Prayers When Flying In The Dream

Prayers When Flying In The Dream
Prayers When Flying In The Dream

Prayers When Flying In The Dream

BASIC STRUCTURE: Exodus 14:21-30


Isaiah 40:31 – But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint

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Isaiah 60:8 – Who [are] these [that] fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

Isaiah 31:5 – As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver [it; and] passing over he will preserve it.


Flying in the dream is a journey to the spiritual world. The presence of wind gives the ability to fly. Flying in the dream is worst while flying in the reality is ridiculous.

In the physical world, people can fly with the help of parachute. In the dream world, people can fly with the help of supernatural forces. Before a fly can take place, there must be force or pressure

When a person is flying in the dream, it means the person has received an arrow. The spiritual arrows received flying in the dream can limit a person in one spot. For example, when a person is flying with the help of the parachute and of a sudden, the parachute was torn in the process, the guess is that, the person will go down the drain.

Flying in the dream is one of the most sensitive dreams.  If care is not taken, the person may find it difficult to progress, or accomplish task. To fly in the dream is to leave the surface of the surface.

A person who is always flying in the dream may have been captured by some forces of darkness.  As long as you are flying in the dream, it suggest that you are already possessed by witchcraft control and manipulation.

It is ridiculous for people to fly in the physical but it is a common practice for people to fly in the dream. In the spiritual world,  a lot of people are flying in the dream. The pregnant woman is flying. That obsessed person is flying. The young is flying. The old is flying. Even witchcraft are flying too.

When an ordinary person check the status of that dream, he would conclude that it is a normal dream. The devil has blindfolded the consciousness of many people. Whenever they dream about flying, for instance, they would sleep over and only for a short time, the negative results will start manifesting in their lives.

  • Do you know that the enemy can summon a person to fly in the dream?
  • Do you know that a person can wander about in the air through dream?
  • Do you also know a person can easily be manipulated through flying in the dream?

There are some flying that signify witchcraft manipulation. There are some flying that portends war in the family backgrounds. There are some flying that indicate great tragedy ahead. If you fly in the dream without no purpose, it means your destiny have been robbed and manipulated in the spiritual world.

There are some people that are physically sleeping on their bed, but spiritually, their destiny have flown out of them. One may wonder where is the spiritman flying to:

  • Marine kingdom
  • Father’s house in the village
  • To the den of kidnappers
  • To witchcraft coven for meeting
  • To sojourn to another spiritual world entirely


Every time you woke from the dream of flying, the first prayer should be like this:

Anywhere my spiritman has been summoned to through flying in the dream, today, I bring it back to me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Immediate prayers after this dream of flying ensure great success and restoration in the long run.



1. Flying is a trap to those who are spiritually blind
2. Flying allows destiny to wander in the atmosphere
3. Flying takes someone to a strange location
4. Witchcraft can easily manipulate a person to fly at night
5. Through flying, you have no control of your wings n the dream



These are factors that enables a person not to fly when enemy is after him or her

1. Weak prayer altar: If prayer is not your lifestyle, you wont be able to escape troubles. When you cannot pray for straight 30 minutes, your spiritual life is going down.

2. Operating in the wrong environment: You will be a candidate of the enemy when you are in a location where your enemies are fully presence. To receive blessing becomes hard.

These symptoms would just see themselves flying in the dream without no forces after them


1. Depression
2. Unbrokenness
3. Inherited problems
4. Possessing demonic spirits
5. Curses issued against the person
6. Unsettled family problems
7. Evil spirit monitoring and controlling
8. Emptiness
9. Diverted glory
10. Marital failure
11. Evil covenant




Flying in the dream can be good:

  1. When you are pursued in the dream and you escape by flying in the dream, That is an awesome dream. It entails a resound victory over your enemies. Your enemies may have been trying to attack you, but through this dream, God provided a way for your escape out when there seems to be no way. That is one big deliverance of this dream. Through the process of this dream, you will find peace, joy, comfort and success. Why? Because God has fought for you and protect you from the eyes of the enemy.
  2. When you remain in the air until those forces are gone, It’s a good dream.Nobody likes to become too cheap for the enemy to attack and destroy. That dream means you are waiting for the enemy to depart from you forever.

A person can enroll  in the witchcraft kingdom through flying in the dream. A woman can contact a marine spirit through flying in the dream. Likewise, a man can contract the spirit of bewitchment through flying in the dream


In the dream you may have…

  1. Flying with something: It means you are trying to protect your destiny. If you dream that you were trying to pursue a person and the person escape by flying in the dream,  It means you are in big trouble. Prayerfully, you need to disturb God to know what its that thing that was stolen from you. Some people fly and landed themselves in a strange place, then if you happens to be such person, Means a trouble is being planned against you and it is God that can take you from that wrong location
  2. Troubled flying, This can be good or bad. For example, if you dream that you find it difficult to fly when you have many philistines (enemies) behind you, it means your spiritual power is low. It means you enemy is about to attack you and imprison your glory for disturbing them. In this kind of dream, you need to declare 3 days hot fasting and prayers.



  1. Giving your life to Christ. If you are giving your life to Christ, rededicate your life to Christ
  2. Repent from known sins and ask Him to forgive your sins (Psalm 32 and 51)
  3. Receive the power and fight back the stubborn enemies
  4. Sanitize your environment with the blood of Jesus.
  5. Redirect your spiritman to yourself
  6. Fight against those that are fighting against you
  7. Ask some questions about your foundations
  8. Barricade yourself with the blood of Jesus



INSTRUCTION: Embark on a 3 –day fasting and prayers between 6am – 6pm  Pray that God should make you soar like wings. Pray that your feather of destiny will not be cut down!



Psalm 91:5, ”Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;”



  1. Every flying demon assigned to steal from me in the dream, fall down and die, in Jesus name
  2. Arrow that flieth by night and arrow that flieth by day shall not come near my dwelling, in Jesus name
  3. Any witchcraft power flying for my sake shall fall down and die in Jesus name
  4. Any wicked power summoning me to fly over to their meeting, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name.
  5. Bird of darkness flying because of me, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name
  6. Every spirit of my ancestors that command me to fly around in the dream, die, in Jesus name.
  7. Every good thing in my life that is flying away, angel of God locate them back to me, in Jesus name
  8. My Father, let me soar higher in life like an eagle in Jesus name.
  9. Any curse affecting my elevation, break by the power in the blood of Jesus.
  10. My destiny receive deliverance from every witchcraft meeting, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every power summoning my spiritman from the landmark of the wicked, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus
  12. Voice of strangers casting spells against my elevation (greatness), die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  13. I cut off every evil wings around me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Every power using this dream against me, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Thou power in the air, arresting my destiny, release me and die, in the name of Jesus
  16. Every power assigned to bring me down, loose your hold and die, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Every power of failure at the edge of breakthrough, receive calamity in the name of Jesus.
  18. O God arise and let my enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus.
  19. O God, if my destiny has been taken away from me through, I restore it back by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Arrow of the day and pestilence of darkness shall not hinder my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
  21. I receive power to change my level today, in the name of Jesus.
  22. Goliath pursuing me against my glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  23. O God arise and protect my destiny from satanic manipulation, in the name of Jesus
  24. Local demons in my environment, surrender to the name of Jesus.
  25. Every family idol hindering my progress, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  26. Evil covenant from my father’s house affecting my marriage, break by fire, in the name of Jesus
  27. Witchcraft bird hidden in my body, get out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  28. Power to scatter the plans of the wicked come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
  29. Witchcraft powers, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Wickedness in my father’s resisting my glory, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.
  31. Any demonic forest troubling my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  32. O God that troubleth Pharaoh, trouble my enemy, in the name of Jesus.
  33. Wherever my destiny has been programmed, Angels of war, arise and retrieve my glory, in the name of Jesus.
  34. Witchcraft demons in my village flying to the coven against me, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
  35. Henceforth, no powers shall block my ways, in the name of Jesus.
  36. Winds from the coven of the enemy blowing against me, in the name of Jesus.
  37. Association of wicked powers organised against me, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus
  38. Stubborn battles that has refused to let me go, die by fire, in the nae of Jesus
  39. Anointing to fulfil my destiny, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus
  40. Strongman calling my names at evil altars, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  41. Every power stealing my destiny from me every night, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
  42. My blessings that have been stolen from me since last year, I recover them by fire, in the name of Jesus.



If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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    • Thanks Pastor for educating us about our dreams, I’m atypical example of almost all the dreams talked about here, Thanks for teaching me,
      May this ministry continue to grow

  1. I see my Ex wife that I am working to reconcile with in the dream naked,she has a tick on her private part and a purse full if flies attached to her private part too.What’s the meaning of this.

    • This dream is generally bad. It indicates that your ex is under marine attack, which has deposited sickness and infirmity into her. However, being naked in the dream means shame and embarrassment. If she found something in her private part, that is a bad sign of childlessness. The private part of a woman is a seed of her marriage. Once it is attacked, it will affect her marriage and conception. If you are trying to reconcile with her in the dream and discovered she is naked, it portend that she is also plagued with marine and foundational problm. Whether you are separated or npt, you may need to pray for her. It also means she needed you to help her spiritually also. Thanks and God bless you.

    • What does it mean to fly in the dream and it looks like you are tuning from something or some forces are trying to catch you below and suddenly you see yourself flying but it gets to a point you become tired and you see yourself almost dropping down from flying and it looks like you struggling to fly so you can never get caught by the forces below

  2. I dream,where I sense danger and I press my legs on the ground and jump up and start flying, while flying I sense I was flying to a river direction and encounter some challenges flying higher immediately I stretch out my hands to the river and started praying against Marian powers and then was able to fly hi her and pass the river,was now facing the city this time was as if I was inside a jet.I saw one almost completed story building and I said that is my house but where I landed I don’t know the place.what could this mean

  3. i been having dreams about me walking me walking barefooted in one f my dreams inwas waslking barefooted looking street by street for my ex boyfriend In another dream i was walking barefooted on my way to cut an aloe vera plant n i looked down n there they were my barefeet standing on like dirt n i was feeling the ground move like pulsing like a heart beat what does it mean?

  4. I had a dream today being 24/3/2019, in that dream, I was with a friend and all of a sudden, I jumped and started flying to catch up with my sister and my wife that left earlier in the dream to my father’s house in the village, from there, it appeared as if I flew through a police station and the police officers started pursuing me to get me down from flying, some actually almost got me down but I flew above them, that continued until I started becoming tired and I landed on a fence there I woke up and felt weak in the physical. After praying this morning, I decided to check up the meaning here. Please what does this mean. Please pray for me because I am seriously undergoing Financial challenges at the moment but above all, I still believe God that I will bounce back and greater.

  5. Thank you for such a great teaching, it’s very insightful, may God continue to bless and inspire you the more in Jesus name Amen

  6. Praise the name of the Lord#
    I am born again and recently I had a dream of flying to the dead people, God what a timely and blessing article I have receive. I was actually confused. Thank you Jesus for directing me to this wall, because immediately I was diagonized with a lamp in my throat. The devil is a liar. Kindly man of God pray with me to cancel this operation on 12th of August.May God ashame my enemies in Jesus Name. God bless you richly man of God. Sister Emily

  7. thank you so much sir. i do fly in the dream whenever am in a wrong environment, ie, enemies around to attack. I do wake up and feel good because i over come.

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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries