Have you dreamt of becoming great and you just sit down hoping that one day God will bring your dreams to pass?
Harvesting cassava in a dream can have a variety of meanings, both positive and negative.
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Subscribe nowIn the Bible, harvesting cassava represent spiritual gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It is believed that dreaming of cassava signifies an impending period of growth and harvest. In particular, if one dreams of digging up sweet potatoes from the ground, it means they are about to reap the rewards for their hard work.
When you dream of harvesting cassava can also be interpreted as a sign that the dreamer needs to work hard towards achieving their goals. The act of harvesting represents putting in effort and hard work which will ultimately lead to success.
This dream reminds us that success and prosperity come with hard work and diligence.It also serves as a reminder to be grateful for the abundance we have been blessed with and to continue striving towards our goals with determination. Uprooting bunch of cassava suggests that your connection with your family or a potential partner is getting more stable and solid.
Perhaps you will soon be engaged or are now prepared to be a parent. On the other hand, your parents are proud of you because of your love, care and support you have given them.
A dream of harvesting cassava symbolizes the abundant and fruitful rewards of your hard work and dedication. Just as the farmer reaps the benefits of their labor during the harvest, this dream suggests that you are nearing the completion of a long-term project or endeavor.
Your efforts have not been in vain, and you are about to witness the tangible results of your perseverance. Embrace this dream as a sign of your success and the boundless potential that lies ahead.
Cassava, as a symbol, represents fetility, baby, pregnancy, gains, success, prosperity, achievement and faith. Harvesting cassava in the dream means something good is coming to you. It might be money or matterial things.
The harvest of cassava can indicate healing, breakthrough, restoration, new beginning, and discovery of a secret to wealth. It is a time to celebrate the fruits of your labor and enjoy the rewards of your efforts.
This dream encourages you to celebrate your successes, learn from your experiences, and prepare for future endeavors with the help of the Holy Spirit. Harvesting cassava is a sign that you are going to experience a good time very soon. Keep on praying and believing in God, you will testify, in the name of Jesus.
Uprooting cassava in a dream, spritually, it indicates your strong desire to pull out something that will be beneficial to you in the long run. The cassava may represent the results of your efforts especially in prayers. You are a hard working and dedicated person.
And God loves to help those who are doing their best to sustain their live and more importantly the family as a whole. Such a man will never die untimely, but have the backing of the Holy Spirit.
When you dream of harvesting cassava, it is a sign of prayer answered. This means that God has blessed you with fruitfulness and overwhelmed you with His goodness. This dream encourages you to continue being faithful and diligent, as the harvest will be greater than you can ever imagine.
A dream of gathering crops means that you will be a source of blessings to your family. It is clear sign that when God blesses you today, you will remember the source of your support which is your biological family.
Negatively, for obvious reasons, many people are suffering what they do not know about. You are born great in your family, but today, you are tied down in life. The foundational powers are refusing you to be rich and prosperous in life. These powers wants you to suffer and suffer till you die through sickness. Cassava are like parents and children linked together.
Spritually, this dream is coming as a sign that there is a strong evil pattern in your family. The battles that are affecting the parents, the children have inherited it. In some families, the children there, have inherited anger, stubborness, struggle, divorce, failure, poverty, debt, lies, shame, chronic sickness, barrenness etc.
When you dream of harvesting cassava, this can be a sign from God telling you what you are doing now will not yield good results for you. This dream reveals that the enemy is attacking your glory or the source of your income. Pray. Painfully, this dream could also be a sign that you are going to hear bad news very soon.
Or the dream is a warning sign that someone is going to die, or faced with tough challenges and difficulties in life. It could indicate that you are experiencing some sort of frustration, illness loss or lack in your waking life.
Harvesting cassava prepares you for a time of hardship. It’s letting you know that you are operating on a curse that is preventing you from achieving your reward. Harvesting it denotes that you are doing a very tedious work that is draining your strength and thereby making you look older.
This dream reveals that God has blessed you with something, but the enemy is turning it like a curse. Pray very well. Your vision and dream will be attacked by the enemy because of the greateness of your destiny. This dream reveals your efforts to pull out your family especially parents from suffering.
I pray for you, may God bless you abundantly in such a way that you will be a blessing to others. If you are harvesting bad crops shows that you will fail in your pursuit and you will face some sort of disappointment. Pray.
If you feel worried after the dream, it may mean that you are labouring in vain and nothing to show for your efforts and hard work in life. Through this dream, God may trying to alert you that there is a spirit of struggle in your life that willl make you suffer in your old age.
Break the cycle of hardship in your life, in the name of Jesus. As a mother, if you see yourself harvesting crops in pain, please pray that your children will not abandon you with your challenges.
If as a man, you are harvesting or gathering cassava, this reflect the hardship and battles you are facing in life just to satisfy your family and also make them happy. May your children remember your good efforts in the past and help you in your old age, in the name of Jesus.
- Sufficient power to carry the load of glory till my old age, enter into my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Power of God, deliver me from the covenant of wastage, in Jesus name.
- Every good thing in my life that I gave out as alms unknowingly, blood of Jesus, redeem it for me, in the name of Jesus.
- Every generational curse of disease and infirmity in my life, break by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- O God, arise and let stubborn generational problems in my life die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every cycle of generational hardship, break, in the name of Jesus.
- Glory manipulators and glory robbers of my father’s house, let me go, die now, in the name of Jesus
- Yoke magnetisers, hear the word of the Lord: lose your hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Any good thing that died in my life when I was ignorant, come alive now, in the name of Jesus.
- Every problem tormenting my glory, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Magnet of failure, connecting me with different forces of failure, lose your power, in the name of Jesus.
- Dangerous enemy, my path is not your path, clear away from me, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power, assigned to scatter my resources, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
- Powers that say I shall feed on problems, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.
- Powers stealing and wearing my garment of honour, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.