A Strange Person Driving You

A Strange Person Driving You

A Strange Person Driving You

Bible verse: Psalm 140:4  Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; Preserve me from the violent man; Who have purposed to overthrow my goings.

Prayer: unknown personality in my life be exposed, in the name of Jesus.

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A stranger represents an unknown person. To see a strange person drives you with a car in the dream, it means Satan is currently in charge of some aspect of your life and destiny. This is satanic attempt to drive to the wrong part.

To drive you to an unknown location. To lead you astray in life. Seeing a stranger or unknown person driving in a bus, be very careful, this could be symbol of kidnapper’s attack. A stranger driving you also reveals that you are a leader or someone on a mission to destroy you and terminate your life. If the person is driving on the road you don’t know, it is a bad sign. It means you have lost direction in life.

An unknown person driving you means you have lost control of your weaknesses. In some cases, an unknown person driving in a car could suggest that you need a reliable and trusted friend that can show you the way. But if you manage to disembark from the vehicle, it means happiness, success, and victory, and protection from danger.

But if the person drives you to the bush, it is a warning sign of death and loss prepared by your enemies. To see a stranger driving you means you are relying and depending on someone. Maybe you feel the person is more experienced and professional to impart you.

This dream is a lesson to be careful with whom you allow to control you, the person you intend boarding in the future or the person you choose to seek advice from, could be dangerous and threating to your life. It is well. May lord preserve your going and coming.

Instruction: psalm 121:7-8, Genesis 45:7, psalm 32:7, psalm 41:2, psalm 64:1, psalm 140:4.


  1. Every stranger in my life- journey, die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every power in charge of my life, destroy and die in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father, always preserve my going out and coming in , in the name of Jesus.
  4. Stranger of darkness controlling the altar of my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. I shall get to my destination faster without hindrance in the name of Jesus.



If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries