Beloved, do you know that it is one thing to be delivered from evil conditions while it is quiet another thing to keep or continue to maintain your deliverance? They are so many Christians who are seeking for deliverance but they don’t know how to keep the deliverance! That is why you see many people experiencing deliverance now and after some time they lose their deliverance and begin to seek for it again. This is unfortunate and pathetic!
As a Minister of deliverance, i have come across several cases like this. You see, you prayed for somebody who was suffering from a particular condition and he or she was delivered and then left. After sometime, the person comes back again on the same issue. Even in Jesus days, this kind of a thing used to happen to many people, hence Jesus always gave them instruction on what to do to continue to enjoy their freedom and deliverance.
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Subscribe nowAt a point in His teaching, Jesus told His audience that if they CONTINUED in His word, then they would become His true disciples … John 8:31. There are so many things that can make one lose his or her deliverance which many Christians don’t know. At this juncture, it is vital for you to know that there is no gift or blessing from God that you cannot lose if you are not careful and vigilant! For instance, for you to be saved and qualified to enter heaven on the last day, you MUST continue in the faith unto the end!
Jesus said it is he that will endure to the end that will be saved! Mt 24:13. That is to say, even if it remains just one week for you to leave this world, and you backslid, you will not be saved! That is why I don’t believe those who are teaching that once you are saved you are saved. This is a great error and teaching from satanic kingdom! You can lose anything you received from God, including your salvation and deliverance if you are not prayerful and vigilant. The devil, the greatest Thief and the enemy of mankind can steal God’s blessings from you if you are not watchful and prayerful.

Now, how can we MAINTAIN OUR DELIVERANCE so that the devil will not steal it from us now or in the future? This is a very crucial matter!
1. YOU MUST CONTINUE IN THE FAITH! This is the first thing to do. For you to maintain a permanent deliverance, you MUST continue in the faith, in your confession of Jesus Christ always. Backsliding brings back evil conditions that you were experiencing before. As long as you Continue in the Lord Jesus Christ your salvation and deliverance from evil conditions is guaranteed. The Bible says who is he or she that will harm you if you are following or doing what is righteous? 1Pet 3:13. Therefore, you should resist any temptation to go away from the Lord.
2. DESIST FROM SINS! This is a very vital issue. The reason why so many Christians cannot keep their deliverance is due to their continuing in sins! After your deliverance, if you don’t separate yourself from sins, the same condition will come back to you again. Jesus warned a man that was delivered from a terrible condition that he should not sin again to avoid a more devastating situation coming upon him. John 5:14. That is, when you go back to sins, those conditions you were delivered from will come back to you again. That is why many Christians continue to go for deliverance every now and then on the same or many more issues.
3. EMBRACE TRUE HOLINESS OF LIFE! The reason why some people cannot experience a permanent deliverance is because they are not living a true holy life. Do you know that true Holiness of life is an antidote to demonic possession? A Christian that has embraced and he or she living by the holiness of the Bible cannot be possessed by demons! Satan and his cohort fear holy Christians.
4. BE PRAYERFUL! Another issue is, any Christian who is delivered and he or she wants to keep his or her deliverance must be prayerful. Jesus warns that we should watch and pray so that we will not fall into temptations. Mt 26:41. The devil is always monitoring true believers in order to strike in their moment of spiritual weakness, especially during a prayer less period! Therefore be careful and watchful in prayers.
5. CHECK YOUR DREAM LIFE REGULARLY! Your dream life is Your spiritual monitoring system! This is where you will know whether you are free from demonic captivity or not. And unfortunately, many Christians don’t believe in dreams. Before what happened to Job came upon him, he saw it in the dream but he did not address it. He was only afraid and terrified! Read Job 4:12-17. Therefore if you want to stay free from further demonic possession, you MUST always be ready to address what you are seeing in the dream land.
6. AVOID INDECENT DRESSING! Nothing makes demons to be readily attracted to human beings, especially women, than the issue of indecent dressing. That is why all these so called Christian ladies who cannot dress well can NEVER be free from demonic possession! That is why you see them falling down over and over during deliverance sections why because they are always walking about with demons! Note, indecent dressing belongs to the kingdom of darkness while decent dressing belongs to the kingdom of God!
7. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE PLACES YOU GO FOR PRAYERS! This is very important. There are some Christians who always go to anywhere they hear that they are praying for people. Some of these places are satanic centres well organised to recruit and dedicate souls for Satan. Immediately the so called man of God prayed for you, laying hand on you with the demonic anointing oil, you are dedicated to demons, your problems will be compounded. You see, your eyes will never be opened to know the truth any more to come out of that place because you are caged spiritually.
8. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE KIND OF CHURCH OR MINISTRY YOU DECLARE YOURSELF TO BE A MEMBER! Look, If you belong to a dead or worldly Church, you cannot experience deliverance before you talk of maintaining it. The Church you attend and become a member will largely determine whether you will receive your deliverance and even make it to heaven on the last day. Be careful!!
9. BE WATCHFUL ABOUT THE FRIENDS YOU ASSOCIATE WITH! There are Some people or Christians who don’t know that the kind of Friends they are moving with will highly determine whether they will be free from demonic possession and then keep their deliverance! For instance, if you are moving a lady, even though she Is singing in the choir, highly committed but she is an agent of water spirit, you can Never experience meaningful deliverance and keep it. This is a rugged truth. That is why the Bible is warning seriously about evil Friends. Read 1Cor 15:33, James 4:4. Be careful about Friends. If you try Your best to introduce Christ to them and they continue to resist, leave them alone, but continue to pray for them until God will touch them.
10. BE CLOSER TO TRUE, HOLY AND ANOINTED SERVANTS OF GOD! If you do this, you will Continue to maintain your deliverance. For instance, take the issue of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, as long as he walked closely with Abraham, he continued to enjoy protection, favour and deliverance from God. But when he became separated from Abraham as a result of crisis between his herdsmen and that of Abraham, problems started! You see, as long as you continue to walk with a genuine Minister of God, and take counsel and God’s true message from him, you will keep your deliverance, but when you start patronizing fake and counterfeit Ministers, you will begin to have problems.
11. FULL OBEDIENCE TO THE WORD OF GOD! This is very important. It is Your complete obedience to God’s word that will guarantee Your permanent victory and deliverance from evil conditions. That is why prophet Isaiah said, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” Isa 1:19. If you Continue to fully obey God’s word, no demon or power can attack you and succeed. You will keep your deliverance in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!!
12. REGULAR ATTENDANCE IN ACTIVITIES IN THE HOUSE OF GOD! This must be unavoidable if you must maintain Your victory and freedom in Christ. Read Heb 10:24,25. Note, the house of God is the SPIRITUAL HOSPITAL where the Children of God go for their spiritual check ups! That is why anyone who says he or she is a Christian but he or she is far from the Church or fails to come to activities in the house of God regularly, such a Christian’s life is full of crisis and problems! I draw the curtain here. You are free to pass this crucial message to your family and Friends if you love them. Thank you and God bless you richly for taking time to read this vital article. By His grace, you will not miss Your place in heaven if you keep and practice these things!
Source: Pastor Moses Ameh