Dream About Masquerade Chasing You

dream about masquerade chasing me


Masquerade is a symbol of familiar spirit, stranger or a slave master. Dream about masquerade is a sign of spiritual warfare. This dream reveals that a powerful strongman from ancestral altars is in charge of your life.

A type of dream warning you to stop engaging with people you don’t know much about them.  If the masquerade flogs you in the dream, it predicts demonic punishment and attack on your glory.

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There is possibility that you will struggle, and encounter hard life, disfavour, and stagnation. When masquerade is pursuing you, it could mean that your enemy is working hard to capture your glory. Sometimes, masquerade dreams could also tell you that the wicked act done toward your fellow in real life will come back to torment you.

There are people who find themselves in helpless situation. They may not have any evil towards any person, but evil spirit will be pursuing them. They may not have seen masquerade in real life, but these unclean spirits will be after them in the dream.

Being Chased By Demon of Masquerades

Getting chased by masquerades in dreams is very common; masquerades carry the presence of Satan. They strive to dominate by fear. The moment you are afraid of the devil, it attacks you with pains. It is dangerous when masquerade chased you in the dream.

Dreaming about masquerade chasing you may indicate devil’s effort to catch you and take you back to your problems. You have escaped from their custody, but the moment they saw that you have escaped, they tried to get hold of your star. The dream is a sign that you are in serious problems. It is only the mercy of God that can deliver you from these wicked powers.

Since masquerade represents ancestral demons, this kind of dream can indicate that some powers are rising to destroy your life gradually.  When masquerade chase you in the dream, know that you have a big glory that they are trying to capture. The masquerade could just be an enemy within your houswhold who has prepared to bring your down in life.

Perhaps you have been facing emptiness, instead of abundance. Maybe you try to build a house, secure a good job, or settle down to marry. But these demons are frustrating you efforts to actualize your plans and goals in life.

Dream about masquerade may represent destiny killer. There is someone who is hired by the devil to empty and waste you. The spirit of God may be revealing the person to you now, but you are doubting if the person is actually the one fuelling your problems.

In addition, if you dream that the masquerade attacks you, it can also mean that you will receive bad news. Spiritual warfare is one of my major symbols of masquerade attacks.

As long as you keep seeing masquerade in your dream, there will be no progress in your life. The demon will keep pursuing you to kill you, to collect something from you and to take them away. The demon is pursuing you to slow down your destiny. They will keep chasing after you in the dream to make sure they exhaust all your spiritual strengths and then disgrace you in the battle.

To dream of an angry masquerade that wants to attack you implies that you’re having a conflict with someone in waking life. Or that you’re having some inner conflict.

This dream might also denote a disloyal person or someone who’s untrustworthy. For the masquerade to chase you for example, illustrates that your enemy wants to deprive you of your blessings.

If you saw the masquerade removes the mask, it means that God is revealing to you the person secretly working against you. If you see many masquerades in your dream state, it foretells foundation powers. You need to find way to get rid of these powers troubling your life. Otherwise, you will end up without fulfilling your purpose.

For example, you may dream of masquerade pursuing you with weapon, this indicates that someone in your life is likely manipulating or taking advantage of you without your knowledge.

The masquerade in this dream may represent deceptive people.  This person may be deceiving you. The person could be your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Alternatively, the dream about being chased by a masquerade may indicate that you feels threatened and controlled by a person or group of people in the waking life. Maybe an abusive partner or friend has taken advantage of you. You may be struggling to distance yourself completely from these types of people.

Meaning and Symbolism

👉When you give money to masquerade in the dream, it means your finances will be attacked.

👉When you dance with the masquerade, it suggests that you are initiated to dance to the command of demons.

👉When masquerade snatch your baby in dream, it is a sign that your enemy has stolen your babies.

👉When you follow the masquerade in dream, it is a sign that you are operating under a demonic curse. Go for deliverance.

When you see masquerade chasing you in the dream, it reveals that you have stubborn foundational problems. It shows that the powers in your father’s house or mother’s house are seriously are hindering your destiny. This dream is usually a sign that the powers that dealt with your parents are actually coming to deal with you.

The masquerade in your dream represents a known person who is hiding behind the mask to attack your glory. Seeing masquerade in the dram could also mean that you are under the oppression of the wicked.

If the masquerade catches you, spiritually, it portends spiritual arrest and manipulations. This also mean that you have received spiritual attacks that will make you to suffer. You are going to encounter some difficult problems that may stay longer in your life.  You need to pray your way to your deliverance.

if a man dreams of masquerade pursuing him, it means the idols powers are angry with you. This also indicate that the powers are monitoring you.  They are watching every step you take in life.

If they notice that a big opportunity is coming, once they know about it, they will try to block it. This narrative is true especially if there are strong idols in your family, a type of family where people’s progress are limited. You cannot make move inlife except you for prayers

Dreaming of seeing masquerade may also bring hardship. The dream can serve as a warning  that something unpleasant will happen to you. The moment you see one in your dream, take it as a sign that the enemy is assigned to terminate your potentials .

The spiritual attacks can affect you career, marriage, finances leading to poverty. Although your dream is a sign preparing you for serious battle. So you can use this as a sign to observe and prevent any problems that can cause misfortunes.

When you have some dream about being pursued by demons, one of the reasons behind that dream attack could be because the idols are angrrily raging to attack any person crossig over the embargo or limitation placed on you or family. So seeing this masquerade in your dream could be a sign that the enemies are ready to discourage you from taking the right path.

In conclusion, whether masquerade is chasing you, flogging you or you saw yourself dancing with masquerade or you saw yourself given money to masquerade, all these are clear indications that your glory is under serious household enemies attack.

You need to pray hard now in order to set yourself free from the stubborn powers that refuse to let you go. You are free, in Jesus name.

INSTRUCTION:Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers from 6a, to 3pm. Read Ex 14;14, Deut 20:4, Psalm 35, Prov 21:31, Psalm 55;18, Jer 1:19, Jer 6:5.


1 Every power that refuse to let me go, turn back and die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every effort of the enemy to stop my progress, die, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every effort of the enemy to cage me, shall fail, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every power that is fighting me because of my glory, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.

5. O God arise and fight against those fighting against me, in the name of Jesus.

6. I resist every evil attempt to kill my star, in the name of Jesus.

7. I plead the blood of Jesus against this familiar demons in my father’s house, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every witchcraft robbery, I paralyze your power over me, in the name of Jesus.

9. I fire back every arrow fired against my star in the spirit realm, in the name of Jesus.

10. Every enemy that pursued me in order to make me poor, die, in the name of Jesus.

11. Masquerade demon chasing after my star, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.

12. I arrest every spirit of darkness working against my success, in the name of Jesus.

13. Yoke of repeated problems, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.

14. I confront and conquer the masquerade terrorizing my family line, in the name of Jesus.

15. I destroy every evil effect of this dream upon my life and family, in the name of Jesus.

If you have any dreams, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua TV

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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries