Share your dream

Category: Share Your Dreams

Key Meanings Of Dream Dictionary

Join my Facebook Community today. By the grace of God, the spirit of God is asking me to start off from dream dictionary of C until there are strong discernment on other alphabets. We believe that the Lord will guide…

My Siblings Will Be Going Up And Down

I often dream of seeing myself in a storey building and unable to descend the stairs, others, mostly my siblings will be going up and down but i will be at a spot trying to go down but unable. I…

Wearing The Mask Of A Masquerade In The Dream

I Dreamt Of Wearing The Mask Of A Masquerade

Good morning evangelist, Please I am so bordered right now after having a dream where I was wearing the mask of masquerade, and was making merry also. Please sir I need your prayers because I don’t even understand know what…

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