BASIC SCRIPTURES: Matthew 2, Luke 2:1-20, Numbers 23:23
Matthew 2:7-9, ”Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.”
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Subscribe nowWe are in the era of star hunters. Star hunters are desperately wicked. They are after the star of people. They belongs to the class of seers. They can see the past, present and future. There is one spirit that is controlling them, the spirit is the power of the enchanters. The Bible says, Joseph was hated the more because of his gift of dream (Gen 37:5). It is very easy to see people planning to kill the star of a person. These powers carryout their operation in order to track down the star of people under their close monitoring. Just as Herod was trying to kill the star of Jesus, but all his efforts proved abortive as he met untimely death in the process.
- To strengthen their spiritual eyes (John 10:10)
- To monitor
- To pursue
- To kill
The moment they discover the star of a person is great, the next action is to destroy that star. The star hunters always want to pull down the destiny of people. Whenever they obtain some good information about you, immediately they strike. They never care who the person is; Whether the person is a pastor, rich; or the person has titles or honors. They just want to destroy. So we the children of God have to becareful of where we go, the type of friends we keep, or who will share our life’s story with. The bible says, the devil is pretending to be an angel of light. If care is not taken, these powers may have a clue about what you will become in life.
- They kill the star of people
- They frustrate people about to get to their Promised Land
- They programme setbacks
- They delay the destiny of people
- They plant satanic embargo
- They deprogramme the programme of God for their life
- They are silent killers
- They cause terrible afflictions
- They imprison the glory of a person and shut it down permananetly
- They obtain little information about you and uses to attack you
- They target and kill babies from thier womb
- They make sure people never rise again with his or her star etc
Lets briefly look at few of them
- They are strongman (Unrepentant enemy)
- They are enemy of progress
- They are unfriendly friends
- They are ancestral powers
- They are false prophets
- They are enchanters and diviners (Blood sucking demon)
- They could manifest their works through your wife, husband.
- They are envious powers
- Because you have a unique star
- Because you have the secret information of the devil
- Because God has chosen you to be a blessing to your family, church etc
- When you hit a major financial breakthrough
- When God is your true friend
- When your prayers are great disturbance to them
- When you are about to travel out or perform a glorious task
- When you are close to your blessings etc
- Satanic bondage
- Living in difficulties
- Prayers answers is scarce
- Demonic dream
- Unable to achieve a destiny
- Marriage becomes difficult
- To rise up again is a great task
- Evil thoughts comes to mind
- Spirits of frustration and limitation
- Inability to pack out from a public house
- Serious financial attack
- Prayer becomes too difficult
- Every department of life when you are under star hunters
You cannot defeat these powers with prayers alone, you need to employ the followings:
- Giving/rededicating your life to Christ is the first thing to do if you want to defeat them
- Determine to stay away from sins and repent from them all
- Raise your prayer altar against the star hunters
- Determine to fast and prayer to ensure your seriousness in this spiritual battle
- With fervent prayers, you can recover your lost star
- Cover your star with the blood of Jesus and with the fire of the Holy Ghost
INSTRUCTION: Embark on furious 7 days MIDNIGHT PRAYERS against star hunters. Time 12am – 2am. Raise your hands to the heavenlies and take the following prayers. If you are led to convert it to fasting and prayers, you are also welcome.
- My FATHER, Let not my enemy agree over my star, in the name of Jesus.
- Star hunters of my father’s house, be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
- Powers of darkness using my glory to monitor my star, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Any diviner and enchanter working hard to divert my destiny, thunder fire of God, strike them with their gods to death, in the name of Jesus.
- O God arise and place an irreversible curse upon those that are sitting on my star, in the name of Jesus.
- Every pot of diviners used to checkmate the proceeds of my star, collapse by fire, and go blind by thunder, in Jesus name.
- Any evil charms on my head; any evil blood of the fowl poured upon my star in the realm of the spirit, scatterrrrrrrrrrrrr, in the name of Jesus.
- The wall of my house, hear the word of the Lord, defend and fight back on my behalf against any arrow of the star hunters, in the name of Jesus.
- My star, presently in the hands and possessions of a strange woman in my village or elsewhere, fly out and locate me in Jesus name
- Any evil that has been done on my names, Father, reverse it back, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, those planning to demote me, disgrace by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Every envious witchcraft that hate my star because of what God is doing in my life, Father turn against them one after the other, in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil eye, spying over my star through my picture, go blind by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Fire of God that burn the wicked without any limitations, arise and ROAST BY FIRE, every star hunter to death, in Jesus name
- Every star hunter sharing my star with them, burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
- Glory of God, appear in the coven of darkness where they are deciding to terminate my star, by fire, by thunder, they shall die, in Jesus name
- Any power, anywhere that wants to put me to shame due to jealousy, Father frustrate their efforts suddenly, in the name of Jesus
- Any one that says my star will not shine, they shall live to witness the rising of my star, in the name of Jesus.
- Every stubborn handwritten of death upon my star, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
- Every evil powers monitoring my names for evil, receive destruction, in Jesus name
- I separate myself from the territory or environment of star hunters, in the name of Jesus
- Every strange landlord, refusing to give up on my star, be exposed and disgraced in Jesus name
- My breakthroughs, caged in any satanic effigy by star hunters, I receive my deliverance, in Jesus name.
- Where the star hunters says I will not reach, I will get there by fire, in Jesus name
- My star, wake up from spiritual lukewarmness, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power searching the crystall ball for my star, receive frusration, in Jesus name
- My star, be invisible to the eyes of the wicked, in Jesus name
- Any power redirecting the affairs of my star, in Jesus name
- My stars, already soaked with demonic curses, I wash you away in Jesus name
- Chains of my father’s house, holding my star, break by fire
- My star, in the cage of the idols of my father’s house, be released by fire
- Every power attacking my star from the front, back, right and left side, receive total calamity, in Jesus name
- ANY of my stars that have been blind spiritually, receive divine sight and come back to me, in Jesus name
- Any masquerade demon in my father’s house, dancing round my star, fall down and die, in Jesus name
- Ancient serpent of my father’s house feeding day and night on my star, vomit it by fire, in Jesus name
- Every negative transmission between my star and the star of my village, be disconnected by fire, in Jesus name
- I decree that my star shall not be given to any animals to feed on, in Jesus name
- I withdraw my star from the second heavenlies, in Jesus name
- All my dead stars shall collide with the star of Jesus. I command you my dead, arise and shine, in Jesus name
- O Lord, let my star be protected from evil manipulations, in Jesus name
- The Goliath of my father’s house, that is supervising my star like a farmer, give up and die, in Jesus name.
- O God arise and speak deliverance into my star, in Jesus name
- O God help me and rescue the star of my marriage from collapsing, in Jesus name