted in some food or fruits that are very hard to crack.
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Subscribe nowThe breaking down of your canine teeth is as good as not having teeth. If that type of teeth is affected is pooled out, it will affect the grinding of your food which may not let the food to be sweeter to you. If you look at functions of teeth or tooth, you will agree with me that canine, premolar, molar, are the cause of teeth. When your teeth are breaking down food items, it is then you will enjoy all your meal.
1. Teeth is connected to the brain
2. Teeth begins to develop when a baby is in the womb
3. Teeth are classified into baby teeth and permanent teeth
4. Human beings have four types of teeth to break down food.
5. Adult person has 32. Babies have 22 teeth
Dreaming about teeth is a serious dream. It is serious because it has to do with your body . If you dream about a smelling teeth, it shows that you have lost your voice, Â trust and confidence on people. When your teeth produce smell in the dream, Â it will affect your relationships and spiritual life. What makes teeth to smell in the dream, it is the way the person has used his or her mouth to commit bad things. So the teeth has become a serious resistance to good things. For example, if you deal with a woman that has a foul odour in her mouth, I am very sure you wont be able to flow well with her. That’s the position of teeth that got smell due to certain things. Brushing the teeth ensures the cleanliness of our teeth, but when that same teeth is not being brush, it begins to escalates all kinds of unpleasant odour. As a Christian, we need to deal with this dream of smelling teeth.