Truly, this Warning is for serious Christians in the end time. Many Christians are living carelessly and consequently, the spirit of the end time has captured and swallowed them! The Apostle Peter warned the people, the Church of his day, to SAVE themselves from the untoward generation, the spirit operating in their time. Acts 2:40. For your info, do you know that there are demons and spirits that operate in every generation? These spirits or demons are released from satanic kingdom to gather souls for hell fire! It is only a few Christians that are aware of this secret. That is why it is only a very few Christians that enter heaven out of millions that are dying every year! The remaining ones end up in hell fire. The most painful thing in life is for one to spend all his life in the Church and when he dies he finds himself in hell because his soul has been captured by the spirit that operates in his generation without his knowing! This calls for caution for every one of us to be careful. To be frank with you, there are terrible demons and spirits that are sent from Lucifer’s Hqrs, in the second heaven, to gather souls for hell which many people, including sincere Christians are not aware of! These demons are very serious in their operations, working directly with Satan. These spirits manifest through many channels as the Lord is going to reveal to us in this crucial message. By the leading and the revelation of the Holy Spirit, i am going to itemize few of them for you to see and guide yourself against them.
1. THE SPIRIT OF LAZINESS! Many Christians are very lazy these days, especially when it comes to the things of God. But when it comes to the issue of how to make money, they are very serious. They cant pray and fast. To attend weekly activities in the Church where they are members is difficult. They can’t do evangelism, visitation or follow up to new converts in their churches. They can never wake up to pray in the midnight. They only come to Service on Sunday for about one hour and go back to their business centre. Above all, no zeal for the things of God. Christians in this condition have been captured by the spirit of laziness. This spirit is working seriously to ensure that people do not have so much interest in the things of God. Mt 5:6, 6:33. Christians in this condition cannot make it to heaven!
2. THE SPIRIT OF FASHIONS. This is another dangerous spirit that is operating in this generation. You can see today that Satan and his agents have kept on bringing out new fashions every day. The purpose of these fashions is to draw people away from God, from serving God sincerely. The Bible says the fashion of this world is passing away. 1Cor 7:31. The demon of fashion is a very strong spirit. That is why many people especially women, have been captured and they are no longer interested in living in holiness of life!
3. HIGH LEVEL DEMONIC POSSESSION! This is another deadly spirit controlling this generation. Many Christians are heavily possessed with demons today, even though they are working in the Church, Preaching, singing, full of activities! Some people may not know this until they leave this world. However, Some of these people know their condition but they deliberately hold unto these evil powers. How do you imagine, a Christian worker always flying in the night to meeting, drinking blood of human beings and he or she is a worker in the Church! How do you imagine, a Pastor or Bishop going to acquire power from the kingdom of darkness to perform miracles on the people! These ones are heavily possessed with demons. And this scenario is rampant today in Christendom.
4. THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL. In 2Kgs 9:30 – 35, we read the story of Jezebel, the Wife of Ahab, her evil activities and how she died! Note, even though the physical Jezebel is dead many years ago, yet her spirit is still working and conquering many souls today all over the world. Jezebel is a powerful demon that has captured about 98% of the world of women today! That is why any Lady that dresses indecently, with make ups and attachments, and decorations with Jewelries is called a Daughter of Jezebel! In the book of Revelation, the spiritual Jezebel was seen as seducing ministers of God to commit fornication with her! Rev 2:20-24. This is a terrible spirit that Satan is using to conquer many churches today.
5. Other spirits that are controlling this generation are : The spirit of fake power demonstration, The spirit of football game, The spirit of divorce and remarriage among Ministers of God, The spirit of witchcraft in the Church, The spirit of smoking and drinking of alcohol among youths, The spirit of hard heartedness against the Truth, The spirit of Ant-christ operating everywhere especially in many churches, Banks, TV stations, entertainment centres, The spirit of dead churches, Counterfeit and fake Ministers, The spirit of hatred, envy and jealousy among Christians, The pursuit of money to the detriment of salvation, Spiritual Blindness in the Church and among Christians, The spirit of youth restiveness and agitation to be free to live and dress the way they like in the Church, The spirit of deceptions, people seeing strange occurrences such as a woman delivering koran, The spirit of ‘it doesn’t matter syndrome’ , The spirit of homosexual and lesbianism,(man marrying man, woman marrying woman), etc. The list of spirits controlling people in this end time is almost endless! The fundamental question now is how can I escape this terrible menace to save my soul and make it to heaven at last? It is very SIMPLE! God, in His mercy and grace, has made enough provision for you to escape all these demons for you to appear before God complete! And what is the PROVISION?
1. Accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and personal Savior and you have escaped these demons! Jesus says “Come unto me all of you that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” Mt 11:28. Jesus Christ is the only escape route from demonic forces. Your acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross of calvary is the requirement! Also read John 3:16, Rom 10:9,10. Once you are truly in Christ, these spirits have no power over you!
2. SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE WORLD! If there is anything God hates in the lives of Christians is the spirit of WORLDLINESS! Check it – Isa 3:16-23, Rom 8:5-8, 12:1,2, 1Tim 2:9,10, 1Pet 3:3-5. Beloved, for you to save your soul and escape these powers you Must separate yourself from every iota of worldliness!
3. EMBRACE HOLINESS OF THE BIBLE! This is the holiness of both within and without, your heart and body! Rom 12:1,2, 1Thes 5:23. If you are the type of Christian that only believe holiness of the heart and don’t believe in holiness of physical appearance, you will be disappointed on the last day! In addition, True Holiness of life is antidote to demonic possession and attacks! That is, when you embrace the true Holiness of the Bible and start living the life, you will be free from these Satanic spirits ruling in the end time! I draw the curtain here. You can share this message with your neighbours. Thank you and God bless you for reading this article.
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