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Dream About Breastfeeding A Baby


Isaiah 49:15 says, ”Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.”

Breastfeeding a baby in the dream is a symbol of spiritual children. To breastfeed a baby in the dream is to allow the spirit children to take your virtues. Whether the baby is yours or not, so long breastfeeding have taken place in the dream, you are into serious marital problems. It is a strange dream. When a woman is given her breast to a strange baby in the dream, it shows that such a woman may have problem in bearing children.

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Breastfeeding  a baby in the dream is one of the ways the devil penetrate into the life of women easily to pollute their lives and loss their virtues. The power that pushes this strange baby to suck women are powers from the marine kingdom. Before the breastfeeding occurs in the dream, you might have been pregnant spiritually without your full knowledge. It is obvious that so many women are either nursing a baby or breastfeeding a baby in the dream.

As long as some women keeping breastfeeding a baby in the dream, spiritually, they will go dry and her beauty would exposed.  As a woman, the day you breastfeed a baby, is a day of marital problem. If married, your husband is likely not to love you the way  he ought to. These spirit husband are   from the produce of marine kindom. You cannot succeed when the spirit children is busy sucking your breast. You cannot prosper when you cannot command the strange baby and spirit husband to loose their hold .



There is power called spirit children. They are powers that uses the image of a baby to perpetrate evil in the spiritual world or against a woman. They look like a natural baby in the dream. They are spiritual children whose mission is to cause marital and child bearing problem to a woman. It is the powers responsible in feeding babies with their spiritual breast in the dream. A woman’s breast is her pride and virtue.  Breastfeeding a baby is a means of agreement between you and the spirit husband.

For example, before a woman can get pregnant, there must be an agreement between the man and the woman. Through this dream, people may not recognize your glory and your good works in the marriage. Once the breastfeeding a baby is becoming a tradition in your dream, you may need to go and see a deliverance pastor. Failure to do that, it may experience the greatest shock of your  life.

The spirit of the marine will introduce limitation in your marriage. For example, when a married woman dream of breastfeeding a baby, such woman will come under attack of satanic manipulation in her marriage. The devil will be instigating fear into the dream of her husband to chase her away.


When you dream and find  yourself breastfeeding  as a single lady, this indicates lateness of marriage. It means the enemy or some people do not want you to marry.  And if you are married, there are chances that you may not enjoy your marriage the way you expected. They may have used the spiritual baby to blow out your chances and destroy your home. Whenever this dream is in place, it means you have a foundational problem that is affecting your marital life.

This is the point where you will keep having problem of men promising you marriage and later dump you at the edge of marriage. Sometime this demon will inform the man that you have  a spiritual problem and that you would constitute a bad luck when he marry you. The strange baby that you breast fed in the dream was sent from the marine world to steal your virtue and to make you suffer disappointments from the camp of the marine world. Be mindful of the fact that this strange child can make you to experience painful menstruation and marital delay due to the attack of the spirit husband. No weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus name.


In the dream you may have…

  • Seen yourself breastfeeding
  • Seen a baby biting your strength
  • Seen a baby refusing to remove his mouth from your breast




The enemy uses it to achieve the following reasons:

1. To lose your virtues to the enemy
2. To make your beauty look so bad
3. To give the devil access to attack your marriage
4. To  place you in bondage
5. To pollute and manipulate your glory
6. To pass a judgement that you are not qualified to marry that man
7. To steal your happiness and joy
8. To bring serious problem between you and your partner
9. To make you have difficulties in child bearing
10. To make man to find it hard to associate themselves with you
11. It abort your blessings and expectations
12. To make you smell in the nostril of your husband
13. To make good things not to be stable with you
14. To make your own people not to trust you
15. To bring limitation and makes your man not to see good works you have done



1. Breastfeeding a baby in the dream cannot be your destiny baby. It has been shown that every woman that breastfeed baby in the dream has the highest risk of spiritual  problems.

2. Breastfeeding a baby in the dream is breastfeeding a beast in the realm of the spirit.

3. God cannot allow you to breastfeed a baby in the dream whose  faces becomes unknown to you

4. Breastfeeding dream is a way of selling your destiny to the devil

5. Your destiny baby cannot be sucking your breast in the dream. God  made the breast to be fed only by physical children not by spiritual children



1. Cheating your husband
2. Abortion
3. Practice of witchcraft
4. Backbite
5. Fornication/prostitution (Lev 19:29)
6. Adultery
7. Hiding important things from your husband
8. Lack of love/trust
9. Frustration and loss
10. Indecent dressing and living a crazy lifestyle
11. Unforgiveness
12. Pride
13.Parental curses
14. Touching unclean things
15. Negative addiction
16. Unbelief, doubt and double mind


These are the signs when a woman encounter this dream.

1. Frustration and disappointment
2. Breast becomes stiff
3. Marital shame and disgrace
4. Crying and weeping
5. Financial loss and debt
6. Inability for the man to love and take care of her
7. Pregnancy becomes scarce in the home
8. An avenue for the man to welcome or invite strange woman
9. Relationship/courtship terminated, despite several years of attention and love
10. The man all of a sudden declares that you are a witch
11. The man declares that you are lazy and smelling
12. Serious quarrel between the man and the woman
13. No peace and joy
14. Spirit spouse automatically takes over your marriage
15. Sperm cannot fertilize in your body
16. An attempt to curse people for your marital failure
17. Poverty and business failure
18. A calls to go back to your parents house after all the boxing and fighting in your marriage
19. Children dont like to associate themselves with you
20. Embargo and struggles
21. Prayerlessness (Spiritual life becomes cold)
22. The need to visit a strange prophet for a best alternatives
23. High rate of mockers show up speedily
24. Your value, respect and prestige goes down among your friends
25. Spirit of failure begins to pursue you
26. Deliverance is incomplete
27, Stubbornness block the blessings of God




1. Foundational powers
2. Ancestral powers
3. Marine powers
4. Polygamous powers
5. Familiar spirit
6. Strange woman in the physical
7. Enemy of your marriage
8. Strongman in your father’s house or mother’s house
9. Witchcraft powers
10. Wicked in-laws
11. Occultic powers



1. Get to know Jesus. If you are backsliding, begin to ask God for reconnection
2. Let there be total repentance and confession of sin (Prov
3. Pray that God should  destroy the strange baby
4. Believe God for marital victory and babies in the marriage
5. Ask GOD for mercy and forgiveness. Expose anything you are hidden from your husband/partner
6. Cover yourself and marriage with the blood of Jesus.

INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am-3pm.



1. I refuse to breastfeed strange baby in the dream, in the name of Jesus
2. Thou power of marital frustration, disappear from my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord, touch my womb with your mighty hands, in the name of Jesus.
4. Every spiritual baby demanding for my breast milk, die, in the name of Jesus.


5. Every power that has blown away my children from my womb, catch fire, in Jesus name.
6. Every satanic worm attacking my foetus, die, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every captivity holding my womb in bondage, break, in the name of Jesus.
8. Every damage done to my life through occult influence be repaired by the blood of Jesus.
9. Every plant of barrenness growing secretly in my life wither to your root by fire, in the name of Jesus
10.Every foundational covenant working against my pregnancy, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
11.Every result of unfruitfulness after pregnancy be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
12.Every satanic herbalist waiting for the sale of my blood, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
13.Every herbalist and witchdoctor assigned to pull down my pregnancy run mad, in the name of Jesus.
14.Every power behind my previous bleeds, die, in the name of Jesus.
15.I reject every cry of agony and miscarriage against my marital life, in the name of Jesus.
16.Every curse affecting my pregnancy cancel, in the name of Jesus.
17.O Lord replace every shame in my life with your glory, in the name of Jesus.
18.(Touch your stomach and say) Thou baby in my womb, you shall not die, in the name of Jesus.
19.Spirit of anger that makes my blood boil seize in the name of Jesus.
20.I shall not bleed away my baby this month, in the name of Jesus.
21.Spirit of abortion chasing me and my pregnancy, die, in the name of Jesus.
22.Every satanic plantation in my womb working against my conception wither, in the name of Jesus
23.Every satanic altar that keeps problems alive in me be roasted to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
24.Satan, you shall not harvest my labour, in the name of Jesus.
25.Every dream of abortion hunting for my life, catch fire
26.Any strange light draining the blood of my pregnancy, quench in Jesus name.
27.Any satanic pregnant woman representing me in the dark world die, in Jesus name.
28. Any physical or spiritual power bombarding my pregnancy left and right, from front and behind, from the heavenly and down below, seize by fire
29.No witchcraft power shall have power to trade with my womb, in Jesus name
30.My mouth refuse to say filthy words, in Jesus name.
31.Fire of solution fall upon my life for easy delivery, in Jesus name.
32.Every evil power struggling to terminate or remove my womb, die
33.Every labour and pains I passed through till date shall favour me, in the name of Jesus.
34.My baby/womb shall not be exchanged for strange baby/womb in the name of Jesus.


Psalm 84:11
11For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Isa 49:25
But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. 

35. I thank You God because You alone are the perfect matchmaker
36. Lord, release to me the man/woman you have pre-ordained as my spouse in Jesus’ name.
37. Lord, cause it to happen that the divine match will come forth soon in the name of Jesus.
38. Lord, let my spouse be a person who loves You wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus.
39. Lord, establish our home according to the scriptures in Jesus name (read Ephesians 5:20-28).
40. Father, let all satanic barriers keeping us from meeting be dissolved in Jesus’ name.
41. Lord, send forth your warring angels to battle and release my spouse wherever s/he is held captive in the name of Jesus.
42. Lord, I believe You have created me for a special person; bring it to pass in the name of Jesus.
43. I now call him/her out of obscurity into my life in Jesus’ name.
44. I reject the provision of counterfeit spouse for me by the enemy in the name of Jesus.
45. I cut off the flow of any inherited marital problems into my life in the mighty name of Jesus (pray this one 7 times… aggressively)
46. O Lord, let the spirit of patience reign in my life until the right person comes in the name of Jesus.
47. (Please pray this one with all your strength for at least 5 minutes)Father, in the name of Jesus, just as Abraham sent his servant to find his son Isaac a wife, send the Holy Spirit to bring my future partner to me.
48. Household powers stopping me from meeting my life partner die in Jesus name .
49. You evil veil blocking my God-ordained partner and I from noticing and attracting each other, catch fire and burn to ashes.
50. Evil magnet magnetizing me and my God-ordained partner away from each other, be shattered in Jesus´ name.
51. Evil program for my marital destiny, be deprogrammed in the name of Jesus!
52. Satanic match-makers, my marital destiny is not your candidate, scatter and die in Jesus´ name!
53. Witchcraft decree into my marital future, I nullify you by fire in the name of Jesus!
54. I withdraw my future marriage from the hands of evil enchanters, in the name of Jesus.
55. Let all household wickedness release my future home, in the name of Jesus.
56. I receive deliverance from every plantation designed to bring me and my divine partner under the bondage of the devil, in the name of Jesus.
57. I deliver my future home from the hands of home-wreckers, in the name of Jesus.
58. I pursue, overtake and recover my marriage from the hands of marriage blockers, in the name of Jesus.
59. Every power preventing me from accepting the counsel of God over my marital life, become paralyzed, in the name of Jesus.
60. Every evil effect of external interference in my marriage, be completely neutralized, in the name of Jesus.
61. Let every imagination, thought, plan, decision, desire and expectation of divorce and separation against my future home be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
62. I binds all powers eating away the determination of my partners to be connected to me, in the name of Jesus.
63. Let the satanic birds eating away my love from the heart of my partner vomit it, in the name of Jesus.
64. Let all the extra-marital relationship with all other partners collapse and die, in the name of Jesus.
65. I break every conscious and unconscious soul tie between my divine partner and anyone, in the name of Jesus.
66. I deliver my divine spouse from the hands of evil seducers, in the name of Jesus.
67. I break the hold of the spirit spouse and marriage upon my divine partner, in the name of Jesus.
68. I command failure, frustration, and disappointments to come upon strange relationships delaying my marital breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
69. I prophesy that my courtship will lead to marriage and I shall be fruitful, in the name of Jesus.
70. I close any door that I have opened to the devil through my confession and past actions, in the name of Jesus.
71. Every enemy of my marriage, be wasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
72. Marriage destroyers, destroy your spiritual marriage, in the name of Jesus.
73. Any satanic altar caging my marriage, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
74. Cage of marital defeat assigned to frustrate me, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
75. Arrows of the wicked troubling my settling down in all areas, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
76. Every wickedness assigned against me at the door of my marital breakthrough, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
77. Powers that say my marital joy will not manifest, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.
78. Wicked powers in my family holding the key of my marital joy and victory, what are you waiting for? release it and die, in the name of Jesus.
79. Holy Ghost, pull me out from the valley of confusion and frustration, in the name of Jesus.



If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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