Dream About Wedding And Prayers


Genesis 2:22 “And the rib which the LORD God had taken from man, made thee a woman, & brought her unto the man.”

2 Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

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In the beginning , God created Adam and Eve in His own image. He blessed them and gave them dominion over all creation. He provided everything – marriage.

He gave them intimacy and attention, He also gave them beauty, security, opportunities and good environment for their marriage. Nevertheless, Satan destroyed the marriage of Adam and Eve.

Wedding is the gateway to marriage. Wedding opens the door for divine blessings. LOVE is an extension of marital breakthrough. Every one desires a good marriage. Wedding remembers a couple of the promises made during their wedding.

The picture of your wedding ceremony increase your love and compress your emotional burdens. Wedding is not created by accident. No matter how good is your marriage, if you have no history of your wedding – traditional, the society may not give you the serious attention.

In fact, wedding opens many opportunities.

Love is the foundation of every  marriage. It makes a marriage to last longer and  fruitful. Without love, whatever is happening there, its deceitful.

When you present your wedding pictures,  documents to the embassy, it quickly sends a signal that you are truly married to that person.  To actualize your dream to marry, you need a good mentor or coach who will teach you how to go about your marriage.

They says, wedding is a day and marriage is everlasting.  Many people mistakenly marry the wrong person because of money and beauty. So when the money or beauty expires, there will be serious fighting, abusive words against each other. It is either the man is cheating on his wife or the wife is insulting against the man’s weaknesses.

The consequences of organizing a wedding in the dream could be dangerous. Once you get wedded in the dream your destiny will be affected. Since God commanded husband and wife to stay together, the spirit spouse is anxiously waiting to strike at any home whose foundation is very weak.

Good wedding is not a guarantee for a good marriage. And good marriage may not be a sign that their wedding ceremony was the best. The only person that determines whether a marriage would see the light of the day, it is God.

For example, when you ask God to bless you with a rich man, handsome man and a man that has cars and houses, you are asking for trouble. Wedding is not a bed of roses. If both of you cannot tolerate or understand each other, there is a chance that such marriage may not last long.

Please note that, not all wedding dream is a bad dream. There are good and bad ones. There are wedding dream God picture to you to get ready.

There are wedding dream that symbolizes spiritual marriage. Many people never reach the level of marriage God has for them, because as soon as they get to a certain level of their marriage, they take their focus or attention away from God and begin to look for material things.

I want to challenge that man or woman today, if you continue to focus on satisfying God, not considering what people are saying, He will provide everything you need concerning your marriage.

It is sad that most people have lost their wedding ring, others have lost their wedding gown in the dream. For example, one lady can be a wife to as many as five spirit husbands, while one man can be a husband to several spirit wives.

Some of these wives could come from the sea, others from the family members or elsewhere.

The spirit spouse gives them assurance of marriage. From this explanation, you can see that the problem of evil spiritual marriage is not an ordinary dream.

Being wedded in the dream is only normal when both of you have made preparation for your marriage before the dream. Others are evil. If you continue to have these kinds of dream, marriage may become impossible in the reality.

It is terrible when the lady could not find her wedding properties such as ring, gown, jewerries etc.



  1. It is an avenue of capturing people’s marital ambitions.
  2. It is organised to let you know that you have enemies planning to stop your marriage
  3. God sometimes used wedding dream to motivates you
  4. 70% of wedding dream are demonic motivated
  5. Consistent wedding dreams is a prison to your marriage



Our state of mind might influence or contribute to this kind of dream which can mean nothing. But for the purpose of this teaching, it has a spiritual backing. If you dream that you often hold a successful wedding , that is, everyone that attends your wedding were fully presence, including the brides and groom, it therefore means you will  soon be located to a good partner for marriage. If it happens that you are about to hold a wedding, it is a sign that it shall be successful in Jesus name.

It is the prayers of every couple to have important people fully presence in their wedding ceremony.  What makes this dream to manifest? It is the ability to decree good things and get your decree established in heaven. It is this kind of dream  that makes a woman to locate a unique man by surprise.

This dream should give you hope that the date of your marital breakthrough has not expired. So any man that meets you up after this dream episode, should be given the platform for communication. Do not despise him for the sake of his outlooks or monetary problems.

Ruth was very confident that she is going to locate a certain breakthrough when she get to that city.  When God show you the surface of this dream, it is easy for you to make an immediate prayer of inquiry.

By the time you pray the right prayers, you will be shocked at the type of man God would reveal to you without emotional attachments. With the right prayers, you can marry the president, for instance.

But if you are married and you keep having the dream of wedding,  it is a very disturbing dream. It is a dream that put spiritual holes into your homes and when holes are located in your home, then there will be marital attacks. Enemies cannot drag your marriage backward, you should be aiming at the progress of your marriage.

By contribution, this is when your husband would be happy at your ideas towards the success of your marriage. You cannot enjoy your marriage when the devil keep flashing your mind back at your wedding ceremony.

Some of the elements of these dreams ends up in pains and regrets if care is not taken. Backwardness is the key of this dream. Without prayers, your marriage would keep experiencing all kinds of afflictions. Also, if these kinds of dream occurs when both of you are no more together under no divorce letter, it is frightening to say that your marriage are not under the protection of the Almighty God.



If you find it difficult to hold a successful wedding in the dream, That is, you notice one problem or the other during the course of the wedding, That is a symbol of marital problem.

When your wedding is plague with problem in the dream, this means it will become difficult to breakthrough in marriage except by prayers and deliverance.

When wedding did not hold in the dream, it means all kinds of mockery and insult begins to gather momentum from people. This dream is being used by the enemy to cause disappointments.

When the enemy knows that he has delay the wedding of people in the dream, he begins to place all kinds of evil mark on their victims’ body. As bad as this dream is, it would not allow the plans and purpose of God to fulfil concerning your marriage. This is a dream situation of many people today.


Dream about wedding  in other areas…

  • You dream about a wedding with known or unknown person
  • You saw a thief during your wedding
  • You noticed your bride or groom is absent
  • You in-law are not fully present in your wedding
  • You discovered stains on your wedding dress
  • You got married to your enemy
  • You wore a wedding gift or gown
  • You attended the marriage of someone close to you
  • You did your marriage in a village
  • Your wedding did not hold
  • You were crying or regretting
  • Your wedding shoes is not complete
  • Pastor did not bless your marriage



  • Matthew 5:16 says when you are shining, your God is glorified. If the light goes out, then, your God is mocked and the devil is glorified.
  • 1 John 2:15-17, ”Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”


Wedding gown or ring represents a blessings. It portends divine favour. There is a problem when you discover your wedding ring or gown is stolen. If you experience that, you need to organize serious prayers and fasting. The way you take the prayers will determine whether you are going to marry in life or not.

A stolen wedding ring will give your marriage a bad meaning. God desire for you is to settle down with the right person. While the enemy is ready to delaying you, you must determine to scatter wherever they have plans against you.Because wedding ring or gown is a daily prayer of every person worldwide. Any wedding ring or gown that is stolen or missing in the dream, it means marital attack has stolen the blessings of that person. So once your instruments of marriage is stolen for example, it gives the devil full controls over everything – spiritual marriage.

Any time you observe this dream frequently, always remember that you are less than nothing. The Bible says, cast all your burdens to God. To recover your lost virtues, sensitive prayers have to be administered in order to be called husband and wife. RECEIVE YOUR MARITAL RING IN JESUS NAME.

Do you also experience shoe lost during your wedding in the dream?

Check out 7 signs

  • Marital disappointments
  • Marital discouragements
  • Marital damage
  • Marital deadline
  • Marital darkness
  • Marital-deceptive
  • Marital decay


Meanwhile, if you dream that you are in a traditional marriage with a person that you are ready to settle down, and from the marriage, everyone were happy, including the father in-law or mother in-law, it shows that marriage would work out if you are planning for traditional marriage at the moment.

It means the marriage will be successful without any hinderance. But with prayers and fasting, everything should go on smoothly as planned.

but if you are not in any relationships, it doesn’t mean a bad dream as this was only suggesting that God has not forgotten you.  In order words, the plans of God for you is still much bigger and better than what it is today.

But the dream will keep hunting after you if you keep having that consciousness that you are not going to marry. God will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name



Our parents are there for us to obey. God has placed them in such a way to be an authority over us. When it comes to deciding for partner or who to marry, their presence plays a very important role.

If you see your parents -mother or father saying no to your marriage or behind the obstruction of your traditional marriage, That singular dreams shows that your parents are not full support of that marriage.

Your father or mother does not want you to end your life and destiny with that person whose character may be strange to them. If you discover that your parents are against your fiance or fiancee, wisdom demands that you should not hold a debate against it.

If you are a true believer and you have the fear of God, go on your knee and cry to God. Going against their wish is like a child dancing around a neck fire.

Probably there is something that they see which may not be too clear to you. You can also ask them their conditions against marrying your partner. You must break every unholy relationship. If you are a married person and you constantly encounter this dream, pray for your husband not to give up on you and place the blood of Jesus over him against any strange woman. It takes prayers to restore whatever the enemy have stolen from you. Reject it.




  • If a man whom you are currently dating engages you in the dream, It shows his readiness to marry you but circumstances may hinder him not to make a proceed. Pray that God should manifest the dream faster and help him.
  • If you dream about your ex coming back to you and demanding for engagement, it could represent a sign of delay and lateness in marriage. No man should delay you.
  • If a strange person is putting wedding ring in your hands, it shows you have established your soul, body and spirit to the spirit spouse.
  • If you see your uncle or relatives engages you in the dream, That means many family interference will cause marital uproar and division.
    If you discover that your man was about to put rings in your hands and you suddenly wake up, that dream is not complete. It is a plan of the devil to obstruct your marriage.




  1. Sin. Sin robs you of marital blessings. It does not allow God to perfect His will concerning your marriage when discover in your life. Run away from all kinds of sins today. Rom 6:23.
  2. Indecent dressing. It is an avenue that attracts evil spiritual marriage. Indecesent dream brings lust and fornication. 1 Cor 6:18
  3. Prayerlessness. When you prayer life is very weak, it will invite enemies to sow tares into your marital life. A prayerlesness person opens the door for marital attack.
  4. Sexual immorality. There is no award given to any person that goes about committing sexual sins. In fact, sexual immorality is one of the fastest way for marital delay.
  5. Seducting spirit. If you are a woman that has a seducting spirit, you will attract strange men that will pollute you sexually and abuse your womanhood. Go for deliverance.
  6. Incomplete deliverance. This brings all your marital and prayers effort to nothing. So deliverance is very important for marital breakthrough
  7. Inherited family bondage, The evil pattern you inherited in your family can put a full stop to your marital search. When a man is asking for your hands in marriage, the foundational power would ensure the proposal does not work. You need to break every family yoke of marital delay.
  8. Soul tie covenant with the serpent. This is an evidence that you are married spiritual to a serpent. The kind of covenant can remains with a person for years if adequately spiritual actions are not taken. break it today.
  9. Unequally yoke with unbelievers.
  10. Blood covenant with a man or woman
  11. The use of wedding ring on your hands when you are not married

The followings are the plans of the spirit spouse


1. To hinder the manifestation of your marriage in the physical realm
2. To ensure that no man asks for your hand in marriage
3. To sign a life contact of evil spiritual marriage
4. To scatter your relationship
5. To challenge the man with abusive words
6. To prevent you from being recognise by your destiny man
7. To inform the man that you are already married to the spirit spouse
8. To make you weak emotionally or sexually with your man or woman
9. To opens the gate of problems into your marriage
10.To attack the source or instrument of your marriage
11. To compound your marital problems

These are symptoms that indicate distress in this dream

1. Lateness in marriage
2. Trial and errors
3. Bad spirit and anger
4. Divorce
5. Disappointment and confusion
6. Rising and falling
7. Rejection and hatred
8. No admirers
9. Unprofitable relationship
10. Bitterness and sadness
11. Frustration and disappointments
12. Waste of time, money and attention on a person
13. Unstable relationships
14. Constant worries and emotional pains
15. Inability to focus better
16. Strange curse



1. Give your life to Christ. Stay connected to him
2. Repent from your sins and bad ways of life
3. Deal with your character today
4. Deal with the powers attacking the instrument of your marriage
5. Break evil covenant with spirit spouse and the ancestry
6. Break curses and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
7. Change your prayer pattern
8. Fear God and make a vow to God


INSTRUCTION: Embark on a 3-day fasting and prayers between 6am-6pm Take a wedding ring as a point of contact and pray. Remove yourself from the evil consequences of oaths and covenants made with the spirit spouse.




  1. Every spiritual marriage, loose your power over me in Jesus name
  2. My Father, restore my lost relationships, in Jesus name
  3. My marriage in the waters, receive deliverance in Jesus name
  4. Spiritual wedding ring upon my hands, catch fire, in Jesus name
  5. Wicked altars connecting me to the brothel of the spirit spouse, catch fire in Jesus name
  6. Negative imagination planted in me that I will not marry, cancel by fire, in Jesus name
  7. Spiritual evil wedding gown bought on my behalf, burn to ashes in Jesus name
  8. Spirit husband, troubling the boat of my marriage, die, in Jesus name
  9. Blood of Jesus, deliver the hope of my marriage, in Jesus name
  10. All my marital benefits taken away by my friends, I collect it back in Jesus name
  11. Marine tortoise and snail, crawl out of my body, in Jesus name
  12. Village wicked elders, planning me to do my honeymoon in the village, scatter by fire, in Jesus name
  13. Marine bacteria, marine virus, marine fungi, marine parasites hiding in my body, come out in Jesus name
  14. Village water surrounding my marriage, catch fire, in Jesus name.
  15. Dark power using black pot to control my womb scatter, in Jesus name
  16. I withdraw my organ in the water used for sacrifice in Jesus name.
  17. Wasters and killers of marriage from water giants backfire.
  18. I throw down any fish of darkness revealing my greatness to goddesses.
  19. Any sickness in my body as result from sexual contact with marine husband be flushed out by the blood of Jesus
  20. Any power chasing away my divine husband/wife from me, die by fire, in Jesus name
  21. Blood of Jesus speak against every power working against my marriage in Jesus name.
  22. Handkerchief of slavery hiding my glory release me and catch Fire.
  23. Marine wedding gown, ring, suit, troubling my marriage catch fire.
  24. Blood of Jesus enter into the water and speak for me
  25. Witchcraft meeting held in the water for my sake scatter, in Jesus name
  26. Satanic prophets cursing me from water backfire, in Jesus name


WEDDING ( Isa 5:13; 1 Cor 3:16-17; Matt 22:29-30; Gal 6:2-4; Prov 18:22; Ps 107:34; Phil 4:4-8; Mat 6:14; 1 Pt 2:8-14; Col 3:19; Titus 2:6-8; Eph 5:22)


If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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  1. I have found your dream interpretations to be very revealing and educative. Thanks and God bless.

  2. I thank you you for all that you do for me through Prayer and may the good Lord continue to bless you abundantly

  3. I’m an ardent follower of your blog sir, the prayers have helped me a great deal and I say a big big Thank you. I had a dream where my man got married to someone else, they had their backs to me so I could not get a clear picture of the lady, but later saw him ask my fomer colleague at work to beg me, that he was sorry… really Don’t know what the dream means. Thank you sir and God bless you.

    • God is clearly revealing to you that the man in your life has someone else in his life. I would suggest you carefully investigating him.

  4. Thanks u very much sir for this article of dream interpretations, I have been worried abt the dream I had last night, I dreamth that a lady was disturbing me that I must pay her the #3000 I was owing her, after much pleading that I will pay her, a man who wanted to marry her then turn to me and propose to me and gave me ring, then wedding took place, and he had sex with me there, I got up and realized it was dream, I prayed and rebuked the dream, I drank anointing oil and anointed myself. Sir I don’t know why all this is still happening going for deliverance and fasting in prayer city, sir I need ur prayers, I’m 35 years yet still single, nothing is working for me

  5. I dreamt that a strange man came to my home and paid my bride price and i was so happy in the dream swimming in water but non of my siblings could regcognise the man and where his from..

    Please what does this mean?

  6. I dreamt where I went for a wedding ceremony and the were taking pictures with camera, when I pose to take mine, the mab refused to snap me and gave the camera to another person. (It seems like the groom was the person snapping the picture) and I left there. when I wanted to enter keke to go somewhere, I saw the bride and I asked her a question concerning where am going to and she changed to be my ex-girlfriend who is married already and we dropped at one junction and joined another keke that we take us to where and going. Someone was sitting at middle, she begged the person to shift so that we can stay together and we were so happy in that dream. And I was wondering is her sister will treat me like her…

    … In real life, she introduced me to her younger sister since she didn’t marry me. She said am a nice person.
    What could it mean.

  7. I dreamed i was about to get married but because in real life I’m married i told the other lady to get married cause she isn’t married. So she dressed up what i was supposed to dress up, but to my surprise she dressed up into men clothes. So in my mind i thought maybe it’s a party not a wedding so when we went out to the guest, the MC said “Ladys and gentlemen here comes the bride” then the bride comes. To my surprise in the dream the bride was wearing a short pans and a wanna be a dress it was tht ” wanna be a dress type of” that was open on the front and allowed everyone to see the short pans she was wearing and she had a flower in her hand to show she’s a bride. To my shock the bride looked angry why didnt i wear grooms clothes she wanted to get married to me. So the MC said to the guests ” why you guys are so quite and enjoying yourselves can’t you see that you attanded the lesbian’s wedding?” Then he cryed out off disappointment then he left the stage. I saw my pastor’s wife disappointed and everyone was given the opportunity to speak (All who were put of the wedding besides the guest) i thought while some wear talking that I’ll tell the truth which is ” i was fooled by the bride she said is my wedding day and i should get ready the groom is waiting for me but she gave me groomes outfit but lucky enough i didnt wear them i gave them to this lady and she wear them. So I’m really disappointed to know that i was about to get married to a woman while I’m a woman.” Unfortunately i was about to say all that but i woke up.

  8. I have someone asking me to marry him so i prayed to God about it, then i dreamt that i had a spouse (another person in this dream) and he told me he was getting married, and i still went ahead and fixed our wedding date, then forgot that I fixed it on d day he was marrying another woman, so i was in a state of confusion, I had to cancel the wedding…
    Pls I would like to know the meaning of this dream
    NB- the spouse in this dream is not d person asking to marry me in the physical.
    Thank you so much for your response

  9. Sir please I want to share my recent and regular dream with you
    Since I started my NYSC I have had this dream up to 5 Times if not more than that
    In the dream, I will always have a traditional and wedding arrangement but at the end of the day the person am getting married to will not show up in the traditional marriage or wedding
    People that came for the marriage ceremony will wait and wait then no body will come as a husband
    I just had this similar dream last night
    In the dream a man of God was like Love and her husband should match out to the alter for the wedding vows , since I was inside the church I went out to get ready, for many hours the man never came until I woke up
    I have taught of this dream and I don’t know the meaning or the interpretation so I decided to share it with you
    Sir I don’t know if you have any thing to say about this
    Please help me out because anytime I have this type of dream I used to feel embarrassed in the dream then when I wake up I feel very bad physically
    I don’t understand what is wrong

  10. I have a dream where I went for a wedding of my friend but later came out to go and pick something at home. I took one of my friend car to drive to the house but on the process the car turned to a bicycle and in the middle of the whole thing I was lost and could not find my way back to the wedding venue all I see was bushes and the buildings there are uncompleted with plants like oranges, palm fruit trees inside the building and I even saw one man using two oranges tree to use a polar for building. he was putting block in between the orange trees

  11. Goodday sir, I had a dream 3 days ago. In the dream I was in a church and the pastor was joining me and a man together. I don’t know the person. I saw my mother in the crowd. And later we went to some part of the church for counselling. I didn’t know him so I started asking him about his background.

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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries