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Exodus 7:9-10 says, “When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying Shew a miracle for you: then, thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.” Pharaoh was not afraid; he was not perturbed by the actions of Moses and Aaron, meaning that the conversion of things was not new to Pharaoh.

Dream About Snakes Entering – What does it represent in the spirit realm?

The feature of a snake is to swallow. Snake is a representation of serpent. It can also be known as anti -marriage spirit. If you see them entering your body, office, house, hospital, church,  etc, that indicates the advances of the enemy towards you. When snake enters your house, the first sign is fear. In the spiritual aspect, this means the edge of your protection, grace, power, is broken and  this can be a sign that the enemy is in charge.

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Snakes move on their bellies because they do not have legs. They are extremely crafty and poisonous. Snake in the spirit symbolizes lies and deception. It is used by the enemy to deceive people and dislodge them from their place of blessings and also cause defilement of the spirit. If you dream of snake hiding in your office, it indicates that you are likely to receive a job termination and can also give the enemy a better place to monitor all your activities. If you have not been making any significant progress in your place of work, it is as a result of the strongman holding your benefits and speedy progress.

Snake is a dangerous animal. In reality, many people usually come across snake crawling in the bush, or nearby compound and it represent a message that the environment is not safe for humans. Dream about snakes entering your body, if you are woman, it is a deep reflection that you are a carrier of marine spirit. To some women, the frequent vision about snake entering your body could indicates there will be lost of marital glory. This is a situation where the affected woman will be struggling to experience peace and satisfaction in marriage

On a large basis, this type of dream may jeopardize your marriage and causes your hubby to develop hatred for you. Snake dream can manifest in the form of strange woman to scatter your marriage. Maybe your pastor told you of recent that you should embark for deliverance. Perhaps there are unclean spirits which has able to see and these spirit has greater influence on your plans an decision.  And if you are a pregnant and your dreams are involving serpent glued to your body, then it may indicates the pregnancy may experience problem.

However, if you are a man, and your dream of snake entering your body, one of the greater glory of a man is finances. This is usually a sign that you are going to experience financial difficulties, hardship and poverty. Although, you might be a hardworking man, but it will not be reflected in your life and that of your family. When such dream keeps reoccurring over again, take away pride and go for deliverance.

This can actually be a great disappointment and you might not be able to reach your goals in life. In some cases, you may start noticing early signs, these are not limited to: impossibilities, being at the right place at the wrong time, lack of spiritual growth, fear, reproach, etc.

Snake entering dream in other perspective,

  • If you see snake entering your house in the dream, it indicates unwelcome stranger is now in your house.
  • If you see snake entering your office, it symbolizes envious enemy monitoring your job performance and their major aim is to make you lose your position and receive termination letter.
  •  If you see snake entering your shop, it means that the business will receive arrows of stagnancy, loss and limitation. 
  • If you see snakes entering your body, this usually indicates that your case needs deliverance. It is a message that marine spirit has held you in bondage. 
  •  If you see snake in your church, this is a sign that the source of the man of God is not genuine and its power is linked to occult covenant. On the other hands, if you see snakes in church, it could also portend that there are great number of marine people trying to get their deliverance. 

The symbol of bed dream signifies love and marriage. However, when you dream about snake entering your bed, it can mean that you are facing great changes in your marital life. You may feel like your prayers against marital delay isn’t bringing much desire result for you corner, and the appearance of serpent on your bed has indicated that your hope of getting marital blessing is a waste of time.

Alternatively, if you dream of serpent coming towards you on the bed, its agenda is to defile and pollute. And it symbolizes a long term covenant with the marine and occult spirit.  If you dream about having sex with serpent as well, it represents barrenness and all round difficulties.

If you actually are not married though, a dream about having sex with snake may just be due to your depression and loneliness. When the serpent saw the lapses, it came to quickly sow tares and goes its way. This type of dream requires deep deliverance and prayers to set you free forever from witchcraft captivity.


Snakes can represent all kinds of bad omen. If the dreamer experience snake entering his house before then its likely that this snake represents household witchcraft. A snake crawling over you has a special meaning. It means that the marine agents have tied down a person’s destiny.

The appearance of serpent is closely linked to marriage or relationship. If you are currently in a relationship or marriage, the dream of snake entering your house indicates there will be fear, anxiety and sickness. If you are married, you should expect attack on your marriage.

There is a snake of darkness and there is also a serpent of God (Amos 9). These two serpents are at war: But one serpent has the power to swallow the other. When a weaker power comes against a stronger power, the weaker power must bow to the glory of God.

Dream about snakes entering tend to be very disturbing and life threatening. It could mean several things. First, you might soon experience financial difficulties and could even plunge into poverty. Secondly, you might get yourself involved in a very nasty conflict with the people who used to be close to you.

Thirdly, you could grow anger and bitterness against those that admires you. Lastly, your marriage is under monitoring control.

Take for example, if you have a dream of a snake entering your private part, if you are a woman, it symbolizes the fact that your womb is stolen and this can cause fibroid in the process. You recognize that every year, you must make concerted efforts to conceive or bear children. If you are a single woman, this dream meaning isn’t far away from you as this may portend that you are not going to get your destiny husband. Why? Because a marine strongman is now influencing more of your character against men.

If you dream that snake entering your house and ran into hiding usually means some important things will be lost. It may indicate that there is an accusation about to be leveled against you. If you dream of group of snakes entering your body, it indicates that disasters may happen to your family. Therefore, you must pay particular attention to your destiny.

The dream about snake entering your house, body, toilet, etc could mean that you are not paying close enough attention to yourself and the devil is using the opportunity to gain entrance into your life. It’s wise to consider such a dream as a warning of a possible problem arising in the near future.

If you are a woman, snake entering your body in the dream could represent marital problem that may link you up to having issues of conception.

Having a snake coiled up around you and bite you is a symbol of secret enemy attacking you. This indicates a person under a serpentile spirit. If this dream is recurring, it can also mean that the activity of the witch doctor has been assigned against you.

The Bible described snake as serpent (crafty). The spiritual meaning of serpent is, devil himself. How could a snake entered through a person’s body in the dream? Dreaming about a snake or other animal entering your body clearly indicates marine spirit possession.

If the snake is speaking from inside your body in the dream, it symbolizes ancestral strongman bondage and a covenant with spirit spouse. It also shows that your battles require a strong anointed man of God to deliver you from home problems. But if you vomit out the snake, it means you will overcome great obstacles, but you still need to go for deliverance.

If you are an unmarried and you see snake going through your body, it is an early sign of marital difficulties and constant rejection. If you are a man and you see a snake passing through your body in the dream, or crawling your body, these are symbols of financial waster spirits.

To dream about a snake entering your house is a sign that a stranger is in your house. This is a possible attempt of the enemy to cause your life to be stagnant. In this case, the enemy may do everything in their power to overcome you. Take extra caution when dealing with enemies because they possess more power than you think.

However, if you see snake crawling towards your direction in the dream, it means you are vulnerable to evil burdens. Snake dream is generally bad, and can cause long term struggles at the peak of success. I shall be talking about this especially with prayers.

When a snake chases you in the dream is an indication of restlessness, anxiety, and fear. It could also represent enemy of progress working hard to stop you. You could be facing pressures and troubles in fulfilling your purpose. It could be that you have people who are envying you.

If the snake chases you and bite, it is an indication that, the problem afflicting people in your family is already after you.

Dreaming about snake entering your office, or house, is usually considered a bad sign, it portends that you will be annoyed and bothered by people who may have evil or selfish intentions and might want to take advantage of you to fulfill their own plans. In this case, your must pray against evil conspiracy.

Sometimes this dream could also be an indication of a possible danger closer to you. It could be that someone or something is trying to hurt you. It is very important to become vigilant and stop trusting people who seems too close to you. It might not be a good period of restoration because the dream is a sign of loss.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you

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