Dream Of Someone Begging You

Dream Of Someone Begging You

Dream Of Someone Begging You

Bible verse- proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, When it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Prayers: Holy Spirit keep spiritually alert at all times in the name of Jesus.

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Did you see someone begging you in the dream, or you saw a beggar asking or begging you for financial help.

To dream that someone is begging you money, it is a spiritual sign that someone is in need of your help or financial assistance. He/she may come to you because the person knows that you are financially capable, for the person may decide to come to you based on God’s leading. That’s why it’s always good to help people in your own little way.

This dream might provide you the opportunity to help someone in the in the waking life. It might be your friend, your family member, relatives, your neighbor or even someone that you don’t know or you have never met. For example, when you see someone begging you money, food or other things in the dream, it might be a test from God to see if you are also to give that beggar or help that person that’s asking you money. For example, if you give the beggar money, it means the lord will bless you abundantly and favor you. But if you refuses to help or give beggar, it means you are going to experience some issues that no one will be able to assist you. E.g. financial assistance.

To dream of given aims to beggar, it is warning sign that you have to help someone or give aims to beggar in waking life because God wants you to give so that he give and also grant your desire. When you give aims to beggars, it means your ways will open, it means you will not go down, it means you will attract God’s love and mercy upon your life. It also patents good news to come. To see yourself begging someone, symbolize poverty, debt, lack and struggle.

It reveals that you are helpless in your situation.  Seeing beggar asking you fir help, patents the need to make someone happy by meeting their request. In real life, try to look for other people you can encourage and support. But when you are unable to give aims to beggar, it means that things will be very difficult and you will lack help. That’s why it’s always good to help people because helping people is like rescuing them from their situation, and by so doing, you will encounter God’s blessings and the favor of men in your life.

Do not be afraid to help the needy, when you give, to people, then you will surely receive and when you call upon God in your trouble, he will answer you, when a beggar or someone walks up to you and ask for help, if you have, give out. When you give out willingly, it might save and protect you from the trouble assigned for you. Be generous and ready to have compassion for others, as you give to the poor or needy, may the lord repay you of your good deed. May you receive divine favor

Read – proverbs 19:7, Hebrews 13:6, 2 Corinthians 9:10, proverbs 18:6, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:7, 1 Corinthians 13:3, Proverbs 11:25, proverbs 3:27, Matthew 6:2.


  1. My father, grant me the grace to give generously in the name of Jesus.
  2. Spirit of giving and selflessness, enter me now in the name of Jesus.
  3. Holy Spirit deliver me from the cage of hatred towards others in the name of Jesus.
  4. Oh lord, help me to fulfill my vow in the name of Jesus.
  5. I arrest and overcome the spirit of stinginess and greed in me in the name of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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