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Midnight Prayers: Deliverance Of The Head, Hands And Legs



You are welcome to another round of our 3 days Midnight Prayers . It is not a fasting programme, but if you wish to fast, it is okay. Know that it is a programme of deliverance, restoration and testimony. Time to start is from 12am to 2 am. Start this Wednesday to Friday.

We want you to take the following prayers and instruction very seriously. In every section, we are going to use our anointing oil to do the prayers in an aggressive ways.

Head, Hands And Legs Deliverance

We are aware that so many heads are tied in the spirit. We are  also aware that hands are robbed., and we are also aware that legs are being caged to one spot in life. The head is the glory of the body.

The moment a person’s head is attacked, he or she cannot use it to achieve better things. That’s why many people have been experiencing nightmares almost on daily basis.

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For example, if a strange hand touches your head then it means you will be a carrier of problems. When a person issues a curse upon someone, the head has the power to transmit it to the mind.

Many evil operations have been done against our head in the spirit realm. When you are always walking into cobwebs with your head, then your head  serious deliverance is needed.

When you always experience various kinds of affliction on the head, hands and legs you need urgent deliverance of the head.

When your hands are not achieving greatness, success and prosperity in life, then your hands are crying for deliverance. To others, it may be an arrow of memory loss, hand with holes, paralysis, whichever case is affecting you, you need to  pray your way out through this midnight prayers.

When someone has issued curses upon the labour of your hands, you need deliverance. When your legs are not taking you to the place of your destiny, helper, and miracle, your legs need to be transformed spiritually. 

Do you know that our head, hands and legs, do talk to our subconscious mind? To overcome the satanic attacks on our body, we need to cry out to God for 3 days midnight prayers for our glory to be restored back to us.

Get your anointing oil ready. So from 6pm _12am, we will not drink or eat anything until the end of this midnight prayers. If there is anything the enemy has stolen from you, recovery is by force. Do not joke with this midnight prayer exercise. May God answer our prayers in Jesus name. 

CONFESSION: I place this anointing oil on my head, which is the symbol of my destiny according to the word of the Lord. Henceforth my head and countenance are holy.

All curses in my life are removed, all ill-lucks, bad lucks and disfavour cease. I am anointed with the oil of gladness above my fellows (Heb.1:9).

This anointing affects every facet of my life for good. Sun of righteousness, arise, on me with healing in your wings according to the word of the Lord (Mal. 4:2).

This anointing gives me favour in the eyes of men and angels of God all the days of my life. The Lord will bless me and compass me with favour as with a shield, according to the word of the Lord (Psa 5:12).

All yokes in my life are broken, according to the word of the Lord (Isa 10:27). If anyone or devil sends a curse or spell on this head, his mischief will be upon his own head according to the word of the Lord (Psa 7:16).

My head shall be lifted above my enemies according to the word of the Lord. This my head you must succeed and prosper, in the name of Jesus.

Midnight Prayers Of The Head, Hands And Legs
Our Ministry


INSTRUCTION: If you wish to embark these midnight prayers on fasting programme, you are still with us in the spirit. But from 6 pm until  the end of the midnight prayers you will not take anything – food or water. You are advisable to eat after the midnight prayers. Time is from 12 am to 2 am. Your personal anointing will be used during the prayers.




  • Acknowledge that you are a sinner
  • Confess and repent from every known sin
  • Forgive those who have offended you
  • Break every curse, covenant and renounce evil association
  • Ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness
  • Determine to maintain your salvation
  • Pray for revival fire


Are you a witchcraft personality trying to take these prayer topic? Write us in kind by email to: We are led to offer you some special coded prayers. You must be saved with Christ.

Praise Worship




1. Evil hands anointed to waste my head, wither, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every arrow of untimely death, fired into my brain, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
3. My head, my head, my head, hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine, in the name of Jesus.
4. Any dark invisible cover on my head, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
5. Any cauldron calling my name, break, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every curse operating against my head, die by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
7. Every manipulation of my glory through my hair, scatter now, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every hand of the strongman upon my head, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
9. Every power of death assigned against my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every power of death assigned against my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every arrow of failure fired into my hands, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
12. Chains upon my head, break, in the name of Jesus.
13. Holy Ghost fire arise, kill every satanic deposit in my head, in the name of Jesus.
14. My head, receive deliverance by fire, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every power summoning my head from the gate of the grave, die, in the name of Jesus.
16. O God, arise thunder from heaven and scatter my tormentors, in the name of Jesus.
17. Thou power of God, arise, attack all covens assigned against my head, in the name of Jesus.
18. O God, arise and draw me out of the waters of affliction, in the name of Jesus.
19. Every ordinance invoked by the power of darkness into the heavens against my head, I wipe you
off, in the name of Jesus.
20. Rain of wisdom, knowledge and favour, fall upon my head, in the name of Jesus.
21. Voices of strangers casting spells against my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
22. Blood of Jesus, water of life, fire of God, wash my head, in the name of Jesus.
23. I shake off bullets of darkness from my head, in the name of Jesus.
24. Every power using my hair against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
25. Arrows of darkness fired into my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Power of household wickedness upon my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
27. My head wake up by fire, in the name of Jesus.
28. My head reject every bewitchment and cobwebs arrows, in the name of Jesus.
29. Any power calling my head for evil, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
30. I fire back every arrow of witchcraft in my head, in the name of Jesus.
31. Every evil hand laid upon my head when I was a little child, die, in the name of Jesus.
32. Every unconscious curse of my parents working against the glory of my head, break, in the name of Jesus.
33. Anything stolen from my head when I was a child, I repossess you now, in the name of Jesus.
34. Every power assigned to lock my head in a cage, receive angelic slap, in the name of Jesus.
35. Invisible loads of darkness upon my head, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
36. Any problem brought to my life through head attacks, die, in the name of Jesus.
37. Powers of my father’s house, unite my head by fire
38. Serpents and scorpions assigned against my head, in the name of Jesus.
39. I reject the spirit of the tail and I claim the spirit of the head in the name of Jesus.
40. I cancel the power of all curses upon my head in the name of Jesus.
41. Every witchcraft naming, be dissolved from my fore-head and naval, in the name of Jesus.
42. Let the spiritual bat and spiritual lizard, that have been introduced into my head, receive the fire
of God, in the name of Jesus.



  1. As I rob this oil on my head, let every evil hand covering the star of my head, to wither and die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

  2. As I rob this oil on my head, O Lord, let the power of God on this oil retrieve my lost anointing, in the name of Jesus.

  3. As I use the oil on my head now,  My Father, let every trace of cobweb on my head and my house, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.

  4. As I use this oil on my head now, Any evil thing programmed upon my head to disappear by fire, in the name of Jesus.

  5. As I rob this oil upon my head now, O Lord, any satanic incision on my head that is inviting demons into my life, to wiped off by the blood of Jesus. (Declare others as led now)



Job 37:7, says, “He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work”.


1. I plug my hands, into the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
2. My hands, reject every pollution, in the name of Jesus
3. Holy Ghost, anoint my hands, my legs, for uncommon testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
4. Holy Ghost fire, pursue every poison out of my hands, in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, by the power that breaks yokes, let every yoke upon my hands, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every handwriting of darkness, upon my hands, I wipe you off by the power in the blood of Jesus.
7. Holy Ghost, overshadow my hands, in the name of Jesus
8. Every power attack the staff of my bread, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
9. I receive deliverance from the hands of any strongman holding my life to ransome, in the name of Jesus
10. Every power binding my hands from prospering, loose me and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
11. Wicked powers of my father’s house sitting on the star of my hands, be unseated by fire, in the name of Jesus.
I2. I use the power of my hands to achieve good things in life, in the name of Jesus.
13. I blow away every bad luck associated with my hands, in the name of Jesus.
14. Negative control over my hands, break, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every door my hands has opened to the enemy, close, in the name of Jesus.
16. My hand, reject the covenant of failure, in the name of Jesus.
17. My hand (lay your right hand on your head), from now on, life shall be easy for you. You shall
be desired, appreciated and rewarded, in the name of Jesus.
18. None shall pluck my stars out of my hand, in the name of Jesus
19. I challenge every marine spirit on my hand with the fire of God and I command it to catch fire now,
in the name of Jesus.
20. My hand, reject every manipulation and bewitchment on untimely death, in the name of Jesus.
22. Holy Ghost, crown my hand and life with divine glory, in the name of Jesus.
23. O God, be my glory and the lifter of my hand, in Jesus’ name.
24. And now shall my hand be lifted up above my enemies round about me, in the name of Jesus
25. Let the spiritual bat and spiritual lizard, that have been introduced into my hand, receive the fire
of God, in the name of Jesus
26. I release my hand from every evil blood covenant, in the name of Jesus
27. Every power that has formed any evil cloud over my head and hands, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
28. Any evil umbrella covering my head and hands, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
29. Holy Ghost, connect my head unto my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus.
30. Fire of God, consume every strange satanic material in my hand, in the name of Jesus.
31. O Lord, anoint my hand with Your oil, bless my water and bread to eat of the fat of this land, in
Jesus’ name.
32. Every evil hand raised to suppress me, I pull you down by the power of the God of Elijah, in the
name of Jesus.
33. Blood of Jesus, speak life into my hand, my heart, my liver, my kidney, my bladder, my womb, etc,
in the name of Jesus.
34. Any power calling for the cage of hands before evil mirrors, die with the mirror, in the name of Jesus.
35. My glory, my hands, arise and shine, in the name of Jesus.
36. Any power cursing my hands from doing good things, scatter, in the name of Jesus
37. I fire back every arrow of witchcraft in my hand, in the name of Jesus.
38. Every evil hand laid upon my head when I was a little child, die, in the name of Jesus.
39. My head, reject every bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.
40. Remember me, O Lord, and lift up my head, in the name of Jesus



  1. As I use my oils on my hands, every  wicked chins of my father’s house and mother’s house to break by fire, in the name of Jesus.

  2. As I use this oil on my hands, every spirit that destroy good things in my hands, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.

  3. As I use this oil on my hands now,  anywhere they have cursed my hands from achieving success, back fire, in the name of Jesus.

  4. As I use this oil on my hands, any wicked personality that have shook hands with me in exchange of my destiny, I recover my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

  5. As I use this oil on my hands, I shall use this hands to carry my baby, in the name of Jesus.

  6. As I use this oil on my hands, It shall carry my wedding ring, in the name of Jesus.

  7. As I use this oil on my hands now, any strongman diverting the blessings of my hands to the grave, die, in the name of Jesus. (Declare others as led now)




Psalm 22:16-17 says, ”For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.”

1. Any grave holding my feet and its fruitfulness captive,open up and vomit them to me by fire!
2. My legs, decaying in the realm of the spirit,ressurrect and become perfectly healed in the name of Jesus!
3. Every wicked power that has rendered my legs dead,resurrectby fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Serpent and scorpions assigned against my legs,release me and die by fire!
5. Every evil arrows fashioned against my legs,I command you to go back to your senders in the name of Jesus!
6. Every spiritual worms assigned to devour my legs gradually,come out and die!
7. Every leg of the enemy buried in my legs, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every evil object buried against the fruitfulness of my legs,be uprooted and scatter by fire!
9. Every evil personalities hiding in my feet to direct me to wrong place of life,come out and die!
10. Any power that has poured charms on the ground to subdue my feet, die, in the name of Jesus
11. Evil contractors hired against my feet,I terminate your contracts from source by fire! Die in the name of Jesus!
12. Spirit of paralysis assigned against my feet, you are liar, die, in the name of Jesus!
13. Every witchcraft powers assigned to keep in a chair till the rest of life, die, in the name of Jesus
14. Every evil rope tying me down to my father’s house, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
15. Outside witchcraft powers co-operating with household witchcraft against my feet,scatter and die!
16. Household witchcraft gathering against my feet,scatter and die!
17. Every obstacle programmed on my feet to stagnate me in life, break, in the name of Jesus.
18. Idolatry powers preventing my legs from travelling outside the country, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
19. Everywhere I go this year, I shall find ummerited favour and blessings, in the name of Jesus.
20. Any parts of my shoes in the altar of darkness, disappear by fire, in the name of Jesus.
21. I frustrate every enemy of my progress, every enemy blocking my feet from entering into my place of promotion, in the name of Jesus.
22. I pursue,I overtake and I recover by fire whatever the enemy has stolen from my feet in the name of Jesus!
23. Any parts of my legs currently in the grave
24. My feet,refuse to co-operate with my enemies against me in the name of Jesus!
25. Blood of Jesus wash my legs from every spiritual contamination, in the name of Jesus.
26. I plug my feet, into the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
27. Father, I fire back, every arrow of sluggishness assigned to my feet, in the name of Jesus.
28. Anywhere I go, favour will be assigned to my feet, in the name of Jesus.
29. O Lord, let my feet be beautiful and bring glad tidings anywhere I go, in the name of Jesus.
30. Spirit of bad feet arresting my blessings, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
31. Spirit of polluted legs into my home, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
32. Every curse, issued against my legs, break, in the name of Jesus.
33. Every agenda of darkness, assigned to terrorise my legs, I fire it back, in the name of Jesus.
34. Holy Ghost, anoint my hands, my legs, for uncommon testimonies, in the name of Jesus..
35. Holy Ghost, overshadow my feet, in the name of Jesus.
36. Father, by the power that breaks yokes, let every yoke upon my legs, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
37. Every handwriting of darkness, upon my legs, I wipe you off by the power in the blood of Jesus.
38. Every curse, evil covenants and enchantments, militating against my legs  come with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.
39. Holy Ghost fire, pursue every poison out of my hands, in the name of Jesus.
40. Any evil chain making progress too difficult for me, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
41. By the power of God, dark places shall not oppress my feet, in Jesus’ name.



1. As I use this oil on my legs, I break every power assigned against my progress, in the name of Jesus.

2. As I use this oil on my legs, every power sitting on my legs from prospering, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. As I use this oil on my legs now, Invisible legs troubling my life to raost by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. As I use this oil on my legs, any strange places my legs has took me to, in order to waste my destiny, i reposses my glory, in the name of Jesus.
5. As I use this oil on my legs, every satanic delay associated with my legs, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. As I use this oil on my legs, any particular house that is currently reading the destiny on my legs, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. I cover my legs with the blood of Jesus. (Declare others as led now)







If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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