Bible Verses: John 1:1-5, ”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
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Subscribe nowDream about the Bible serves as a gateway to a successful life. The Holy Bible is a very important powerful tool. It is a manual that has the solutions to every problem on earth. The word of God is a book that never get expired. It carries the thought, ideas and plans of God. However, the Bible teaches us how to confront and deal with our enemies.
A true Christian depends on the word of God for guidance and helps in all areas of life. If you dream about the Bible, means you are about to experience the raw power of God.
Further, the word of God has the ability to transform and better the life of people. It is a great privilege when you dream about the Bible. God has given us the freedom to use the word of God to heal and deliver the oppressed in the dream and physical (Luke 4:18).
Without the Bible, there can never be direction. So the word of God has come to stay in our life even as a believer. The greatest blessing ever is when a person is reading the word of God in the dream. To read the word of God is to feed your spirit and energize your spiritual power. The Bible says, Psalm 119:130, ”The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”
There is a great light during and after reading the Bible verses. It does not matter whether you are a Baby Christian or not. Reading God’s words in the dream, shows fruitfulness of the spirit and a clear indication that you did not want the word of God to depart from your mouth (Joshua 1:8).
By reading the word, you are obeying what the scriptures says in the book of 2 Timothy 2:15, ”Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
When you see yourself reading the word of God, it also means you are trying to develop the fruit and the gift of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11). But if you pray very well, you should be able to know and get your spiritual gifts.
When God wants to start the salvation and the filling of the Holy Ghost, He influences a person to dream about the Bible. Against the statement that those who often read or use the word of God to preach the gospel in the dream would end up as a pastor, prophet, evangelist, apostle, teacher (Ephesians 4:11-16). If there are, but not all as the case maybe.
According to 2 Timothy 4:16-17, The essence of the Bible is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
In Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”. God wants His children to be grounded in the word.
That’s the only way we can reach out to God. Every time you dream about the Bible, it also means the God wants to use you for a great exploit. In the same vein, when you dream where you are in a church receiving a sermon and you are opening your Bible, it means spiritual growth and revival.
The Bible is a revelation. If you dream where a particular verse was shown to you, whether the portion is clear to you or not, it shows that God wants you to study or practice that Bible verse very well.
Through that verse, you may know what God is saying concerning your situation. This is a hidden word of God and mystery that is likely to lead to your victory, success, prosperity. From the scriptural verse, it may indicate that bad thing is about to manifest in your life or family.
Many people are only hearers of God’s word, but they are not doers of His word (James 1:22). They only preach what they are not easily practicing. They gives out rules, instruction and some preach the word to other, but are great hinderance of God’s instruction.
For example, it is possible for a person to dream of carrying a Bible and his life will be polluted. Sin is the only thing that can disqualify a person from hearing from God. Carrying a Bible without power is another deception. There are instances where such a person is willing to serve God but his spirit is weak (Matthew 26:41).
In your description, you may had the following dream about the Bible
- Sharing the word of God in the dream (Good)
- A person or others sharing God’s word with you (Good)
- Setting the Bible ablaze in the dream (Bad)
- A stolen Bible in the dream (Bad)
- A dirty Bible in the dream (Bad)
- Giving out Bible as a free gift
- Receiving Bible as a gift
- Using the Bible as your pillow in the dream (bad)
- Seen a Bible in the ground
- Buying the Bible in the dream (Good)
- Memorizing Bible verses (Good)
- Noticed your Bible in the hands of another person (Bad)
- A mad person preaching the word of God (Bad)
- Rain drenched your Bible (Bad)
- Bible flying in the dream (Bad)
- Pastor changing the verses of the Bible to suit himself or herself (Bad)
- Keeping or hiding things in the Bible (Bad)
Recommended Notes
Other meaning of BIBLE in the dream
Receiving a Bible in the dream. If you receive a Bible from a person, it means you are about to receive the word of God as a seed into your life. The Bible says, Matthew 4:4, ”But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” This means that you want to eat and live by the principle of God’s word and thereby hearken to His voice. If you recived Bible as a gift, it means salvation and a new beginning in your life.
No wonder the Bible says, 2 Corinthians 5:17, ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
God sent the person to take you out of satanic bondage, sin, ignorance and mistakes but to translate you into the kingdom of light. There is nothing as good than a person receiving a Bible in the dream.
Receiving a Bible in the dream is one of the greatest gift or blessings. This dream state gladly reflect the power of living a holy life and the need of working with God. A person that is receiving the word of God in the dream must understand the fact that he is no more an ordinary person (Acts 1:8).
However, the day you received a Bible in your dream is the day of your victory and sanctification. If you are still striving hard to give your life to Christ, kindly do that. Because the person that gave you the Bible may have been influenced by the Holy Spirit to change and transform your life.
Each time you confess and repent from your sin, devil would want to discourage and rubbish your salvation. The major work of Christ was going about doing the works of His father (Matthew:4:23).
If you dream that a person gave you the word of God and you gladly received it, it means you will grow spiritually and every other things you desire in life shall be added unto you (Mathew 6:33)
Jesus taught by parables, in a simple way that even the common people and children could understand and receive His word with passion and faith. Jesus performed great miracles, showing His power over all things. “The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preach to them” (Matthew:11:5).
Holding/Carrying a Bible in the dream.To hold a Bible means you are carrying the weapon of GOD. One of the importance of the Bible is to fight against the enemies (Eph 6:12). This dream also indicate your readiness for spiritual warfare. Whenever there is an attack from the base of the enemies, you can easily use the Bible verses to contend with them in battles (Isaiah 49:25).
Carrying the Bible without the seed of the word of God in your spirit, you are only inviting the devil to deal with you. You can only win a battle with the word of God. A dream of holding the Bible means the Lord is preparing you to a wilderness to deliver his people.
The Bible says, the devil tempt Jesus Christ. Upon every spiritual assignment, a dream of holding or carry a bible in the dream will manifest. Any dream of carrying the Bible with no purpose is very dangerous. If you also dream of holding the Bible and you find it hard to use them portends a big loss in the department of your life.
If you takes away the Bible, and trying to recite them off hand, it calls for the quicker way of putting the word in your heart. This can lead heavens to help you. But when you carry the Bible without opening the scriptures in a church or fellowship, means the spirit of God has departed from you. With prayers and fasting, you can regain the interest and passion .
Burning a Bible in the dream. This one is a big sin against God. It means you are fighting against the kingdom of God and His power.
If you dream that you are burning the Holy Bible or other people burnt the Bible, it means you are serious problem and your punishment is from God. It makes no sense when you say burning the Bible in the dream doesn’t mean anything.
Matthew 24:35, ”Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Any person that burn the Bible should expect great destruction and eternal hell fire. For example, if you see a group of people or unbelievers burning the Bible, know that they are agent of devil resisting the entrance of the word of God in that area.
If you went to evangelize and you discover the people are against the word of God, means that there are strongman assigned to stop the power of God from moving in that locality.
When you dream of burning or others burning the Bible, and instead of you to quench the fire, you are rather weak, it means you are not always supporting the works of God.
There are so many consequences of burning the bible among are, untimely death, sorrow, strong affliction, failure etc. All these arrows are from God as a sign of punishment (Rom 6:23).
Such a person can never achieve his destiny or enjoy his life to the fullest. These are kinds of people that says its better for them to die than to live.
Because of the grievous sin they have committed against God. This is a special warning to those who dream about this and choose not to pray about it. May you not attract divine punishment, in Jesus name.
INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers for spiritual revival. The spiritual exercise should be a fruit fasting between 6am to 6pm .
- The word of God will not depart from me, in Jesus name.
- I receive the God’s word into my heart, in the name of Jesus.
- Father , give me the grace to preach your gospel to uttermost part of the earth, in Jesus name.
- Lord Jesus, help me to be adequately prepared for your second coming, in Jesus name.
- I will not end my christian journey in shame, in Jesus name.
- The word of God shall heal my situation, in Jesus name
- Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to watch and pray and be awake and qualified when you come, in Jesus name.
- I separate myself from the midst of the goat Christians, in Jesus name
- Father As I sow your word daily, make me to have 100 fold blessings, in Jesus name
- The enemy will not steal the word of God from my spirit, in Jesus name.
- Father, fill me with your power and fire to make me unstoppable, in Jesus name
- By the power in the blood of Jesus, I scatter the plans of the enemy to destroy my ministry, in Jesus name.
- My divine calling shall not end in the grave, in Jesus name.
- My glory, hear the word of the Lord, begin to cooperate with the word of God, in Jesus name
- Lord, make the doers of your word and not the hearers only in Jesus name
- Father, grant me the spirit of discernment, in Jesus name
- I close every door of ignorance in my life, in Jesus name.
- I receive the power to pray and study the Bible, in Jesus name
- Father, baptize me with the fire of the Holy Spirit and make my Bible study powerful, in Jesus name
- O Lord, strengthen my faith in your word, in Jesus name.
- Every power assigned to discourage me from fulfilling my ministerial calling, die, in Jesus name
- Any covenant of hearing the word of God and forgetting it, break by fire,
- Every idol in place of the word of God in my heart, die by fire, in Jesus name
- By the power of God, I begin to function properly in God’s vineyard, in Jesus name
- I will not disappoint God with my calling, in Jesus name.
Hey nice article.
Many years back I was in love with a person. He would always tell me that our case wouldn’t work out and one day he told me that he belonged to this Sect where they worshipped a lady and considered her to be Jesus reborn. I was torn apart and we broke up. I was devastated because I had to chose between Jesus and this guy. I was not ready to worship some lady claiming to be Jesus.
Later on I saw a dream in which I was shown the complete details of the Crucifixtion of Christ . there was a person standing near to me in my dream and I guess that was an angel I couldn’t see his face. When Jesus fell for the second time with the cross he looked at me and through some mental way of talking like talking through minds he told me That when I was in love with that person I was crucifying him. Finally Jesus was on the cross dying and this angel told me ‘If the mental anguish Jesus suffered is a whole ocean I will give you 1 drop of it now’ and suddenly I was filled with the most terrible feeling of Loneliness and mental anguish to this day I cannot explain how terrible it was. It was soo sick I jumped out of bed only to understand it was a dream. But to this day that mental pain is still fresh in my mind. I gave up that person and years later got married to a very nice person and have 3 kids now. Jesus showed me the way and truth. Praise be to lord Jesus Christ.
This is Leyna from Mozambique.
I just to say that I really like your page and the way uses the Evangelist Joshua.
I’ve been learning a lot, and I pray that God Almighty keeps using Evangelist Joshua abundantly.
Warm Regards,
I dreamed of the Bible open I could see scriptures but I was not close enough to read them, for some reason the presence of silver was on my mind when I woke up…
Reading Bible in the dream indicates feeding your spirit with the word of God. God’s word bringeth light. However, if you are close to and not able to read the Scripture, then it means you are not able to understand the scripture, which is a bad symbol.
Hello Joshua, I dreamt of me reading a scripture from the Bible and I don’t remember what the verse was . All I know is that I got really happy and excited from reading it because it had matched with something significant in my life. It just made me really happy and spoke to me. Just don’t remember what it was.
Glory be to God.
I was given a Topic (The dried bone shall rise again):with some Psalm 121,7, and 11.in my dream.i woke up and was very happy because It suit my situation.what does it mean.thank you sir
Hello Joshua, I dreamt that I was lying on the ground with the bible next and all of a sudden someone was trampling upon my bible and I confronting that person
That person would try to attack me but I would block his attacks
I heard a voice in my dream mention Hebrews 6:14 and I got up immeadietky and read it,previously I heard a voice recite psalms 20 and it is diring this time that I have been waging warfare against strongholds
I saw in my dream the top cover page of my Bible turn off, I wasn’t happy about it
in my dream we were sharing about church things and i complained because i dnt belong to the traditional church,i asked them to discuss things from the Bible. one asked about the fight(i understood abt in the dream but in my awaking life i dnt understand)that its from which Scripture in the Bible, i said John 13:25 of which i never came across while awake