I Saw Tree Growing In Me

evangelist joshua
evil tree

I was in dream last night when i saw tree growing in me but the tree has rotten starting from my legs so in d dream i was afraid that as far d tree has rotten that it should not affect my legs when i open my eyes it was a dream.

Matthew 15:13 says, “But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”

It is a terrible thing to see tree growing in your body. The spirit of the tree has taken hold of your life and destiny.  This wicked spirit  uses this tree to carry out their demonic activities over your life. They want to destroy your virtues and potential through this evil tree. That evil tree is a strongman. Whenever the tree is growing in you, it shows that this demon will allow to make profit in whatever you.  They will allow you to initiate and execute a decision, but they will not allow you to reap the fruit of your labour. Through this evil tree, enemies from your father’s or mother’s side has led you into terrible bondage and planted various devices of afflictions into your life. To make the matter worse, they have binded your legs from making fast progress in life. The blood of Jesus is such a potent weapon that is capable of uprooting any evil tree growing in your life. Another dream factor is the rottenness of the tree in your body. This means that you are dead spiritually. It is an indication that your destiny has no power to achieve success and fulfill your purpose in life. These powers are ready to pollute and manipulate your life. Your blessings cannot be pronounced except there is a link between your spirit and the spirit of God. The enemy is using this dream to destroy your life.  The only power in the universe that can successfully deal with demonic powers is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is written “At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, of things on earth, and of things underneath the earth.” It is therefore very dangerous and risky for demons to be fighting you through this dream and you are seeking the help of demons to fight back. Darkness cannot fight darkness. The enemies of our soul have no free gift for anybody. Anything you have ever taken from the enemy, he will take it back from you with interest.


1. Massive pollution
2. Non achievement
3. Failure when there should be success.
4. Miracles pass over your head
5. Poor health and sickness such as fibroid.
6. Confusion and frustration.
7. Satanic rearrangement of divine destiny.
8. Altered character and personality for example after being fed in dreams some people get very fat. Some women after sex with spirit husbands develop facial hair.
9. Activities of wasters


1. Separation from God
2. Unanswered prayers
3. Stagnancy and backwardness
4. Afflictions particularly repeated ones
5. Sickness and disease, especially those defying medication
6. Spiritual sickness
7. Frustration
8. Fragmented lives
9. Untimely death
10. Defeat
11. Uncontrollable urges such as sexual urges and eating


1. Make Jesus your friend.
2. Challenge your body with the fire of God
3. Drink the blood of Jesus to flush out every stranger in your spirit, soul, and body.
4. Pray the attached prayers to uproot evil plantations.
5. Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost.


Songs: 1. There is power mighty in the blood 2. Holy Ghost lay your hands on me with your mighty power. 3. Fire of God fall upon me.

1. I drink the blood of Jesus and I swallow the fire of the Holy Ghost.
2. Holy Ghost fire, purge my spirit, soul, and body of every pollution.
3. Every plantation of defilement in my body, come out with all your roots, and die.
4. I liberate every organ in my body from any pollution, in the name of Jesus.
5. By the fire of the Holy Ghost and by the blood of Jesus, I force out every evil plantation in my body, in the name of Jesus.
6. I command every stranger in my body to be pushed out by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
7. Holy Ghost fire purge out every evil deposit in my body.
8. Every eater of flesh and drinker of blood working against me, eat your own flesh and drink your own blood.
9. Blood of Jesus, sanitize my body, soul, spirit.
10. Weapons of witchcraft assigned to pollute my life, be destroyed by fire.
11. Thunder of God strike all evil eyes that are monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus.
12. I shake off any evil thing deposited in my body by unfriendly friends, in the name of Jesus.
13. Blood of Jesus go deep into my roots and uproot the source of every pollution.
14. You power of incision, die now, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every animal sacrifice done to destroy me, backfire, in Jesus name.
16. Every cauldron that is being used to pollute my life, be broken to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
17. Blood of Jesus flush out every poison and evil deposit in my body.
18. Triggers of darkness, your time is up, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
19. Every man or woman circulating my name for evil, be arrested by the fire.
20. I used the fire of God and the blood of Jesus purge and destroy any pollution done to my life by…….. (pick from the list below).

– Evil marks -evil spiritual marriage -Evil transfers
– Incisions and tattoos -evil physical marriage -ancestral spirits
– Evil deposits -evil arrows -familiar spirits
– Evil plantation -eating in the dream -sex in the dream
– Evil kisses and hugs -evil handshake -witchcraft powers
– Demonic programmers -fetish powers -evil environment – Demonic access to the body -evil garments -evil triggers

21. O Lord, put upon me your mark of glory, in the name of Jesus.


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Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

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