Seeing A Full Bright Moon

Seeing A Full Bright Moon

Seeing A Full Bright Moon

Bible verse: Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

Numbers 6:25-26 The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

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Prayer: O lord, shine your light upon my life and let my joy be full, in the name of Jesus.

To dream of a full bright moon, stand as a symbol of divine light in my life. To see a full bright moon in the dream, it indicates that your glory will shine forth everywhere you go and people shall recognize the fruit and grace you carry. Seeing a bright moon light is a sign of a brighter future and divine remembrance.

Full moon. For some pregnant woman, signify that she will carry the pregnancy to term. A bright full moon is a sign of divine protection in your life, a sign of a secret thing about to be revealed to you. To see a half moon, it is a symbol of new thing about to emerge. It could be that something good or bad is coming. Study your emotion.

To see a new moon signifies a renewed hope and strength. A new moon is a symbol of positive changes. To see yellow moon in the dream, it means everything will go as planned, a symbol of good luck. But the yellow moon can signify trouble for some people. Seeing a full bright moon means that something important will happen soon. Moon gives direction at night.

It means you will experience divine guidance and direction. To see a crescent moon, for some women, it is a sign of early pregnancy. The sign could be a warning for others to be alert and watchful of their environment. To see a full bright moon suggest God is speaking to you. Find time to pray, to connect to him. Seeing a full moon indicates a time to travel.

However the moon in your dream may also stand as a divine signal to be very careful of your secret and wicked act as the moon signify that the eyes of heaven are watching you. Please repent and be safe.

The moon may signify distraction and obstacles.

If the moon go dim, it may signify a season of affliction in your life. In conclusion, Dream of a full moon light is a sign that you will excel, prosper and succeed in your Endeavour if only you follow divine guidance for your life.

Instruction: Read psalm 121:6, proverbs 4:18, psalm 13:6-7-9, job 18:5, Jeremiah 31:35, psalm 72:5


  1. My star shall arise and shine forth everywhere I go.
  2. I am a shining light of God that shines brighter.
  3. I declare that no power shall stop God’s plan for my life.
  4. I declare that my joy shall be full.
  5. I declare no power shall touch my star and go away with it.


If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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