Share Your Dreams: I Am Eating Bathroom Slippers

Sir,am the one that just sent u a text message that i had two dreams about eating bathroom slippers in my dream and someone breaking the eggs i was carrying. I need interpretations,sir

Anything dream that has to do with eating is a poisonous dream. And anything that has to do with breaking of eggs in the dream, it means satanic manipulation of your blessings and miracles. They want to steal your virtues and cause you to experience loss in all areas of your life. This powers want to pollute your spiritual life, contaminate your blessings and manipulate your greatness. This dream is also  a clear sign of mental disturbance and ancestry. It also shows that you are operating under serious curse of the ancestry. Somebody has issued a stubborn curse upon your life and destiny. The picture of this revelation is an indication that you are currently suffering from poverty, sickness, constant rejection from your admirers, backwardness, self pity and satanic bondage.  So it has never been recorded in the Bible that eating bathroom slipper suggest to be a good dream. If care is not taken, they may programme setback and frustration in your life which is capable of making you live a life of no benefit. The devil is using the dream to gain access into your life when you are not conscious about it. However, if there is anything in your life that is holding you back, quickly ask God to expose them out completely. But to ignore the sin is to ignore your blessings. God wants you to destroy this powers from the ancestry that wants you to develop sluggishness at the edge of breakthrough.  Breaking egg is a breaking destiny. When someone broke the egg you were carrying, the person knows that the whole of your life is depended on the egg which symbolise blessings, fruitfulness, new beginning, achievement, success, joy, health, wealth etc. You have to pray against powers assigned to cut your life short. Pray concerning any demonic powers who has been mandated to waste you and set your spiritual life ablaze. In order to be totally free, you must break lose from satanic oppression. By the power in the blood of Jesus, the Lord will repair whatever they have damaged in your foundation. Not too worry, God will deliver you from the hands of enemies that are planning to frustrate and empty you in life. I reverse any curse of whatsoever issued against you, by the power in the power in the blood of Jesus.

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If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries