Dream: Pregnancy, Children, Abortion

PREGNANCY/CHILDREN/ABORTION  (John 16:21, Eph 6;12-13, Ps 127;3, Ps 71, Jer 1:5)

‎Pregnancy is a source of blessing. Children is a means of happiness to every home. Abortion has to do with destroying destiny by mistake. God has commanded us to multiply, fruitful, and replenish the earth. The moment these blessings are amiss in your life, it shows there is a problem somewhere. So the enemy knows that when a marriage is blessed with children or peaceful, the wicked spirit will be defeated and be disgraced with his power.

Many marriages are not fruitful. Some marriage are presently sick.  Some homes are in worrisome states today because of no children. Many are the cause of their childlesness. This condition has continued to tear marriages apart. No one is patient any more. There are some women that have dedicated themselves to the idols spirit, water spirit, babalawo. Some women even go far by allowing wicked spirit to sleep with them. There is a problem. You will see the man blaming his wife for the inability to conceive or bear children. You will also see the woman blaming the man (this is not so common) for one thing or other.


A woman gave me a call recently and told me that she’s believing God for the fruit of the woman for 15 years. She told me there is a secret thing she has done which no one or her husband is fully aware about. This lady said she had committed abortion in 6 times for different men when she was young particularly when she was in secondary school. I told her is that all? She said yes, pastor. I went further to tell her that she is  a wicked person.  She said she knows that. I told her that she is the one responsible for this problem of childlesness which her husband knows nothing about. God said she should cry for mercy for good 3 month and explain her problem to her husband before she may receive mercy.


When a home is under curse, there will be serious difficulties in child bearing. When a home is under witchcraft embargo, there will be problem of pregnancy. Even when partners put in a lot of efforts to get children in the home, it would not yield any success or result. This problem has given room  for some married people to go to different places seeking for the solution of their problems. When there are no fruitfulness in the home, marriage break ups very fast, problem of understanding and maturity begins to fight the marriage. This is the area the man would started beaming his searching light on another women for children. It becomes worst when the man or woman is the firstborn of the family. In some families, it is difficult to bear children without them going through tough battles or through birth operation. That’s evil family inheritance in place! It was done because the ancestral family idol has placed a cursed upon generation of children against child bearing. So it becomes impossible for such person to be called a father or a mother.

Another reason is that, It is either the hands of the man is stain with human blood (murder), or the lady  herself has engaged in series of abortion in the past. This the most commonest reason there is a child bearing problem in marriage. In some homes, bearing children is not even their major problem. They would discover their children always die at infancy, premature. That’s why it is needful to carryout deeply research about the marital and children prospect of your family or your married partner. When this continues, it shows they are under a deadly spiritual curse. Some curse can come from people or even from God!

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A lady that goes into abortion, there is no hiding place factor that she will have a problem with children. She may not be able to experience the peace of marriage. Any ladies that goes into series of abortion needs to cry to God because those babies may work against her marriage, career, finance, destiny.




Dreaming about pregnancy means spiritual attack. Dreaming about child bearing is a sign of spiritual children. When you dream and find yourself pregnant, it portends marital problem which translates to disgrace, shame, misunderstanding, sorrow, bad luck and failure to give birth if such women is currently pregnant. To some women, it stand to be a curse generation, family problem and evil practices in their foundation.  If you are not marry as a woman and you keep seeing yourself being pregnant or to the extent of giving birth, it shows there will be a serious problem on your marital prospect. It also means that you have a foundational problem.  An indication that your current relationship may not lead to marriage and later encounter disappointment on the way. So such will makes the man to leave you with or without no reason. It is even worse if you are not into any relationship.

These are the devises of the enemy to close down marriages and bring a stumbling block to relationship. The devil does not want you to marry and get children and that’s why He played those bad episodes in your dream. Your marriage is so crucial that you must fight it to the end. If Jesus tarries.

Furthermore, it becomes more serious if you always see children/pregancy in your dream as a woman, there may be a series of miscarriages, birth operation, and barreness. If this dream is not being monitored by your prayers, it will force your husband/man to look for another woman. It is odd for a man to dream about pregnancy. If there is such a man who always dream and finsdelf pregnant, he needs serious deliverance. That pregnancy is a major setback against his destiny.

When you dream and see yourself bearing children or children that does not belong to you, it will bring problem in your marriage. And that problem may work against your child bearing capabilities, your destiny and blessings. Children in the dream are spiritual children. God cannot you show you a sign or give you promises in the dream  that you will have children in the physical world except if the dream is peaceful. So if a dream is peaceful, you will know after it. Many are ignorant about this.Yes, buying baby materials in the dream should tell you that God is about to BLESS and favour you with the FRUIT OF THE WOMB.



  1. Every power that has blown away my children from my womb, catch fire, in Jesus name. 
  2. Every satanic worm attacking my foetus, die, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every captivity holding my womb in bondage, break, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Every damage done to my life through occult influence be repaired by the blood of Jesus.
  5. Every plant of barreness growing secretly in my life wither to your root by fire, in the name of Jesus
  6. Every foundational covenant working against my pregnancy, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every result of unfruitfulness after pregnancy be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Every satanic herbalist waitong for the sale of my blood, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every herbalist and witchdoctor assigned to pull down my pregnancy run mad, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every power behind my previous bleeds, die, in the name of Jesus.
  11. I reject every cry of agony and miscarriage against my marital life, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Every curse affecting my [regnancy cancel, in the name of Jesus.
  13. O Lord replace every shame in my life with your glory, in the name of Jesus.
  14. (Touch your stomach and say) Thou baby in my womb, you shall not die, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Spirit of anger that makes my blood boil seize in the name of Jesus.
  16. I shall not bleed away my baby this month, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Spirit of abortion chasing me and my pregnancy, die, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Every satanic plantation in my womb working against my conception wither, in the name of Jesus
  19. Every satanic altar that keeps problems alive in me be roasted to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Satan, you shall not harvest my labour, in the name of Jesus.
  21. Every dream of abortion hunting for my life, catch fire
  22. Any strange light draining the blood of my pregnancy, quench in Jesus name.
  23. Any satanic pregnant woman representing me in the dark world die, in Jesus name.
  24.  Any physical or spiritual power bombarding my pregnancy left and right, from front and behind, from the heavenly and down below, seize by fire
  25. No witchcraft power shall have power to trade with my womb, in Jesus name
  26. My mouth refuse to say filthy words, in Jesus name.
  27. Fire of solution fall upon my life for easy delivery, in Jesus name.
  28. Every evil power struggling to terminate or remove my womb, die
  29. Every labour and pains I passed through till date shall favour me, in the name of Jesus.
  30. My baby/womb shall not be exchanged for strange baby/womb in the name of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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  1. Please pray with me as struggling to pray and read the word. Stagnancy in every area of my life. Very broke but earning lot of money

    • dear joshua orekhie I like your prayers but sometimes I wonder if you really wrote them yourself cause you are so proud and arrogant and
      sometimes it shows clearly on most of your write ups, answers or communication with people. you are not kind or patients and that’s not an attribute befitting a child of God. have been plaining on sowing a seed with you until I chartted you on whatzup and lost all test. my humble opinion and observations thanks.

  2. Pls I need to clear my self on this… I dreamt were my fiancee was pregnant, he entered into labour and he was crying, I too was soo worried. In that dream we went to the hospital, the doc took him to the ward, I was outside worried and asking God for mercy… Finally he delivered a girl and she was brought to me.. I carried her but didn’t see my fiance again… It was as if he was resting from the push… Pls help me

  3. Thank you Pastor am blessed by your word, i always eat in my dream and i have been suffering from chronic fibroid i did surgery 2yrs back and till now am still battling with it and it has delayed my conception, please agree with me in prayers for total healing and deliverance.

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